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Showing posts 26 - 50 of 132, (reverse)
04/19/2006 07:21:46 AM · #26
I don't begin to know what I did wrong. The last couple of challenges I can accept my low scores but 4.0667? I really thought this one was better, not worse.
04/19/2006 07:43:38 AM · #27
Votes: 24
Views: 27
Avg Vote: 4.3750
Comments: 1

o dear. i seem to have slipped below mediocrity here. damn, i thoguht it might do this. but it's a well crafted shot! o poo.
04/19/2006 08:47:30 AM · #28
Votes: 22
Views: 25
Avg Vote: 3.9091
Comments: 0

So if my picture sucks this bad, shouldn't I have some comments to tell me why?!? >-(
04/19/2006 08:49:39 AM · #29
Votes: 27
Views: 28
Avg Vote: 4.9630
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/19/06 08:49 am
04/19/2006 08:51:31 AM · #30
Geez, the people out there voting right now must be in really bad moods or something....I dropped from around 5.7 to 5.1 in the last 5-6 votes. I'm happy to admit I never expected a ribbon for this entry but I must be getting some really low scores and it's just not that bad a pic. :(
04/19/2006 08:52:24 AM · #31
I'm down to 4.1154 right now with no comments.

I think that if you give a really low vote (1 or 2), you should have to give a comment or your vote doesn't count. If my picture is that bad, at least tell me why.
04/19/2006 08:54:30 AM · #32
I am quite happy with mine and definitelly gonna kick my husbands butt in this one :) guys, give my photo more 10's so I can win our family battle :)

Message edited by author 2006-04-19 08:56:43.
04/19/2006 08:55:38 AM · #33
Yeah, me too, I dropped from a 5.7 to a 5.0 since this morning...

Zero comments.

You know, and I dont want to open a can of worms... but with regards to the voting...

... it only really started since the WPL league started.

Could it be connected in some evil twisting way??

Just curious.
04/19/2006 08:55:47 AM · #34
Originally posted by mad_brewer:

I'm down to 4.1154 right now with no comments.

I think that if you give a really low vote (1 or 2), you should have to give a comment or your vote doesn't count. If my picture is that bad, at least tell me why.

Couldn't agree more. I have given a couple of low scores in my voting on this challenge so far, but at least I've been respectful enough to explain why I didn't like the pics.
04/19/2006 08:57:04 AM · #35
Originally posted by Guyver:

... it only really started since the WPL league started.

Could it be connected in some evil twisting way??

Just curious.

Ummm...what's the WPL league??
04/19/2006 08:58:03 AM · #36
Note to self: Overly creative = not good. Overly humorous = not good. Bah!

04/19/2006 08:59:26 AM · #37
Originally posted by idnic:

Note to self: Overly creative = not good. Overly humorous = not good. Bah!

you should have photographed an old water drop... :)
04/19/2006 09:04:15 AM · #38
Originally posted by Guyver:

Yeah, me too, I dropped from a 5.7 to a 5.0 since this morning...

Zero comments.

You know, and I dont want to open a can of worms... but with regards to the voting...

... it only really started since the WPL league started.

Could it be connected in some evil twisting way??

Just curious.

Interesting conspiricy theory - but full of wholes. This challenge has less than 20 votes so far so scores can bounce VERY far with one or two votes when its this early - up OR down. Until about 50 votes are in, you can't consider your score stable at all. Having entered 80 challenges, I assure you, scoring styles/patterns have not changed in the last few weeks, regardless of any leaagues running. Also, why single out WPL when there are 3 leagues running at the moment?
04/19/2006 09:20:49 AM · #39
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by Guyver:

Yeah, me too, I dropped from a 5.7 to a 5.0 since this morning...

Zero comments.

You know, and I dont want to open a can of worms... but with regards to the voting...

... it only really started since the WPL league started.

Could it be connected in some evil twisting way??

Just curious.

Interesting conspiricy theory - but full of wholes. This challenge has less than 20 votes so far so scores can bounce VERY far with one or two votes when its this early - up OR down. Until about 50 votes are in, you can't consider your score stable at all. Having entered 80 challenges, I assure you, scoring styles/patterns have not changed in the last few weeks, regardless of any leaagues running. Also, why single out WPL when there are 3 leagues running at the moment?

