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Autumn mood
2nd PlaceAutumn mood

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Trains & Railroads (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Location: Railroad station
Date: Oct 22, 2006
Aperture: 3.2
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 22, 2006

cloned out some hair
save for web

I really hope it does well.


My first ribbon! Man,I've waited it for some time now. I would like to thank you all for the great comments and votes. And a special thanks to Louis who gave me the blue shirt.

Here is the original photo resized and saved for web:

Place: 2 out of 196
Avg (all users): 6.9244
Avg (commenters): 7.7931
Avg (participants): 6.8208
Avg (non-participants): 7.0168
Views since voting: 18420
Views during voting: 503
Votes: 225
Comments: 80
Favorites: 42 (view)

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11/25/2006 03:56:45 PM
Felicitari si pentru aparitia in Photo Magazine!
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11/15/2006 10:14:58 PM
Georgio - love the tone and the mood. outstanding.
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11/03/2006 10:03:30 PM
heyyy,congratulations Giorgio!!!!
i love starring at your photo remembering me of something,like dejavu,,,nice shot,keep up the good work,Giorgio!
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11/02/2006 08:08:33 AM
Congratulations on your first Ribbon! Great shot and one of my favorites in this challenge, excellent post processing as well!
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11/02/2006 07:39:39 AM
Originally posted by phototrap:

I really like the editing on this one. I'm still learning photoshop. How did you get the tones to meld so well. Are you using more advanced photo editing software? Obviously, the original shot must have been great, but the color and feel of this one is terrific. Any tips for my own stuff?

Nope, just Adobe Photoshop CS2 and a lot of books and video tutorials.
11/02/2006 01:33:50 AM
I really like the editing on this one. I'm still learning photoshop. How did you get the tones to meld so well. Are you using more advanced photo editing software? Obviously, the original shot must have been great, but the color and feel of this one is terrific. Any tips for my own stuff?
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11/01/2006 12:44:48 PM
Hey, Giorgio, congrats on your first ribbon! I like the starkness of this one.
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10/31/2006 04:42:40 PM
The more I look at the girl and the train.It becomes haunting.Similer to a movie in 1970 called five easy piecies. harvey Sherman
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10/31/2006 12:41:36 PM
Originally posted by harvey sherman:

Very good.May I use the concept?For a fashion photo shoot.

Of course you can, there's no problem with me. I took about 100 pictures for this challenge(and 60-70 for this shot from different angles and different compositions).
10/31/2006 12:35:50 PM
Very good.May I use the concept?For a fashion photo shoot.
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10/31/2006 12:22:14 PM
I really like the photograph.Very close to high to a fishion photo.Am I alowed to copy the idea? How many photos do you have taken for this shot?
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10/31/2006 08:08:54 AM
Heaps and heaps and heaps much better then the blue one....

Good job and congratulations on your first ribbon :)
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10/31/2006 06:56:01 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon; very well deserved. Pleasing composition colors and tone- very evocative. Nice job.
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10/31/2006 03:04:28 AM
George I've been through your portfolio several times and it is really great to see you get this ribbon! Well deserved and enjoy that front page limelight! Great shot too :).
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10/30/2006 11:35:01 PM
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10/30/2006 09:47:25 PM
i so loved this picture when i was voting, i knew it was a 10 but i stared at it for a long time.
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10/30/2006 08:04:04 PM
Such a lovely study in texture and contrast. Beautiful work.
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon.
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10/30/2006 07:48:01 PM
The colours really jump out! Great work.
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10/30/2006 02:55:45 PM
Wonderful image, congrats on your first ribbon!
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10/30/2006 02:51:29 PM
George, congrats on your first ribbon! Definitely well deserved. The processing on this one really shines.
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10/30/2006 12:22:09 PM
Original shot looks pretty normal but the post processing is absolutely awesome, really brings out all the colors & contrast. Well deserved :)
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10/30/2006 10:49:58 AM
awesome, i like it really much
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10/30/2006 10:29:32 AM
This was a great shot and one of my favorites in the challenge. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon.
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10/30/2006 10:26:07 AM
Well done, George! Felicitari calduroase si bafta in continuare. It's also the 4th legal Romanian Ribbon! WTG!!!
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10/30/2006 09:44:52 AM
Nice work on this shot, and comgrads on your first ribbon I am sure more are on the way.
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10/30/2006 09:31:04 AM
How AWESOME is THAT! WOW! Talk about making extraordinary out of the ordinary! Amazing!! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST RIBBON!
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10/30/2006 09:00:15 AM
Very gorgeous! Perfect composition, lovely model, and beautiful post work. Nice job, congratulations on the ribbon! Well deserved, and about time.
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10/30/2006 08:57:20 AM
Congrats!!! I was hoping to see this on the front page - Excellent shot!!
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10/30/2006 08:35:08 AM
Congrats on the great shot & the red. This was my pick for blue :)
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10/30/2006 08:26:21 AM
Originally posted by bonko:

felicitari, ma bucur ptr tine!

