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Desert Moonlight
1st PlaceDesert Moonlight

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: After Dark (Classic Editing)
Collection: Landscapes
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Near Vernal, Utah USA
Date: Jan 9, 2004
Aperture: f 6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 30 seconds
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2004

This was taken hear Vernal, Utah. It was a chilly night! As you can see, the moon was off to the left.

I had to underexpose the shot to avoid grain, then I used grain removal software several times in small increments, while increasing contrast. I did no color shifting or adding at all. Amazingly, the shot turned out just as I had planned! That's always a bonus!

Interestingly, though I tried various ISO levels, the one that had the least amount of grain--even in this dark exposure, was 100. 400 seemed more appropriate (and is as high as my camera goes), but was very grainy (though the exposure and light turned out better). Ultimately, I chose the less noisy and played with it. Had I been able to spot edit, I might have selected the correctly exposed shot, and then just blurred the area where the grain was. I would also like to have cheated nature and moved that bright star over to the left a couple of inches! All in all, I'm probably happier with this one.

Place: 1 out of 96
Avg (all users): 8.2963
Avg (commenters): 9.1600
Avg (participants): 8.3088
Avg (non-participants): 8.2893
Views since voting: 17968
Votes: 189
Comments: 105
Favorites: 88 (view)

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12/27/2007 11:48:27 PM
what a fantastic shot, and great job at the colours, most photograph these night shots and try to mess with this beautiful blue. And its from Utah, where i live, so you get cookie points for that, haha. Great job once again.
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06/28/2006 08:39:21 PM
comment from my 1-4-0 thread...

This really is a WOW! shot David. Without knocking the shot I wonder what it would score in todays dpc climate? I feel as if I want to be sitting in a deckchair within the image, relaxing and viewing the scenery. Dare I pic fault with a shot scoring 8.296? There seem to be quite a lot of white specs in the foreground? and is that really a red star? Even though you used some noise reduction software the sky still seems a little noisey to me.

The colours, composition and light are just awe inspiring :)
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12/17/2005 11:59:46 PM
What A great Picture Nice Job..
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10/08/2005 03:13:26 PM
so great. I think these photos of mountains at night are very rare, and when I see these they all make my jaw hit the keyboard. It seems as if the majority of ambient light is coming from the left. Is that where the moon was ? if so, maybe you could of included it in your shot.
06/17/2005 12:11:08 PM
Terrific. Just found this one. The blue is so rich. Great photograph all the way around.
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12/13/2004 08:41:20 PM
Hi David,
This isn't really stbrown3rd, this is his girlfriend, but I liked your photo. It brought back memories of my college years spent surveying the oilshale lands outside of Vernal Utah. Beautiful country. I like to think that maybe one of my survey markers is atop that Ridge. Great shot.
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10/24/2004 01:22:55 PM
Beatutiful Shot... Keep up the good work...
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04/13/2004 11:19:58 PM
Just added your photo to my favorites. Great shot..!
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04/13/2004 08:29:07 PM
Do you remember time of night, date and direction of shooting?
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01/25/2004 05:09:03 PM
Congrats. This is stunning.
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01/23/2004 01:02:45 PM
Well deserved ribbon! Congrats!! :)
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01/22/2004 12:10:58 PM
David - congratulations on both this shot and that score - it wasn't until I was browsing the highest rated shots page that I noticed it was both yours and had scored so very highly. Congrats again.
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01/20/2004 06:05:45 PM
David, congratulations!!! I thought this was your shot when I saw it during the voting. I didn't get around to vote, but my score would have raised your score just a bit more :) (10 from me). I love the little red star in the middle.

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01/20/2004 05:41:20 PM
At least my comment was accurate now that I know who this is. Congrats!!!

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01/20/2004 05:20:18 PM
Terrific shot ... very cosmic ... just wondering if the red dot is Mars ... :-)
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01/20/2004 04:39:23 PM
Great shot David and I like the write up you produced with it..full of good tips even if I can only wonder at half of it at this stage in my learning process :-)

Intrigued with the red star..personally I think it is probably what is termed a "Red Giant" or may just be an abberation caused by the atmosphere.
Inspirational work, congrats.
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01/19/2004 10:54:12 PM
WOOOOW, almost an 8.3 score!! Great job, I don't think I've seen a score this high in a while! Great win, well deserved.
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01/19/2004 07:35:12 PM
david .. wow wow wow and wow. congratulations!!
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01/19/2004 11:48:08 AM
Wow thanks all! Your comments are so kind and helpful. I'm not sure what bizarre circumstances led to the high score, but thanks for the votes! I think I've taken better photos, but it's just strange how things turn out. I just keep learning lots here on DPC by looking at your photos, so thanks again!