True, I was just wondering. I can assure you, I know very well how much it fluctuates. I was just (amongst other fellow members) curious as to why the comments seemed to have dissapated in the last couple of weeks and I suppose it'd be too obvious to point a finger at the wpl league.

Conspiracies... I like it! :) I have noted though that since last time, some users had their accounts revoked, and those ppl were responsible for voting 1's. You can still see them on the lists.

*edit* Shows you my ignorance, I only know of the WPL league...! :)

Message edited by author 2006-04-19 09:21:30.
04/19/2006 09:21:41 AM · #40
Since the last challenge I've been recording my votes and average score [I guess that makes me a number geek] every time I refresh. After I collect enough data I'm going to run some stats to see at what point the final score is pretty much "locked in".

From the limited number of challenges I've been in, the end of the first day seems to be a very good predictor of final score.

Any other thoughts on this?
04/19/2006 09:23:16 AM · #41
Originally posted by mad_brewer:

Since the last challenge I've been recording my votes and average score [I guess that makes me a number geek] every time I refresh. After I collect enough data I'm going to run some stats to see at what point the final score is pretty much "locked in".

From the limited number of challenges I've been in, the end of the first day seems to be a very good predictor of final score.

Any other thoughts on this?

Actually, that analysis has been done and it seems around 150 votes is the real 'lock point'. Someone even did a "predictor" that can tell you your final score after 50/100/150 votes.......I'll try to dig up the thread.
04/19/2006 09:24:09 AM · #42
Originally posted by Guyver:

True, I was just wondering. I can assure you, I know very well how much it fluctuates. I was just (amongst other fellow members) curious as to why the comments seemed to have dissapated in the last couple of weeks and I suppose it'd be too obvious to point a finger at the wpl league.

Conspiracies... I like it! :) I have noted though that since last time, some users had their accounts revoked, and those ppl were responsible for voting 1's. You can still see them on the lists.

*edit* Shows you my ignorance, I only know of the WPL league...! :)

There's some discussion about lack of comments (and why some people have stopped leaving them) here if you missed it.
04/19/2006 09:25:33 AM · #43
Here ya go, Guyver. Us geeks gotta love these threads! Know Your Final Score NOW
04/19/2006 09:33:52 AM · #44
Originally posted by idnic:

Here ya go, Guyver. Us geeks gotta love these threads! Know Your Final Score NOW

Excellent, thanks! :)

Thanks mk, I will have a look for sure!

04/19/2006 09:44:54 AM · #45

Votes: 29
Views: 31
Avg Vote: 4.1379
Comments: 0

pretty rude awakening for my second challenge, heh.
04/19/2006 10:01:40 AM · #46
I knew it!!!

Votes: 23
Views: 28
Avg Vote: 4.3478
04/19/2006 10:03:30 AM · #47
Votes: 24
Views: 26
Avg Vote: 4.9583
Comments: 0
04/19/2006 10:17:09 AM · #48
Im not sure the WPL has much bearing on the voting going lower and people getting trolled. my scores since, before and after WPL have remained stable and the same as they ever was.. Im sure some people are angry about the team thing but it really is just a bit of fun. my votes have gone from a 5.2 this morning to a 4.8 and my shot is pretty damn good i think, but one thing i know for sure.. It is not the opposing team members voting me down for their gain. The overall score has dropped if you ask me, Ive been here around 2+ years and at first the scoring blue ribbons were easily getting 8s but now it is 7s and even somertimes a score in the 6s has got blue...

Maybe the team thing is to blame a bit but as a rule I think voting in general has taken a dip.

My 2p worth
04/19/2006 10:21:00 AM · #49
Not doing so hot this time, but it happens from time to time I guess. I may have been a bit too broad and ambiguous with my subject this time. With the DPC voting crowd it can be hit-or-miss. So, I am going for a BROWN ribbon, woohoo!

Votes: 26
Views: 36
Avg Vote: 2.9231
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/19/06 10:10 am

04/19/2006 10:23:18 AM · #50
Trust me, it's an honor to get a brown!

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