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Registered Userpixar

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Comments Received by pixar
Showing 51 - 58 of ~58
Image Comment
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 06:12:00 PM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by mullany1957:
When I saw the thumbnail I didn't really care for the shot, but at full size I think it looks great.
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 06:08:00 PM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by PTLParsons:
You must have taken this one for reflection but found out your camera was upside down so used it for illusion. Right. Good quality picture, though.
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 05:06:00 PM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by emorgan49:
loaded- clever 7
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 04:18:00 PM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by justine:
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 03:02:00 PM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by waltoml:
Very nice... Hmmm, looks like your camera was upside down... Focus and lighting are both good. 8 waltoml.
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 10:36:00 AM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by mcmurma:
simple and strong composition...maybe a tighter crop on right...no matter, it's a great shot! (8) ~mcmurma
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 09:53:00 AM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by bod:
Nice job turning it upside-down - it's a good effect.
Strangely Serene
10/28/2002 08:17:00 AM
Strangely Serene
by pixar

Comment by inspzil:
Great reflection shot. I've done this a few times myself, inverting the image. Does make for a nice illusion though. Good job. - Inspzil
Showing 51 - 58 of ~58

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