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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Odd Couple score...
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 121, (reverse)
02/27/2006 12:07:56 AM · #1
Whos in this beast?
02/27/2006 12:08:38 AM · #2
Me :) But not expecting much ;)
02/27/2006 12:12:08 AM · #3
Just looked through the entries....

I think this will be a low scoring challenge, I didn't see one stand-out image that will deff. be a ribbon winner. Of course that's just with a quick glance through...

I'm not sure how mine will do...it's insanely outside the box.

02/27/2006 12:12:32 AM · #4
Votes: 1
Views: 2
Avg Vote: 4.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0

OK, so no blue here....I liked it!
02/27/2006 12:12:43 AM · #5

Votes: 1
Views: 2
Avg Vote: 8.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 02/27/06 12:10 am

02/27/2006 12:13:48 AM · #6
Votes: 2
Views: 6
Avg Vote: 8.0000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

right there iwth you rikki
02/27/2006 12:14:46 AM · #7
02/27/2006 12:14:54 AM · #8
Votes: 3
Views: 5
Avg Vote: 5.3333

....thats better!!
02/27/2006 12:18:16 AM · #9
Votes: 6
Views: 13
Avg Vote: 6.5000
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Lol....first funny comment of many, I'm sure
02/27/2006 12:21:46 AM · #10
Votes: 4
Views: 9
Avg Vote: 4.0000
Comments: 0

Ugh.. I need to get out of this low scoring slump I've been in. Oh well!
02/27/2006 12:22:23 AM · #11
I think I may win.......just starting a little slow :)

Votes: 6
Views: 10
Avg Vote: 4.1667

02/27/2006 12:23:19 AM · #12

Votes: 4
Views: 6
Avg Vote: 5.2500
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 02/27/06 12:22 am
02/27/2006 12:25:42 AM · #13
oh boy...i am at a 5.0000 wooopeee....BLAH
02/27/2006 12:25:43 AM · #14
I didn't decide to enter this one until half hour before it started. I probably should have sat it out but I had one photo from today that is funny and fits the challenge. The photo isn't that good so I expect to come in in the upper 4's or lower 5's.

Right now I have 8 votes and a 5 even.
02/27/2006 12:26:46 AM · #15
waaay to out of the box for most...


Votes: 5
Views: 8
Avg Vote: 4.6000
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 02/27/06 12:25 am

Yep that was a solid 2 folks. Thank you whoever you are!
02/27/2006 12:27:13 AM · #16
Votes: 7
Views: 11
Avg Vote: 4.4286

..OK, not cool!
02/27/2006 12:29:31 AM · #17
I know mine sux, pulled it once and like dumbass I miss my update button...do have 31 views.
02/27/2006 12:32:52 AM · #18
Wow....just got done doing the voting....must admit, this is a pretty below-par challenge in general. I saw two entries that I thought were really good, and maybe 4-5 more that I thought were good...and the rest were all decent or below decent.

Mines still up in the air, not sure if it's going to go up or down....we'll see
02/27/2006 12:41:47 AM · #19
I am thinking that a lot of the images for this one didn't seem to quite fit "Odd Couple"... I am going to go back through them again though. I ended up scoring more based on the image, rather than whether or not it met the challenge in my opinion. There are many great photos in this one. :) It's interesting to see how many people thought along the same lines.
02/27/2006 12:42:19 AM · #20
Votes: 13
Views: 21
Avg Vote: 5.0769
Comments: 0

Ok, that's at least a bit better than a 4.0. I jumped over 1 point in about 4 votes. Headed the right way now.. lol.
02/27/2006 01:12:28 AM · #21
prediction: 4.85 if the voters don't get it or see it
current score: 4.8

I was right ;)
02/27/2006 01:18:12 AM · #22
I was expecting to see pairs of people, animals or objects that were A) mis-matched or B) acting/looking odd.

There are a few good ones, but there are also so many perfectly ordinary, perfectly matched pairs - nothing odd about them at all *sigh*.
02/27/2006 01:19:25 AM · #23
Originally posted by Beetle:

I was expecting to see pairs of people, animals or objects that were A) mis-matched or B) acting/looking odd.

There are a few good ones, but there are also so many perfectly ordinary, perfectly matched pairs - nothing odd about them at all *sigh*.

Well mine is definitely odd! Although not too many pick up on it ;P
02/27/2006 01:19:43 AM · #24
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

Just looked through the entries....

I think this will be a low scoring challenge, I didn't see one stand-out image that will deff. be a ribbon winner. Of course that's just with a quick glance through...

I'm not sure how mine will do...it's insanely outside the box.

Yeah, at first glance there seems to be a lot of "odd" and a lot of "couples" but not too many strong "odd couple" takes but I'm usually wrong about these things afterwards.

Message edited by author 2006-02-27 01:20:05.
02/27/2006 01:22:03 AM · #25
Originally posted by Faye Pekas:

I didn't decide to enter this one until half hour before it started. I probably should have sat it out but I had one photo from today that is funny and fits the challenge. The photo isn't that good so I expect to come in in the upper 4's or lower 5's.

Right now I have 8 votes and a 5 even.

Hey I gained a tiny bit :)

Votes: 24
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 5.1667

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