To correct my notes above just a little, when I first had this image 'finished', I asked my daughter what she thought. She said, "Ooooooo, purple!" So While I did not shift colors, I did take some of the purple out. As for the 'hot pixel,' I just can't see it. I'm slightly colorblind! My wife will have to point it out to me.

As for freezing--that's very true. Each shot took 30 seconds to capture, then 30 seconds to process, then a few minutes between each shot to set it up again and change things. All in all, I was here for about 30 minutes and it was -3 degrees F with a slight breeze! You are looking at snow, by the way. The white in the image is snow on a small butte. Another interesting factoid: as I took this shot, a car drove by and its lights shone on the bottom portion of the butte--so it is just slightly brighter.

Thanks again! -David
01/19/2004 11:16:59 AM
This is beautiful! Congrats, David!
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01/19/2004 10:44:43 AM
Congratulations to you and the voters for picking a winner. That’s not an easy task with the wealth of excellent photographers/artists in this community. The challenge has rekindled my passion of photography and inspired me to 'go through the wall' I was stuck behind.
Thanks to all !
David, also want to thank you for comment you made on my entry... "Go Gino! Interesting use of flash and a longer exposure. I like his facial expression!" I consider your comment much more astute and relevant than all the 1's & 2's I got in the voting !

Message edited by author 2004-01-20 07:56:56.
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01/19/2004 10:03:46 AM
WOW! This is incredible. Fabulous shot! Simply superb!! Congrats on first place -- very much deserved!

Message edited by author 2004-01-19 10:27:48.
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01/19/2004 09:54:34 AM
Congrats brilliant shot. The bright star is sirius in the constellation Canis Major.

Message edited by author 2004-01-19 09:54:54.
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01/19/2004 09:39:20 AM
Nice photo David. Makes me look forward to my Utah trip.
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01/19/2004 08:59:59 AM
Congrats on the ribbon David, and the 8+ score woohoo!
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01/19/2004 08:43:40 AM
Well done David. Welcome to the 8 club.
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01/19/2004 08:36:18 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon. As said before : this was my favourite in the challenge. By the way, the bright star you would like to move to the left, that is probably the planet Mars. I downloaded the program starrynight to find out what the bright star in my shot was, I guess it is the same in yours, although a few days later.
Note added later : I checked again with Starrynight.com, location Loga, Utah, 9-1-2004, around 21:00 hrs. Marbo is absolutely right, the star is Sirius, approx. in the southeast, Mars was more to southwest.

Message edited by author 2004-01-19 13:31:45.
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01/19/2004 08:25:05 AM
Congratulations on the blue ribbon, a lovely image.
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01/19/2004 07:18:30 AM
I just knew it! Davis, you rock! 8.296!!! :-) CONGRATS!
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01/19/2004 03:48:47 AM
Missed this in the votes. Great shot indeed! Must say I am not a fan of the white inside of the border. But as far as the actual photography goes, sublime.

Congrats on winning.

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01/19/2004 02:41:29 AM
Congrats, again! I'm sure its not something you get sick of though. Well as a footnote to all of this, if you revisit the comment I left you, why don't we just pretend I didn't leave it because obviously, I am a complete idiot. Nice Job!
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01/19/2004 02:34:19 AM
Wow, check out that score! Very well deserved, great photo.
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01/19/2004 02:24:03 AM
Stunning photo David - Well done
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01/19/2004 02:21:26 AM
Congrats to this stuning shot, showing the beauty of nature at its best!
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01/19/2004 02:06:58 AM
I am shocked that anyone would give this photo a 4! Congrats on first place, it was well deserved.
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01/19/2004 01:49:18 AM
was not around for this contest...Wow what a shot, I will have to go out now and try your method.
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01/19/2004 01:14:41 AM
Outstanding David...I take back what i inferred in my first quote. I was pretty sure you added the blue afterwards. I'll have some ketchup to go with my words please. :)

beautiful image. Muy bien!

