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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> WPL4 - Team Femme Fatale
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Showing posts 1476 - 1500 of 1516, (reverse)
03/19/2007 11:22:58 AM · #1476
Dear Ladies,

I am sorry to all of you for my lack of 'appearance' in this thread in recent days :o( I will try to catch up later today but for now {{{{HUGS}}}} to you all and extra special ones to Karma.

Thinking of you all xxx
03/19/2007 03:14:48 PM · #1477
Hiya ladies!

How's everyone doing?? i am sorry for couldnt coming to here lately.
My grain shot is sitting 5.4 for now.

Tomorrow is that last day for entry day so i will try to take nice one!

03/19/2007 03:57:46 PM · #1478
Aimee, my Portrait has climbed up to 5.6, I can sure live with that! Hope everyone else got a nice boost overnight too. Grain is holding steady at 6.1, but the trend particularly for last days voting has been tough lately, so we'll see what happens there.

I'm totally blank for ideas on the open challenges and time is running out...

Karma, thoughts and prayers going out to both you and Bernard. Keep well and happy shooting to ya!
03/19/2007 06:43:24 PM · #1479
Originally posted by rinac:

Aimee, my Portrait has climbed up to 5.6, I can sure live with that!

YAY!!! I'm so glad. Mine went up to 5.38 for a while now it's back to 5.29 :( I knew it wasn't an awesome portrait but I thought it would score better. Bleh! If we somehow beat Se7endipity and move to the next round, I'm afraid my portrait score is not going help very much!
03/19/2007 11:23:23 PM · #1480
well i guess i am done for the femmes. my portrait that i thot would do well ( at leasta a 5.something0 0S HOVERING AT A 4.6. I QUIT!
03/20/2007 06:51:05 AM · #1481
Originally posted by jfwolpert:

well i guess i am done for the femmes. my portrait that i thot would do well ( at leasta a 5.something0 0S HOVERING AT A 4.6. I QUIT!

Mine dropped too Jude. Down to 5.1 now. It's hard when you think a shot is a 5.7 to 6.0 and the voters think it's a 4 or 5. Very disappointing. Hang in there Jude...you aren't getting off the team that easily! : )
03/20/2007 09:11:38 AM · #1482
other than Ken in crossdress (which my son still yaps over, his quote? "mom, that's just WRONG!!!!) I haven't touched the camera. SORRY, tax season, my dad, goat having ANOTHER c-section (makes $640 for 2 c-sections to save a $30 goat...remember I'm the accountant..ugggg)900 feet of goat wire and posts, etc etc. The kids and I ARE going to do cell-phone and the other challenge today (even though it's supposed to rain).

Someday I'm gonna step up to bat around here and do a 6.+ shot (rightttttttttt)

All I know is you ladies are SUPER talented and "ackylicious" (so good it hurts!!!)

love to all, prayers to Natayla and karmat. (well and to everyone else, also :-)

03/20/2007 07:30:43 PM · #1483
Still a 5.1 for portrait : ( At least I have a couple comments that are giving me an idea what other folks are seeing when they look at my shot. I didn't realize that one pic could still impact my overall average so much! : ( Dropped almost .15

On the brighter side...I just hit 60 comments (!!!!!!) and am hoping for a top ten when the challenges close tonight! Woo-hoo!
03/20/2007 08:18:36 PM · #1484
Originally posted by aimeethetoo:

On the brighter side...I just hit 60 comments (!!!!!!) and am hoping for a top ten when the challenges close tonight! Woo-hoo!

We needed that brighter side! Go Aimee!
03/20/2007 10:24:38 PM · #1485
wtf? 5.74 down to 5.69 in a single hit after 120 votes already in portrait?? That's like, a negative vote or something :D Oh well, it's more than what I could have hoped for anyway...

So much for me not posting my scores anymore, eh? lol!
03/20/2007 11:02:21 PM · #1486
my lame cross has 22 comments and while i dont agree with some they are overall helpful. my 4.6 portrait has 00000 comments so i have no idea why it is doing so poorly. you ladies can help me afterwards i hope. i am really down as i thot my portait might score well.
03/21/2007 02:22:53 AM · #1487
Well, that's it for another season I guess...
03/21/2007 06:51:40 AM · #1488
Good show ladies! I have to say that the Femmes really stepped up for the WPL 4 as a team and really kicked some tail! Consistently finishing over 6 or pretty close to it on our team average. That ROCKS! I am most proud!!! There is no shame in taking a loss against Se7endipity! We are now free to shoot at will until the next WPL! Love ya sisters!!
03/21/2007 07:26:39 AM · #1489
woohoooo AIMEE on your crossdress score...AWESOME JOB!!!!

gotta get to work...thank you gals for being who you are. I love you all!

