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Registered UserDougPaz

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Comments Made by DougPaz
Pages:   ... ... [89]
Showing 71 - 80 of ~883
Image Comment
10/01/2004 03:20:32 PM
by kirbic

Very nice, the fog is wonderful. Contrast is good with a tough task of showing the front shadows against that sky.
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The Splash of a Kiwi
10/01/2004 03:19:37 PM
The Splash of a Kiwi
by terje

Great shot. Apparently it is upside-down. I think I would like it better right side up. Great sharpness and color although I wonder about the spot of blue on the leftside.
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The Ruin
10/01/2004 12:43:53 AM
The Ruin
by e301

Wonderful! Such a feeling of despair. I like the softer focus and subdued colors. One of the challenges best. Super job!
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Sunset at Castle Hill
10/01/2004 12:41:36 AM
Sunset at Castle Hill1st Place
by BobsterLobster

Colors and the clouds are amazing. It feels as if the the building is reaching right up into the sky. One of the best shots in the challenge. The lighting on the side of the building is perfect.
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hole 12, par 4
10/01/2004 12:40:25 AM
hole 12, par 4
by willem

Great sky and an incredible tree. I feel as if I would love to see it in natural color. It feels as if everything is leaning very slightly to the left, it may be the wind on the flag.
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Come Closer
10/01/2004 12:30:09 AM
Come Closer
by jab119

Super Shot! Focus and composition are excellent as is the lighting. I wish that the nostrils were just a bit more in focus. The green reflection works well too.
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Peace Please
10/01/2004 12:28:09 AM
Peace Please
by Sonifo

Wonderful and one of my favorties of the challenge. Composition is dead on. I love the message and the way the little girls legs are set up. The DeSat is great for this shot as well. Even the purple handprint on the pants shows your great attention to detail. Congratulations on a fantastic photo!
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A Study in Color
10/01/2004 12:21:46 AM
A Study in Color
by HRoxas

Just jumps out at you among all of the entries. Incredible color and focus. I like everything about this one including the simple and yet effective border. Wonderful job!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Gentle Assurance
09/27/2004 09:10:10 PM
Gentle Assurance
by L1

Nice selective DeSat. The look on the little face is priceless. Good job.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Ivory Touch
09/27/2004 09:07:36 PM
Ivory Touch
by wkoffel

Very nice job, I like the partial transparency on the hands.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Pages:   ... ... [89]
Showing 71 - 80 of ~883

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