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01/19/2004 01:12:08 AM
It was written in the scriptures! :)
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01/19/2004 12:46:24 AM
Ahhh Mr Sidwell! I wish you'd quit making our back yard look so good! We're gonna be overrun with people expecting the state to look as good as your pix. AMAZING photo! Even if it DOES bring more photographers to try to emulate you!
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01/19/2004 12:45:24 AM
Congratulations David. Your picture is very deserving of the top prize. It is my top favorite for this theme and my first DPChallenge favorite. And such a high average score too!
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01/19/2004 12:41:04 AM
Very well done.
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01/19/2004 12:32:34 AM
Another great shot congrats on your win! No chance you'll be dq'ed is there? (just curious as runner up--kidding of course!)
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01/19/2004 12:27:46 AM
I had a feeling this shot was yours. Great job. Van

Message edited by author 2004-01-19 00:28:26.
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01/19/2004 12:12:33 AM
Fantastic! I thought as I made a comment a few minutes before the close that you'd probably take the blue! Congrats!
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01/19/2004 12:07:25 AM
amazing shot, david...congrats on a well deserved blue!
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01/19/2004 12:06:56 AM
Great shot David. Keep up the good work. You should do this professionally. I loved this the minute I saw it. Congrats.
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01/19/2004 12:04:20 AM
Outstanding; this was my bet for the blue! congrats, very well deserved.
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01/19/2004 12:03:36 AM
This was one of my top two for sure! Awesome night shot... And your highest scoring to date!

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01/19/2004 12:03:33 AM
Congrats Davy! 5th highest rated photo ever on DPC!!!

Love you!

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01/19/2004 12:03:14 AM
welcome to the 8 club :)
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01/19/2004 12:02:28 AM
Way to go -- truly an amazing shot!!
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01/19/2004 12:00:51 AM
Knew this was blue ribbon when I saw it. AWESOME SHOT!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2004 11:54:28 PM
Beautiful shot! Its like a postcard!
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01/18/2004 11:36:52 PM
One of my favorites of this challenge!
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01/18/2004 09:51:17 PM
magical colors. the stars certainly lit this picture but i would crop it tighter on top.
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01/18/2004 05:05:06 PM
there will be peace in the vally for me someday :)
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01/18/2004 03:59:55 PM
This shot reminds me of some great camping trips. There's nothing like the site of moonglow on the desert dunes. This is beautiful! I love how you were even able to capture the stars in the sky behind the dune. Well Done!
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01/18/2004 08:51:22 AM
Absolutely gorgeous, love this shot (9).
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01/17/2004 05:27:57 PM
Beautiful. Wow, that color! Love it.
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01/17/2004 04:52:43 PM
I like the mood this gives off.
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01/17/2004 04:22:29 PM
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01/17/2004 12:27:47 PM
This certainly fulfills the challenge on every level - a lovely capture
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01/17/2004 09:18:06 AM
awesome color and exposure. Its good but doesn't have that little extra something to bring it over the top. very very well taken photo.
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01/17/2004 02:11:47 AM
This is achingly beautiful.
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01/16/2004 11:39:19 PM
The stars are so beautiful in this photo. I love the blue tones.
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01/16/2004 10:46:32 PM
Perfect. 10. Nice use of space. Exposure could not have been better.
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01/16/2004 10:22:06 PM
Nice. The rule of 1/3rds is not quite, there but close. Move the mountain down just a bit. It will balance the left bottom with the right bottom.
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01/16/2004 09:50:30 PM
This was my favorite. I love the depth of color and how you captured the feeling of COLD! Very nicely done.
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01/16/2004 08:29:16 PM
Just how long was this exposure. Looks like you must have had the moon behind you giving that great illumination with no star streaking etc A 9
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01/16/2004 03:17:37 PM
Simply a wonderful image whose colour will match its ribbon.

