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I Give UP!
I Give UP!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stock Photos: The Business Person (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 28-135mm F/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Date: Jan 12, 2009
Aperture: f8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/6s
Galleries: Studio, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Jan 12, 2009

Shot it RAW, Processed WB in DPP

Exported as JPEG

Opened in CS3

Did a little cleaning up with the clone and heal brush.
Opened in NI and ran it through
Saved as TIFF
Back to CS3
Photomatix soft effect on dup layer reduce opacity to 50%
More healing and fixing of the face
Resize for challenge
History brush on all but the face/eyes set to resize step
Canvas size for border
Resize again


Post challenge: Thanks for the GREAT comments and votes, guys! This was really hard to do and the number of times the papers didn't flutter just right was frustrating. Pick em up, drop em... no! Wait! Don't move!! Gahhh!! BLUR!! Again! Dang, that paper went the wrong way! Again! I'm SO glad I have kids to pick up paper :) LOL!

Place: 12 out of 36
Avg (all users): 6.4211
Avg (commenters): 7.7917
Avg (participants): 6.0000
Avg (non-participants): 6.4533
Views since voting: 2000
Views during voting: 696
Votes: 323
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/20/2009 11:29:09 PM
Good one!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/20/2009 09:31:31 PM
Brilliant image but maybe a bit muted for stock. Boost the contrast on her a smudge and submit to a stock site then watch the money come in. One of my favs so far! 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/20/2009 07:10:34 PM
I could imagine this as an advertisement for headache-pills or an antistress training. The motion is very well captured, I also like the red blouse, which breaks the greyish-black environment of this burn-out office-life. Motion and emotiveness make this photo live. The only thing I cannot really take is the border. I think the photo would work better without it. (8)
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01/20/2009 06:49:31 PM
Technically, this is well done. I like the movement and her expression.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/20/2009 08:52:18 AM
Great shot Jojo! Excellent action and perfect shutter speed to capture the flying papers.

You can be my secretary - or boss - any day! :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/19/2009 09:03:23 PM
Great job, I like the different idea here, nice spot on focus and lighting, good comp, 9.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/19/2009 06:03:17 PM
the amount of times i have done that lol nice shot
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01/19/2009 03:51:19 PM
like the papers flying effect
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01/18/2009 01:59:34 PM
Well, if you're giving up...why should I care!?!?!?! Just kidding - I know the feeling and nice effect with the papers.
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01/18/2009 09:54:05 AM
nothing technically wrong...just don't care for it as well...
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01/16/2009 04:24:56 PM
Nice idea. I really like the model's pose. Well composed.
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01/16/2009 08:12:56 AM
lovely :o)
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01/15/2009 08:26:47 PM
Very creative!!! Really good job on the motion in the paper! First off, I would say that the backdrop should be white, BUT then you wouldn't see the paper as nicely, so i agree with your choice, NICE! (8)
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01/15/2009 08:24:58 PM
I like this one a lot. Love the swirls of paper.
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01/14/2009 11:26:43 PM
nice love the motion and the broken strap an the shoe
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01/14/2009 10:37:59 PM
This is an effective comp. The model is perfectly expressive. I like the sense of motion with the falling papers. It's well lit. I just noticed one of her shoes is unbuckled. Stylistic choice?
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01/14/2009 09:20:04 PM
Good concept. I like the movement here - you have captured it well.
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01/14/2009 05:51:31 PM
I feel her pain :) 8
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01/14/2009 05:01:50 PM
I love this shot. Except for the lighting on the face which I find a bit harsh and underlit, there is great movement, attitude, composition. Nice job.
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01/14/2009 04:35:57 PM
Wonderful flowing papers. I can't imagine how many shots this took... especially if it's a SP.
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01/14/2009 09:32:07 AM
Nicely done with the still and the blur. But has a few issues in lighting. Still one of the better ones this challenge - 6
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01/14/2009 09:11:36 AM
Perfect...not only what your conveying but it's also an awesome composition.10
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01/14/2009 06:40:46 AM
Suitable stock image for these times..... the skirt slit is a bit distracting...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/14/2009 03:19:29 AM
Haha-- Brilliant! And very nicely executed - right down to the last fluttering piece of paperwork.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/14/2009 03:13:49 AM
Nice Idea
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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