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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Extended rules re: AI
Showing posts 1 - 6 of 6, (reverse)
11/22/2023 11:32:07 PM · #1
Did I miss a discussion on AI? Where do we stand as a group relative to extended rules? Not talking about Generative Fill in PS stuff but some of the more extreme possibilities.
11/23/2023 07:02:42 AM · #2
Need valid exif data for any image/photo used in challenge entry.
11/23/2023 10:46:12 AM · #3
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Need valid exif data for any image/photo used in challenge entry.

â€Â¦ and?
11/23/2023 11:04:38 AM · #4
Originally posted by oldbimmercoupe:

Originally posted by glad2badad:

Need valid exif data for any image/photo used in challenge entry.

â€Â¦ and?

AI does not create EXIF.

Ergi: not allowed.
11/23/2023 11:06:47 AM · #5
You can't use stuff created out of whole cloth via AI in DPC at this time. There was considerable angst over that a few months ago, opinions flying back and forth. The bottom line for SC is that our rules don't allow clip art of any sort, and (for the time being at least) AI qualifies as such. Why? Because we can't prove the provenance of the image, and a core value of DPC is that we only use *photographic* images we have created ourselves.

related discussion

11/24/2023 12:20:45 AM · #6
Original conversation linked in last post. Locking threD at this point. Thanks.
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