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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Textures - Are you Feelin' Your Score???
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 123, (reverse)
12/26/2007 12:11:24 AM · #1
Post them if you've got them...
12/26/2007 12:17:38 AM · #2
Merry Christmas to me!
Votes: 1
Views: 2
Avg Vote: 4.0000
Comments: 0
12/26/2007 12:22:46 AM · #3
Haven't even got a view.

... and to all a good night!
12/26/2007 12:24:30 AM · #4
Ouch! Spoke too soon. The Grinch is still up.

Votes: 1
Views: 3
Avg Vote: 3.0000
12/26/2007 12:28:08 AM · #5
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

Ouch! Spoke too soon. The Grinch is still up.

Votes: 1
Views: 3
Avg Vote: 3.0000

Ouch! Someone didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.

Here's mine:

Votes: 1
Views: 4
Avg Vote: 7.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 12:27 am

I know it'll go down from here, but I'll enjoy it while I can.
12/26/2007 01:05:24 AM · #6
lets see how far my hopes and dreams can fall from here.... ;)

Votes: 5
Views: 11
Avg Vote: 6.8000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 01:04 am
12/26/2007 01:13:12 AM · #7
Quite surprised, didn't think I would be doing this well with this image. Was at 7.0000 before this vote:

Votes: 7
Views: 13
Avg Vote: 6.8571
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 01:12 am

Maybe it will slide from here...
12/26/2007 01:17:08 AM · #8
Whoa! Close down the voting now! No way this can last, but it is nice to see. Decided to change my entry at the last minute- may have made the right decision.
Votes: 4
Views: 9
Avg Vote: 8.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 01:14
Yep- next vote was a three- down to 7.0 in one vote.

Message edited by author 2007-12-26 01:19:05.
12/26/2007 01:27:03 AM · #9
Votes: 7
Views: 9
Avg Vote: 6.8571
12/26/2007 02:10:13 AM · #10
Votes: 10
Views: 14
Avg Vote: 6.1000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 02:09 am

i hope this one will finish 6+ hah, but prolly ending around 5.5 as per my last few submissions.

nevertheless, good luck everyone :D
12/26/2007 03:07:47 AM · #11
Boy is it quiet. I have only 9 votes. Is everyone partying or something?? Come on, get your priorities right.
12/26/2007 03:56:33 AM · #12
Votes: 11
Views: 14
Avg Vote: 6.1818

Good start - would love this one to finish above a 6.
12/26/2007 05:36:39 AM · #13
Feeling it fade.

Votes: 14
Views: 24
Avg Vote: 5.6429
12/26/2007 05:38:36 AM · #14
Had the highest vote I've ever seen earlier (9 votes 7.3333), its too early to think about a pb but currently looking good :)

Votes: 15
Views: 32
Avg Vote: 6.9333
12/26/2007 06:14:06 AM · #15
Avg Vote:

Very generous people out and about
12/26/2007 06:19:40 AM · #16
Has anyone actually gotten any comments. I haven't. Maybe it's easier to hit the number on the keyboard when you've had a few drinks but typing is pushing it???
12/26/2007 08:08:14 AM · #17
Votes : 21
Views : 32
Comments : 2
Favorites : 0

Score : 6.3810
12/26/2007 08:32:46 AM · #18
Votes: 17
Views: 32
Avg Vote: 4.5882
Comments: 0

I have a good image but people just don't see what I saw.

Oh well
12/26/2007 08:34:37 AM · #19
Votes: 23
Views: 30
Avg Vote: 5.9565
Comments: 0

I am very happy with this so far...
12/26/2007 09:10:55 AM · #20
Off to another mundane start....

Votes: 22
Views: 29
Avg Vote: 5.0909
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 09:08 am
12/26/2007 12:51:41 PM · #21
5.56 Blehhhhhhhhhhh.
12/26/2007 01:21:50 PM · #22
Votes: 26
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 5.4231
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 12/26/07 01:20 pm
12/26/2007 01:22:57 PM · #23
A touch better this morning.

Votes: 27
Views: 43
Avg Vote: 5.8148
12/26/2007 01:38:48 PM · #24
Votes: 28
Views: 49
Avg Vote: 7.2286
Comments: 1
Favorites: 1
12/26/2007 01:42:10 PM · #25
My first challenge as a newbie

26 votes
5.6552 ave.
no comments ( and I was looking forward to those) I've left a lot of comments. I think they are important for each of us to learn what was good or bad . It's how we will improve.
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