03/21/2007 10:27:27 AM · #1490
That was nice match ladies!
i couldnt really help to you ladies but i definately enjoy to do WPL4 with you guys.
Thank you for let me have nice excited time!!

Aimee>YOHOHO! when i see your cross dress shot... i knew that is yours! lol Nice score aimee! yoho!

Jude>i got same expession as well... but this season our ladies doing really well! We are got good skill than before! dont give up ! lets go to next stage together!

Love to Natalya,Sonya and Rina !!

karma... as you said i can smell a RIBBON mate!
my mobile shot sitting ...
Votes: 62
Views: 131
Avg Vote: 7.3710
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/21/07 10:10 am
03/21/2007 04:29:48 PM · #1491
Originally posted by hanae:

That was nice match ladies!
i couldnt really help to you ladies but i definately enjoy to do WPL4 with you guys.
Thank you for let me have nice excited time!!

Aimee>YOHOHO! when i see your cross dress shot... i knew that is yours! lol Nice score aimee! yoho!

Jude>i got same expession as well... but this season our ladies doing really well! We are got good skill than before! dont give up ! lets go to next stage together!

Love to Natalya,Sonya and Rina !!

karma... as you said i can smell a RIBBON mate!
my mobile shot sitting ...
Votes: 62
Views: 131
Avg Vote: 7.3710
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/21/07 10:10 am

Well done darling.... shall we race?

Votes: 100
Views: 184
Avg Vote: 7.3600
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/21/07 04:26 pm

I know you have me beaten though, your shot is AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT and will get the blue and you deserve it too... WELL DONE!
03/21/2007 06:16:38 PM · #1492
A DPC husband and wife tag team, eh? GO GO GO!

Hope to see both of you on the front page next week. Good luck!
03/22/2007 09:04:37 AM · #1493
TWO DPC spouse tag teams, at least...Mr. & Mrs. Aimee AND Hanae/MAK...what some talented folks...HAS to help with models...lol my son runs when he sees me coming...

cheers and applause to everyone on their scores...ya'll doin' good!!! ;-)
03/22/2007 01:56:50 PM · #1494
[quote=msdoubletrouble] TWO DPC spouse tag teams, at least...Mr. & Mrs. Aimee AND Hanae/MAK...what some talented folks...HAS to help with models...lol my son runs when he sees me coming...

HAHAHA! I am run too when MAK coming with his Nikon...!! lol
We dont have many model ... our family member only! we nearly run out models !

Rina>uhuhu! Our dream is both front page together! so i hope next week we can be there! thank you!

03/28/2007 07:09:16 AM · #1495
WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO ya'll did it!!! WTG Hanae/Mak...front page ribbons!!!!!!!! Well dear girl, as my comment said DURING voting...YOU took the blue!!!!!!! awesome job u2!!!!!!!!!!!!

and Rinac with top 20 also! wonderful job!!!
03/28/2007 08:13:59 AM · #1496
Now I have to cook dinner for a week in a small black G-String... blue beats red so that is the rule. Gonna be a cold cold week for me running around the house in that little G-String but don't worry... I have BANNED photography in the house for that week *WINK*

We are both really happy to share the front page together, so romantic. but WHAT A SHOT HUH? great model huh?... hahaha see ya'll in WPL5
03/28/2007 07:20:14 PM · #1497
yes, yes, and yes, (correct answers) ...romatic?not sure but definetly commendable...I'm very proud of both of you...get you living on the same turf and ya both go CRAZY with terrific scores...love must do wonders for photography?

03/29/2007 09:25:59 AM · #1498
okay ladies, are any of you in "still"? This is the strangest challenge I've EVER entered. At 20 votes my score was 5.7 now at 69 votes it's 4.95. I thought the image capable of a 5.5 or so...I have ALWAYS started out with low score and go higher (even though my highest scores are less than most of your worst scores). But, I've NEVER had an image go down so fast and go from higher to LOWER, much less in such an extreme manner. Shrugs, me loves ya all...lol

a rose, is a rose, is a rose....lawd
04/01/2007 10:26:43 PM · #1499
okay, I think I've finally reached the end. My membership expires in 5 days. I have an entry in "free study" which I think is good for me. Score? is a 4.1 yep four point 1...
3 comments are: 3. Beautiful! 2. definetly a great capture and last but not least the first comment 1. "DNMC 1"

I wish you all the absolute best!!!! you ladies are terrific !
04/01/2007 10:32:06 PM · #1500
Originally posted by msdoubletrouble:

okay, I think I've finally reached the end. My membership expires in 5 days. I have an entry in "free study" which I think is good for me. Score? is a 4.1 yep four point 1...
3 comments are: 3. Beautiful! 2. definetly a great capture and last but not least the first comment 1. "DNMC 1"

I wish you all the absolute best!!!! you ladies are terrific !

PM'd you. Don't panic!
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