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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> It's that time of the year again..
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01/22/2006 01:13:58 PM · #1
Originally posted by Riponlady:

Like DPC, anyone that puts themselves forward to take part has got to know they could be in for some "honest " opinions from the judges....
So if you can't take the heat........

Yes but ...

Most of them are extremely young, naïve and deluded. Many appear terribly vulnerable and some seem to border on mentally impaired....

In many ways, all this is just a much more expensive, glittery version of the old "Gong Show" from the 1970's. But the targets of that less hypersuccessful program were generally older and frequently more cynical.

Message edited by author 2006-01-22 13:14:15.
01/22/2006 12:38:33 PM · #2
Like DPC, anyone that puts themselves forward to take part has got to know they could be in for some "honest " opinions from the judges. Personally I am too sensitive to ever try out publically for something like this - I can manage on DPC because I know I won't meer a critic on the street or have millions of people watching me make a fool of myself!

The "weakest Link" quiz game is another where cruel comments are the norm and one reason I won't try out for it even though I love the quiz part and would, I think, do quite reasonably.

So if you can't take the heat........


People devote untold hours to worrying about the sexual orientation of cartoon characters, but nobody seems disturbed that more than 30 million American households watch a "family" show that picks out hapless, and frequently helpless, contestants solely for famous and powerful judges to make fun of them on national television.
01/22/2006 12:29:56 PM · #3
Hmmm ... here's another perspective from today's NY Times...

Family Values on Fox

Published: January 22, 2006

The news that "American Idol" has started a new season with ratings even more enormous than last year's reminds us of an old query. In a nation with a disquieting surplus of moral arbiters, why isn't there a call to clean up television programs that specialize in humiliating the weak? People devote untold hours to worrying about the sexual orientation of cartoon characters, but nobody seems disturbed that more than 30 million American households watch a "family" show that picks out hapless, and frequently helpless, contestants solely for famous and powerful judges to make fun of them on national television.

"American Idol" is known, even among those who have never seen it, as a talent show in which a dozen or so young pop singers compete to win a recording contract and a national profile. But it begins every season with several weeks of early elimination rounds in which judges pick the handful of contestants who will make it to the finals from a preselected mixture of very talented and very terrible singers. The very terrible have reason to hope that, having come so far, they might actually be as good as they imagined in their dreams.

Most of them are extremely young, naïve and deluded. Many appear terribly vulnerable and some seem to border on mentally impaired. The fun is supposed to come from seeing the celebrity judges roll their eyes, laugh, and tell them that they are tone-deaf, fat, funny-looking or, in the case of one young man, "atrocious" and "confused." (The cameras followed him out of the audition room, the better to make sport of him crying with his family.) The producers so treasured the comment of one judge, Simon Cowell, who said an overweight woman would require a bigger stage in Hollywood, that they used it to promote the segment.

In many ways, all this is just a much more expensive, glittery version of the old "Gong Show" from the 1970's. But the targets of that less hypersuccessful program were generally older and frequently more cynical. And, of course, the whole thing happened in a different era, when family values was not an overriding obsession.

No one wants to censor Fox's money machine, but it does seem peculiar that a nation so torn apart over what message gay marriage or prayer in school will send to impressionable youth is so unified in giving a pass to a program that teaches young people that it's extremely cool to be mean.
01/17/2006 08:22:57 PM · #4
I NEVER miss an episode. I'm watching it right now actually, but I also TIVO it. Then I put them all on one VHS or DVD for each season. :)

So far, to me, Kelly Clarkson in the most talented from all the other winners.

01/17/2006 08:19:32 PM · #5
This is always painful...in a good way for us, but still, it always makes me wince.

It's like watching and listening to a car crashing into a truck-full of cats and cheap crystal.

Message edited by author 2006-01-17 20:20:03.
01/17/2006 08:05:28 PM · #6
Game ON!!
01/17/2006 03:55:06 PM · #7
I'm an idol fan. Love watching it. Thanks for reminding me it starts tonight.

Year before last a friend of mines daughter wanted to go to Houston and try out. I drove them down there and we spent 2 nights on the floor of the Astros Stadium.it started storming really bad so they had no chose but to put us all in the stadium. I had just got my 10D so I had a blast taking pictures. I have a slide show on CD somewhere I'll post if I find it. There were some real characters. One of the nights I thought I was having a nightmare. I woke up to someone sitting on my feet. When I woke up enough I realized it was the wierd guy from the first year that told everyone he made it but didn't and he kept showing up every where. I wish I could remember his name. Anyway it was a fun experience but no desire to ever do that again. lol
01/17/2006 03:18:26 PM · #8
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting all year for Idol 5!!! One of only 2 TV Programs I like. The other having to be "Earl"!!!

Deb :-)
01/17/2006 03:15:25 PM · #9
I'm actually gonna watch this season of Idol. I can't be aroudn for most of them but I have the DVD recorder set already :)
01/17/2006 03:13:26 PM · #10

For Buzz's Weekly Idol thread, new season tonight!
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