Well done an a really crisp, vibrant and mildly surreal looking shot. It\\\'s my absollute hands-down winner in this challenge and I'll favourite this when the challenge is over. A victorious [10]
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01/16/2004 02:37:09 PM
wow. this is surreal. What wonderful blue color, what dramatic composition, I like the gradient in the sky, and the sharp stars. The texture of the sand/snow, and the dark tufts of grass. my fav. 10
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01/15/2004 10:31:04 PM
Absolutely... outstanding. Exceptional colors, composition is great, creates a wonderful atmosphere.
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01/15/2004 07:34:43 PM
Very nice! The stars add a lot of interest in the shot. 8
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01/15/2004 05:28:23 PM
1 word - GORGEOUS! 10 in my book
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01/15/2004 06:41:59 AM
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01/15/2004 01:24:54 AM
This is why I like night time photography!
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01/14/2004 09:54:00 PM
That is an amazing photo. I love the red star (mars?). Perfect 10.
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01/14/2004 04:42:26 PM
Very good shot
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01/14/2004 03:45:16 AM
Such a nice picture here, the clarity is really good. (Looks like a wee hot spot in the middle of the picture though)
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01/14/2004 01:24:51 AM
Absolutely stunning. Love this photo, the colors are just awesome and it's still feels crystal clear. One thing I like the photo feels like it's part of a story, like there's something happening, going to happen, or has happened - gives a little suspense to it. Composition and exposure are excellent. Excellent low light picture.
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01/14/2004 12:13:40 AM
What a great photo! I would love to see a brief explanation on how you did it.
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01/13/2004 10:36:30 PM
Beautiful shot, good comp and color.
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01/13/2004 05:34:32 PM
Whoa. 10. Uh... umm.. You=better than me.
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01/13/2004 11:10:26 AM
great shot, i love the colors
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01/13/2004 09:37:14 AM
I was getting bored with landscapes until I saw this one! Very well done! Looks unreal, I just hope it IS real!!!! 9 to me
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01/13/2004 07:33:08 AM
This is the best of the show. Perfect in all ways.
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01/13/2004 02:28:42 AM
if i may say... holy CRAP! what an amazing shot. beautiful blue and the lighting is awesome. It almost looks like a set. Northern hemisphere, looking north-northwest? cassiopea directly ahead, ursa major above and ursa minor in the top right?
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01/13/2004 02:11:31 AM
A very solid image, well composed and a pleasure to look at. The blue tones work well together especially with the different colored stars in the sky. I see a slight magenta tinge on some parts of the hill which seem a little out of place (9)
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01/12/2004 10:05:32 PM
Gorgeous shot. The stars are just amazing. It looks like a miniature landscape in some artificial world. Very beautiful, almost looks unreal. Love the bluish tones. Really nice photo.
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01/12/2004 08:59:40 PM
The monochromatic feel is great. The stars add sparkle. Well done. One of my pics for a ribbon. 9
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01/12/2004 08:20:41 PM
Very cute,10 from me!
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01/12/2004 08:10:19 PM
Technical: fits the challenge. Exposure lighting composition focus all very good.

Personal:Very pretty shot. Feels.... quiet.

My vote: 9
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01/12/2004 02:18:07 PM
This is a WOW photo. I love the colour and overall feel of this, er WOW!! This just has to get a ribbon.
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01/12/2004 02:16:41 PM
Great shot, looks like from another planet. My favourite. 10
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01/12/2004 02:02:49 PM
This is a beautiful shot. The blues are very peaceful, and the focus is razor-crisp. Medal worthy!
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01/12/2004 01:24:42 PM
O' wow, congrats. It appears a bit over sharpened...but wow its beautiful. 9
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01/12/2004 01:09:55 PM
Gorgeous. Blue ribbon. A full moon is a wonderful thing.
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01/12/2004 10:23:30 AM
Is it a prop or a real scene?
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01/12/2004 06:12:10 AM
great capture..very atmospheric
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01/12/2004 04:41:32 AM
The lighting makes it seem like another world. The beautiful blue hues in the sky really help to make the mountain pop out of the shot.
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01/12/2004 04:10:58 AM
Amazing pic, even with the hot pixel.10
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01/12/2004 02:10:00 AM
I\'ll be choked if this doesn\'t score well. It\'s the best I\'ve seen after voting on more than half the images. the digital noise blends nicely with the stars :) The blue toning is a nice touch - not sure if it was PS or naturaly, but i like it.
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01/12/2004 01:33:53 AM
Gorgeous shot, the blue hues are wonderful 10
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01/12/2004 12:18:17 AM
Stunning! What more can I say...?
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01/12/2004 12:17:30 AM
Beautiful colors,very nice shot
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