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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Happy Anniversary (to me)!
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01/21/2009 08:28:38 AM · #1
Just happened to look at my profile and noticed that today is my 5th Anniversary at DPC!!!

It's been great fun and inspiring.

Here's to 5 more!

01/21/2009 08:40:50 AM · #2
Well congratulations on your fifth anniversary here at DPC and here's to many more :)

All the best to you and yours

01/21/2009 10:34:41 AM · #3
congrats on your 5th DPC anniversary! we look forward to having you here for many more fun years to come!
01/21/2009 11:07:52 AM · #4
Congrats Clay! I really like to see the older and the recent tryes of experient DPChallengers and observe how even great photographers learn a lot here and get better all the time! I just wonder if i will be here in five years! I wish that!
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