DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 4
Votes Cast: 3,628
Avg Vote Cast: 5.8236
Votes Received: 584
Avg Vote Received: 5.4366
  • Made: 801
  • Helpful: 683
  • Received: 34
  • Helpful: 34
  • Posts: 18
  • Threads Created: 1
    Profile Views: 2,514
    Total Image Views: 4,544
    Total Images Viewed: 810
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 2 times
  • Photographs: 3 times
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  • Photographers: 1
  • Photographs: 1
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    User Profile
    Name: Joshua Woolls Age: 46
    Username: JJWoolls
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User Location: Kosovo
    Cameras: Pentax K100D
    Lenses: Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF
    Pentax DA 50-200 ED
    Pentax SMC-M 50mm f/2.0 MF
    Registered: May. 31st 2007
    Contact: No confirmed e-mail address on file.
    Biography: I just bought my first digital camera and I joined this site to have fun and learn.....

    Well, I entered my first challenge and did a lot better than I expected to. I would not be surprised if it is my best finish for a long time. I have also started to compile some goals for me here.

    Photography is something that I have always enjoyed although I have never pursued it until now. When family gatherings happen I am always the one behind the camera. What I enjoy most is capturing a moment. I feel like I am stealing a little piece of time and it is thrilling to me. I think this site is a great way for me to learn because it will force me to try new things. Maybe I will find that I love Macro or landscape photography..... Whatever the case, I am sure it will be fun.

    2007 Goals

    1.) Score in the top 10% of a challenge
    2.) Average at least four challenges entered a month
    3.) Score between 6.25 and 6.50
    4.) Score between 6.50 and 6.75
    5.) Score between 6.75 and 7.00
    6.) Become a better photographer (This should be number one)
    7.) Learn to use post processing
    8.) Enjoy myself
    9.) Get all of the 100% comments ribbons

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Civilian to Soldier
    Civilian to Soldier
    Transitions II
    Average: 6.1783
    A Night with Mao
    A Night with Mao
    Free Study 2007-07
    Average: 5.2424
    Working man
    Working man
    Average: 5.2151
    Three's Company
    Three's Company
    Free Study 2007-06
    Average: 5.0081
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
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    Project: World Traveling Compact Flash Card   Out and About  223 months ago
    Coast Guard - To Join or Not to Join   General Discussion  225 months ago
    Military Roll Call - Sign in here   General Discussion  225 months ago
    Choose ribbons when voting   Web Site Suggestions  225 months ago
    Best low-end dslr?   Hardware and Software  225 months ago
    100% comments club   Side Challenges and Tournaments  225 months ago
    Which Do You Prefer?? =]   Individual Photograph Discussion  225 months ago
    I need a new camera....but what kind?   Hardware and Software  225 months ago
    My new Pentax 50f/1.4...   Hardware and Software  225 months ago
    The comment movement   General Discussion  225 months ago

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