DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 229
Votes Cast: 59,825
Avg Vote Cast: 5.5611
Votes Received: 35,504
Avg Vote Received: 5.7214
  • Made: 1,458
  • Helpful: 1,243
  • Received: 1,750
  • Helpful: 1,702
  • Posts: 2,856
  • Threads Created: 25
    Profile Views: 11,489
    Total Image Views: 226,454
    Total Images Viewed: 40,622
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 12 times
  • Photographs: 128 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 24
  • Photographs: 64
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Baby Animals V :: When You See Your Shadow For The First Time
    Naturally Framed II :: Nature's Way
    Free Study 2012-12 :: Morning Mist
    Atmospheric Phenomena :: Where Hot Meets Cold - Mammoth Hot Springs
    Coin Slot :: Million Dollar View, Just 25 Cents
    Honorable Mentions
    Chains :: The Deep
    Botany III :: Final Bow
    DNMC :: DNMC.... Dog, Nebra, Monkey, Ciraffe?
    User Profile
    Name: Papa Bob
    Username: PapaBob
    Type: Registered User
    Registered: Jun. 13th 2006
    Contact: Private Message
    URL: http://bobcrossphotos.zenfolio.com/

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    When You See Your Shadow For The First Time
    1st PlaceWhen You See Your Shadow For The First Time
    Baby Animals V
    Average: 7.5088
    Where Hot Meets Cold - Mammoth Hot Springs
    1st PlaceWhere Hot Meets Cold - Mammoth Hot Springs
    Atmospheric Phenomena
    Average: 7.1935
    Nature's Way
    1st PlaceNature's Way
    Naturally Framed II
    Average: 7.0508
    Morning Mist
    1st PlaceMorning Mist
    Free Study 2012-12
    Average: 7.0432
    Danger on the Horizon
    Danger on the Horizon
    Best of 2008
    Average: 6.7521
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Big Changes on the DPC Horizon!   Administrator Announcements  66 months ago
    Powerful shot   Photography Discussion  106 months ago
    Finally biting the tech bullet...   General Discussion  106 months ago
    Break the Rules = Hidden Gem?   Current Challenge  111 months ago
    An Uphill Sh'Lepp with this Panorama thing   Current Challenge  112 months ago
    Grate skors in studee that is free.   Current Challenge  112 months ago
    Beautiful depiction of New Year's Eve on the stree   Photography Discussion  112 months ago
    3,650+ Days...   General Discussion  113 months ago
    sandisk 32 - BAD EXPERIENCE   Hardware and Software  114 months ago
    Travel Advice - Colorado & Wyoming   General Discussion  116 months ago

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