DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 11
Votes Cast: 2,737
Avg Vote Cast: 5.6467
Votes Received: 2,413
Avg Vote Received: 6.0195
  • Made: 151
  • Helpful: 131
  • Received: 346
  • Helpful: 238
  • Posts: 369
  • Threads Created: 11
    Profile Views: 6,072
    Total Image Views: 58,631
    Total Images Viewed: 229
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    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 42 times
  • Photographs: 122 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 10
  • Photographs: 20
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Fire II :: Hot Streak
    User Profile
    Name: Trinity Rose Age: 35
    Username: TrynityRose
    Gender: F
    Type: Registered User
    Cameras: Nikon D100
    Lenses: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
    Registered: Apr. 22nd 2006
    Contact: Private Message
    URL: http://angelicmynci.blogspot.com
    Biography: I'm really new to photography and pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. I'm really excited about making photographs that both myself and the people viewing them can enjoy. I dont know what subjects I like yet but I want to try everything and see which I'm better at. I want to captivate and have people think and maybe even smile.

    I think of myself as a sponge and I want to soak up as much information as I can. I'm told I ask far too questions and can be very annoying and stubborn in my efforts to conquer something. I hope the DPC community doesnt get too frustrated with me!

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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Hot Streak
    2nd PlaceHot Streak
    Fire II
    Average: 7.0457
    History Reflected
    History Reflected
    Architecture III
    Average: 6.7120
    Night Visitor
    Night Visitor
    Color on Color
    Average: 6.3237
    Zen Photography
    Average: 6.2129
    Watery Dreams
    Watery Dreams
    Lines II
    Average: 6.0748
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Second Life (the game)   General Discussion  227 months ago
    New photoshop student   Individual Photograph Discussion  228 months ago
    Why is Sher so cool...?   Individual Photograph Discussion  228 months ago
    Shooting Trauma   Photography Discussion  229 months ago
    Underage Photographers on DPC?   General Discussion  229 months ago
    How would you edit the pearls shot?   Individual Photograph Discussion  229 months ago
    I believe in JPEG   Photography Discussion  229 months ago
    American Idol '07   General Discussion  229 months ago
    comment removal   Current Challenge  229 months ago
    Food test shots   Individual Photograph Discussion  229 months ago

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