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Rays of night
Rays of night

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Parts (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-770UZ
Location: My street
Date: Oct 3, 2004
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: 64
Shutter: 4
Date Uploaded: Oct 3, 2004

I was comming home from a party last night...
It was about 3 AM and it was really fogy.
I liked how the rays looked like... Hope you liked it too ;)

Place: 72 out of 436
Avg (all users): 5.6176
Avg (commenters): 6.1000
Avg (participants): 5.4110
Avg (non-participants): 5.9266
Views since voting: 1664
Views during voting: 377
Votes: 272
Comments: 27
Favorites: 9 (view)

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02/01/2005 11:50:33 AM
Great image. Love the colour.
01/26/2005 02:28:48 AM
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Nice job -- I've been trying to get more shots of rays but mostly in the daytime. This gives me ideas for trying it at night.

Was that really a four-second exposure?

Yes, It really was a 4 second exposure ;)
11/04/2004 10:11:18 AM
Nice job -- I've been trying to get more shots of rays but mostly in the daytime. This gives me ideas for trying it at night.

Was that really a four-second exposure?
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11/04/2004 09:25:24 AM
is this how you saw things after the party too? hehe
nice work
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11/04/2004 04:59:34 AM
Hey dude, this is beautyfullll.....!!! :))
It looks poznato, where is it taken? :)
Great Job! :)
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10/13/2004 06:29:17 AM
Tnx for all your comments! :)
Like sfalice said...
This is just my treatment of this subject
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/12/2004 08:42:07 PM
Nice light beams in an interesting study of orange. I like the house on the right - but not the shape on the left edge.
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10/11/2004 06:35:37 PM
What the heck?
oh... is that a streetlight?
shocking at any rate. 9!
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10/10/2004 11:11:29 PM
I love the picture, just not sure how well it falls within the challenge. Still a high score from me.
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10/10/2004 02:21:01 PM
doesn't really fit into "parts"
10/09/2004 07:42:43 PM
well seen I like the warmth of the rays coming through the tree but would have cropped more off right side
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10/09/2004 12:55:48 PM
Oh, good one! Love your treatment of this subject.
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10/08/2004 04:43:47 PM
Woah this is a very well done shot. The golden light is very appealing.
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10/07/2004 10:01:05 PM
The thumbnail grabbed my attention and the photo didn't let me down. Well conceived and executed. Among my top picks.
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10/07/2004 01:41:28 PM
superb photo, just not easily able to make it fit with 'part'.
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10/07/2004 11:34:18 AM
Interesting concept, but I am not really sure that I see how it fits in with the thehe "parts."
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10/07/2004 03:51:01 AM
This is very bright and a great shot, right place at the right time, I like it.
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10/07/2004 03:16:56 AM
Light as a part of a lantern? I like the idea, I just would've cropped th building. The main effect is the light coming through the leaves - the building is obsolate I think. Did you change the colour or was it so warm and red? 6.
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10/06/2004 09:26:19 PM
I love this shot. Beautiful lighting. I would have liked it a bit better with the two sides cropped and only the tree and light in the photo
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10/06/2004 07:50:34 PM
Wow, great shot!
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10/06/2004 01:17:27 PM
Thats amazing shot but doesnt meet challenge...as far i understand.
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10/06/2004 12:40:04 PM
Very nice picture, but how does it fit the challenge?
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10/06/2004 09:55:23 AM
wow, how the camera sees more than the eye !
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10/06/2004 08:39:10 AM
This got my attention. Nice one
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10/06/2004 01:36:02 AM
While I think this is an excellent photograph, I don't see how this meets the challenge of parts.
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10/06/2004 12:21:50 AM
nice, good composition
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10/06/2004 12:16:50 AM
beautiful picture, I love it! No content though to do with parts. Still great!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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