mersi mult
10/30/2006 08:16:56 AM
felicitari, ma bucur ptr tine!
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10/30/2006 07:22:39 AM
Excellent shot! Congrats on the ribbon.
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10/30/2006 05:18:40 AM
awesome shot. Soon as I saw it I knew it was a Ribbon. Congrats!
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10/30/2006 04:24:31 AM
Congrats to your first ribbon, Giorgio, was about time!
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10/30/2006 02:25:33 AM
Well done and congratulations! A strong favorite during the voting..
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10/30/2006 01:21:33 AM
Well done George, by George, you've done it! a ribbon at last! really deserved...I love the human element in a challenge without many beautiful faces in it...congrats!
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10/30/2006 01:09:47 AM
sweet shot! congrats
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10/30/2006 12:52:17 AM
Wonderful image! Congrats on your first ribbon!
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10/30/2006 12:45:39 AM
beautful shot. great job. congrats!
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10/30/2006 12:35:06 AM
Great finish... congrats. Was one of my favs... :)
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10/30/2006 12:31:55 AM
I'd say it did pretty well! Congratulations!!
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10/30/2006 12:31:39 AM
Congratulations. This one had ribbonn written all over it as soon as I saw it in the voting.
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10/30/2006 12:24:28 AM
Hearty congratulations. Well deserved ribbon. I'd never heard of dragonizer, but must check it out. Very cool.
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10/30/2006 12:19:51 AM
Congrats. This has sort of a popup book feel to it.
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10/30/2006 12:12:59 AM
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10/30/2006 12:10:25 AM
A lovely image and grand use of a standing cart. The colors and the ambivalent expression on the subject help round out the feel. Congratulations on your Red!
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10/30/2006 12:05:53 AM
Excellent and well deserved ribbon.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/29/2006 11:46:16 PM
This is a beautiful shot! Great colors and mood.
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10/29/2006 04:52:02 PM
Nice work, one of my favorites for this challenge. Your shot captures the age and wear of the train car very well and retains a natural look and appeal. The contrast of youth with age is well presented. Well seen and captured.
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10/29/2006 04:30:27 PM
I don't believe it - this is too obviously staged.
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10/29/2006 04:25:10 PM
good eye for a great location to place your model in -- like the hints of shimmery color, gritty/old textures contrasting with the crisp view of your subject -- one of my ribbon picks
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10/29/2006 11:04:31 AM
Wow - My top pick - this is simply awesome! Great colors!! Definitely adding to my favorites!
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10/29/2006 10:02:12 AM
I really like the deteriorating textures on the train car. The model seems a little nervous or not relaxed?
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10/28/2006 10:27:29 PM
A pretty face is a stark contract on the rusted backdrop. I really like the colors in this shot. Its a foreboding sort of place!
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10/28/2006 07:11:04 PM
That is a cool train car, really makes the model stand out. I think you did a great job.
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10/27/2006 01:54:34 PM
I think this photo would have stood by itself without the model. I find that she detracts from the true subject that I want to know more about - the train.
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10/27/2006 11:32:51 AM
Composed beautifully, looks very professional. Her colors (awesome), the train colors (splendid), the sky (perfect). I think I would of pulled the lollipop thingy out of the ground, but it doesn't hurt the photo just personal preference. Owe yeah border was an awesome choice as well. Bumping this one up from 7 to 9.
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10/26/2006 11:29:53 PM
The train has great texture and character - Looks like it's been everywhere - riding the tracks forever. The train holds it own as a photo - Somehow - she doesn't seem to belong there.
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10/26/2006 10:02:11 AM
Nice photo! Pretty model! I can "feel" the mood! Kudos! Mission Accomplished! :)
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10/26/2006 08:44:51 AM
Here it is. The one I pick to take the blue. Why? Everything is spot on. Color tones, composition and mood. Great shot. Congrats!
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10/25/2006 10:16:38 PM
Yes. Very nice picture. Great PP work and great composition. My favorite image in the challenge. 9.
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10/25/2006 05:36:17 PM
Excellent contrast and use of light. The model is great but I think it could really be a standout if she were posed differently and wearing white or something to make this even pop a little more. Nice work
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10/25/2006 01:46:03 AM
To be honest with you - 6 for the photo and 2 more for the VERY pretty lady. 8
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10/24/2006 11:05:55 PM
Beautiful pp here. Nice entry! 8
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10/24/2006 07:21:50 PM
really like it. kinda wish the marker/sign/(not sure what it is) at right wasn't there.
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10/24/2006 04:02:07 PM
Solemn and nostalgic mood, love the textures you've managed to bring out..
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10/24/2006 10:09:28 AM
I like the moody feel of this with the dark sky in the background. Nice composition
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10/24/2006 05:55:09 AM
very good technicals, the clothing and pose of the girl don't really fit into the scene
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10/24/2006 05:38:44 AM
this train is a great find! super
the masses should enjoy this one
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10/23/2006 08:49:55 PM
Ooo very nice
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10/23/2006 07:05:22 PM
Great colors! Great idea! Great picture!
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10/23/2006 06:54:20 PM
Model looks too well composed and clean for this scene.
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10/23/2006 04:09:33 PM
Beautifully done. Rotating a degree clockwise might have been in order but that is being nitpicky. Good is good!
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10/23/2006 01:34:33 PM
Great Job. I really like the acid look of the train. I think if you were to use an old man dressed like a train conductor and did a long exposure making him look like a ghost would look really cool. Excellent job. 8
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10/23/2006 09:01:55 AM
Beautiful colors and textures. Best of luck, it looks like a winner to me.
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10/23/2006 01:36:28 AM
one of the best so far...love the human element to the shot and it's a refreshing image after seeing tracks and rust and trains...nice detail and composition
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10/23/2006 01:31:26 AM
excellent, well captured
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10/23/2006 01:14:48 AM
Really pretty photo, I love the softness of the girl among the harhness of the train.
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10/23/2006 12:46:36 AM
This is just a terrific picture the whole way 'round.

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10/23/2006 12:42:24 AM
Great colors
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