DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 51
Votes Cast: 16,943
Avg Vote Cast: 5.1866
Votes Received: 11,310
Avg Vote Received: 5.6039
  • Made: 47
  • Helpful: 34
  • Received: 504
  • Helpful: 492
  • Posts: 64
  • Threads Created: 11
    Profile Views: 3,427
    Total Image Views: 52,322
    Total Images Viewed: 32,371
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 0 times
  • Photographs: 19 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 15
  • Photographs: 6
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Honorable Mentions
    A Is For _______ :: APPLE
    User Profile
    Name: claude séguin Age: 66
    Username: ceyval
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User Location: notre-dame de ile perrot qc
    Cameras: Canon EOS-7D
    Lenses: Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
    Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
    Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM II
    Registered: Mar. 22nd 2004
    Private Message
    URL: http://www.claudeseguin.com

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    train station
    train station
    Night Shot III
    Average: 6.6482
    Average: 6.5172
    A Is For _______
    Average: 6.4853
    they are right behind you
    they are right behind you
    Sports II
    Average: 6.3371
    Fire IV
    Average: 6.3359
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    DPC Open PhotoGolf Tournament   Side Challenges and Tournaments  195 months ago
    100 Year Old Scores   Current Challenge  201 months ago
    printing   Photography Discussion  203 months ago
    Help me name my new puppy.   General Discussion  204 months ago
    light meter   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  218 months ago
    tell me what you think   Individual Photograph Discussion  219 months ago
    ir picture   Tips, Tricks, and Q&A  223 months ago
    Pedal Your Bicycle Scores...   Current Challenge  226 months ago
    Photo shop cs2   Photography Discussion  227 months ago
    I don't think I have ever seen a 1 or 2 photo here   Challenge Results  238 months ago

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