DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 18
Votes Cast: 4,717
Avg Vote Cast: 5.3148
Votes Received: 3,973
Avg Vote Received: 5.0878
  • Made: 466
  • Helpful: 398
  • Received: 189
  • Helpful: 173
  • Posts: 56
  • Threads Created: 0
    Profile Views: 2,709
    Total Image Views: 17,238
    Total Images Viewed: 881
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 3 times
  • Photographs: 2 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 3
  • Photographs: 35
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    User Profile
    Name: Melissa-Kim Stone Age: 44
    Username: missykim
    Gender: F
    Type: Registered User Location: Canada
    Cameras: Canon PowerShot A530
    Registered: Sep. 18th 2006
    Private Message
    Biography: I'm really just here for the "fun of it". This is a hobby that I indulge in when I find the time. I generally don't vote on any competition I'm entered into, as I don't trust myself to vote in an unbiased fashion. I'm hoping for some constructive criticism that will help me improve my photos. My preferred subject is animals, but I also enjoy shooting still life as well.

    I try to leave helpful or encouraging comments. If I sound condescending, I don't mean too -- really!. Honestly, I'm not experienced enough to bother listening to anyway :(.

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Cirque de Souris
    Cirque de Souris
    Working Without a Net
    Average: 6.2244
    It All Stacks Up
    It All Stacks Up
    Average: 5.6132
    Hamster in a Basket
    Hamster in a Basket
    Pet Portrait III
    Average: 5.4952
    Black Beard's Booty
    Black Beard's Booty
    Average: 5.4846
    Crystalline Forest
    Crystalline Forest
    Free Study 2008-01
    Average: 5.4690
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Focus on Your Macro Scores!!   Current Challenge  214 months ago
    Dirty Rotten Pollution Scores   Current Challenge  215 months ago
    100% comments club   Side Challenges and Tournaments  216 months ago
    How is your Pet Doing?   Current Challenge  216 months ago
    How's your peace (scores)   Challenge Results  216 months ago
    Very nice gallery of dancer shots   Photography Discussion  216 months ago
    Post Completion Comment   General Discussion  216 months ago
    Reflecting On Your Score   Current Challenge  217 months ago
    Free Study Scores for Jan 08   Current Challenge  217 months ago
    Best of 2007 Scores Here   Current Challenge  217 months ago

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    Current Server Time: 10/06/2024 07:42:55 AM EDT.