DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenge Details
A Member Challenge using the Standard Editing rules.

Something seen fleetingly, partially or vaguely.

Submission Dates:
  Aug 31 2018 - Sep 13 2018

Voting Dates:
  Sep 14 2018 - Sep 20 2018

Submissions: 51
Disqualifications: 0
Votes: 2,454
Comments: 50

Average Score: 5.59861
Highest Score: 6.6735
Median Score: 5.57295
Lowest Score: 4.4348

Results for Glimpse:
Result Page:
Challenge Results for Glimpse
Storm moving in
by Drake

1st place with an
average vote of 6.6735

Views: 1008 (92 during voting)
Votes: 49
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.324
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.467
Oh deer
by P-A-U-L

2nd place with an
average vote of 6.5200

Views: 1013 (98 during voting)
Votes: 50
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.441
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.688
Blink & You Miss The Greatest-Show-on-Earth
by JulietNN

3rd place with an
average vote of 6.3673

Views: 910 (99 during voting)
Votes: 49
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.030
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.063
In An Instant
by GolferDDS

4th place with an
average vote of 6.3061

Views: 692 (92 during voting)
Votes: 49
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.971
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 7.067
by mpeters

5th place with an
average vote of 6.1961

Views: 637 (98 during voting)
Votes: 51
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.914
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.813
¡Viva México!
by markwiley

6th place with an
average vote of 6.1458

Views: 591 (89 during voting)
Votes: 48
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.879
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.733
Raindrops in the Deluge
by Adamsw216

6th place with an
average vote of 6.1458

Views: 521 (88 during voting)
Votes: 48
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.813
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.813
This image has been removed.
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 0.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 0.000
Rose of Sharon
by karenk

8th place with an
average vote of 6.0851

Views: 440 (97 during voting)
Votes: 47
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 5.938
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.400
while we do not look at the things which are seen...
by Neat

9th place with an
average vote of 6.0652

Views: 594 (101 during voting)
Votes: 46
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.226
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 5.733
Mother and Baby
by sfmorris

10th place with an
average vote of 6.0426

Views: 460 (99 during voting)
Votes: 47
Your Vote: N/A
Your Comment: N/A

Average Vote (Participants): 6.000
Average Vote (Non-Participants): 6.125
Result Page:

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