DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 9
Votes Cast: 11,033
Avg Vote Cast: 5.4258
Votes Received: 1,896
Avg Vote Received: 6.2426
  • Made: 347
  • Helpful: 308
  • Received: 264
  • Helpful: 254
  • Posts: 92
  • Threads Created: 4
    Profile Views: 6,123
    Total Image Views: 41,128
    Total Images Viewed: 5,991
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 10 times
  • Photographs: 38 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 6
  • Photographs: 80
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Personification :: Fragile Mortality
    Honorable Mentions
    Beverages :: Hot Pepper Vodka
    User Profile
    Name: Chris Meier
    Username: cmeier
    Type: Registered User Location: Toronto, Canada
    Registered: Aug. 24th 2005
    Contact: Private Message

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    Fragile Mortality
    3rd PlaceFragile Mortality
    Average: 6.6192
    Hot Pepper Vodka
    Hot Pepper Vodka
    Average: 6.4826
    Light & Shadow
    Light & Shadow
    Color Studio Portrait II
    Average: 6.4556
    Going Home
    Going Home
    Average: 6.4086
    Complementary Colors III
    Average: 6.1450
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    One Day in Toronto   Individual Photograph Discussion  193 months ago
    Need help identifying this actor!   General Discussion  201 months ago
    Switching to iMac: Misc Q's   Hardware and Software  209 months ago
    Not suggesting this DIY mischief, but...   Photography Discussion  211 months ago
    is the canon 50/1.4 fragile?   Hardware and Software  211 months ago
    This is Who I Am & Why...to Whom It May Concern...   Rant  212 months ago
    My First Protest   Individual Photograph Discussion  212 months ago
    Calling all Atheists and Agnostics   Rant  213 months ago
    anybody in / near Chatham Ontario?   Photography Discussion  218 months ago
    Canadian Duty fees   General Discussion  219 months ago

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