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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Just curiosity ! Are you a collector ?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 42, (reverse)
09/07/2004 10:37:04 PM · #1
I hope you won't mind sharing... Do you collect something ?
Thank you !
09/07/2004 10:40:25 PM · #2
Apparently, I collect belts and shirts. When they get too small I hang them in the closet and never throw them out.
09/07/2004 10:47:52 PM · #3
I collect old english sterling silver , bone china , photos of cats ....
09/07/2004 10:50:22 PM · #4
Mechanical puzzles and souvenir buildings...
09/07/2004 10:51:40 PM · #5
Dog stuff, have a whole room of it, and old kitchen stuff
09/07/2004 10:52:11 PM · #6
I collect shot glasses, carousel music boxes....and who doesn't collect dust?
09/07/2004 10:52:44 PM · #7
09/07/2004 10:53:17 PM · #8
Bad digital photos
09/07/2004 10:54:18 PM · #9
Coffee mugs

My wife collects Seraphim Angels
09/07/2004 10:58:39 PM · #10
Perfumes, children's books, purses, and apparently cameras, digital and film.

09/07/2004 10:58:59 PM · #11
Barbies, new in the box the common ones that cost under $30. They go up in value faster than the designer ones.

Also noticed I started collecting shoes sometime ago...all in my size too...LOL
09/07/2004 10:59:43 PM · #12
expensive camera lens and equipment!!!
09/07/2004 11:00:04 PM · #13
HotWheels..I think I have about 5000 now it could be more...lost track years ago. Oh! And recently started a collection of Ex-wives...1 and counting. Haven’t decided if I'll get another yet as they are very costly and tend to depreciate in value....LOL

Message edited by author 2004-09-07 23:00:55.
09/07/2004 11:01:34 PM · #14
Don't really collect much, but everytime I go to a Hardrock Cafe I pick up a pin with a guitar on it, have about a dozen now.
09/07/2004 11:04:55 PM · #15
negative comments and bad scores
09/07/2004 11:09:07 PM · #16
I collect Pez--I have over 700 pieces in my collection from dispensers to Christmas ornaments to pens, etc.

09/07/2004 11:09:31 PM · #17
I have 8 crates full of happy meal toys from McDonalds dating from now back to the early 90's.
09/07/2004 11:10:07 PM · #18
Originally posted by keegbow:

negative comments and bad scores

Tim , how can you say that ? Sailors Hope has received many (and deserved)nice comments ...
Are you just kidding ???
09/07/2004 11:11:26 PM · #19
I'm trying to get a Harley Davidson Tshirt from every state... so far I have about 25 so im half way! 20 of them ive been to, the others I had someone pick up for me =)
09/07/2004 11:15:06 PM · #20
Originally posted by Mambe:

Originally posted by keegbow:

negative comments and bad scores

Tim , how can you say that ? Sailors Hope has received many (and deserved)nice comments ...
Are you just kidding ???

That was a exception to the rule and the comments were very much appreciated.
09/07/2004 11:15:37 PM · #21
Music, over 700 cd,s and I lost count of albums and 45's. Yes i still do have a tunrtable...
09/07/2004 11:17:13 PM · #22
Pebbles, black, round and smooth.

09/07/2004 11:17:15 PM · #23
Back in the day I used to collect baseball cards...I could make a few bucks if I ever decided to sell some.

Today: DVD's and videogames...must be the inner nerd in me.
09/07/2004 11:20:15 PM · #24
ive got about 20 grand in baseball cards =) INCLUDING a Micheal Jordon rookie card... that babies in a safety deposit box lol
09/07/2004 11:22:57 PM · #25
Lions (no real ones though)
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