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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> this site not as "cool" as i once thought
Showing posts 26 - 42 of 42, (reverse)
12/29/2003 08:36:35 PM · #26
Originally posted by Miah:

if a 12 year old called me old, i'd probably pick him up and beg him to differ.

Yup, violence solves everything :)
12/29/2003 10:02:01 PM · #27
Hey I'm an old bastard and from doing too much crap I'm falling apart, bad shoulder, bum knee, sore back and the lot. Enjoy your youth because I can't stand half the people my own age because there mentally broken. Either they act too young for their age or they are just passing time waiting for there AARP card. Age is just a clock to let you know that sooner or later your time has run out. Peace to all and enjoy another day above ground.
12/29/2003 10:31:49 PM · #28
In February, I'll be turning 18... for the second time!
12/29/2003 10:40:31 PM · #29
Originally posted by alansfreed:

In February, I'll be turning 18... for the second time!

Well, 3 years ago I celebrated the 21st anniversary of my 21st! Groan.
12/30/2003 02:49:34 AM · #30
Originally posted by Antepater:

Hey I'm an old bastard and from doing too much crap I'm falling apart, bad shoulder, bum knee, sore back and the lot. Enjoy your youth because I can't stand half the people my own age because there mentally broken. Either they act too young for their age or they are just passing time waiting for there AARP card. Age is just a clock to let you know that sooner or later your time has run out. Peace to all and enjoy another day above ground.

12/30/2003 10:50:40 AM · #31
I'm 23 and having a mid life crisis.

I volunteered at a YMCA two years ago to coach a bunch of 16 yr olds, letmetellya, THAT was an experience. But you get what you deserve, and I was the same way at some point in my life I'm sure.

Don't worry Miah, one of these days you'll have a growth spurt and fit into those osh kosh's.
12/30/2003 05:50:37 PM · #32
why is everyone so defensive? if its so great to be ancient, then riiide it.. it shouldn't matter what i think :). after all, i'm not as experienced as you- hardly enlightened- nothing for self-actualization here.. i haven't even found myself.. my remarks have no credit.
12/30/2003 06:32:38 PM · #33
dude, most people here are over 30, thats still cool, but MOST PEOPLE HERE HAVE CAMERAS THAT CAN KICK MY CAMERA'S ASS... but i guess its cuz older people have more money ... ehh well you got a cool camera too tho... and your older than me.. so ha! ...
12/30/2003 06:54:47 PM · #34
Since we're on the subject of aging let me pipe in my feelings on the subject. Some of the things that come along with aging may not be so pleasant, like metabolism changes, and more maintenance on the older flesh. I've also noticed that many younger people think you're uncool. Oh yeah...been there and I remember it well.
There are benefits to aging though, like being more sure of one's self, having more understanding because of hindsight, loving others more deeply, and having long-term friendships and spouse. One of the very coolest things I've discovered as I've aged, is that I can learn from OTHER people's experiences. I have the wisdom to look and SEE, and avoid mistakes that I would have hastily made when I was younger.
One of the biggest joys is my grandchildren. I have four and I adore them. I have a sense of appreciation that deepens as I age.

Every age has benies...the thing is we need to recognize them when they are occuring. I enjoyed my youth for the most part. Although there was pain and disappointment, I came out better for it. I got to go to Woodstock, and hitch-hiked to California from NY with friends, partied with celebs, and just had a blast. Being young is really great, but believe me, aging can be wonderful too.

I'm 52 by the way, and happier and more content than I have EVER been! Way past peer pressure or keeping up with the Jones family. (although I never was one to do that.)
01/03/2004 10:27:11 PM · #35
Originally posted by Miah:

why is everyone so defensive? if its so great to be ancient, then riiide it.. it shouldn't matter what i think :). after all, i'm not as experienced as you- hardly enlightened- nothing for self-actualization here.. i haven't even found myself.. my remarks have no credit.

lol people get on the defensive when it appears they're being attacked..and silly Miah, you started the thread to point out how ancient everyone appears to be :-) Dude, in north america age is a HUGE thing....give me 10 years and I'll be lined up for Botox just like everyone else :-)
01/03/2004 11:12:33 PM · #36
Originally posted by magnetic9999:

it's just a matter of time til 12 year olds are calling you over the hill and uncool and you too respond with indignation ("Age is just a number!")

but given that our society promotes that younger is better and older is worthless, it's not surprising you would make such a statement.

you're a good little brainwash-ee. MTV did it's job right with you; it should be proud ;).

you know something is f'd up when a culture promotes its young and stupid over its old and wise..
01/03/2004 11:37:08 PM · #37
It takes a long time to become young.
01/03/2004 11:42:19 PM · #38
I'm gonna be 21 Friday....I am feeling old. Only one more year of school before I have to get a real job...Sheesh, some of my friends are already getting married
01/04/2004 12:27:40 AM · #39
Graduated High School when I was 17 and a year and a half later I was drafted and went to Viet Nam. After that great experience I decided to go to art school and 4 years later I graduated with Honors with a BFA degree. Then I got a job in a dental lab that has kept me busy in one form or another ever since. Next I with my Brother started up a band in Boston, name of Toby Dammit that kept me busy nights for a few years. We played all the clubs in Boston for a while, 3 and 1/2 years, until we decided to break up from boredom I guess. Up around the early 80’s now and I decide I really like racing cars so I start to build my Hot Rod. I race my car up Epping NH for a another couple years until one night I get caught driving a little fast which puts a halt to my new found career.
Next-I get caught up in the Art scene south of Boston.
Meanwhile I always liked looking up. You know, stargazing. I get myself a 10 inch Newtonian Telescope and spend several more years learning the Heavens. Star hopping can be such a thrill.
Still doing my painting and entering Art Shows.
Somehow all the years kept slipping by without me noticing. And it’s the twenty first century.
Then I saw a Digital Camera. OH NO another obsession.
I’m 54 years old, you know Miah, but I feel like I’m just a teen inside. Hope your life is as much fun.


And of course Rita is always with me.

Message edited by author 2004-01-04 00:31:35.
01/06/2004 12:05:52 AM · #40
JMRITZ, I don't think anyone can brag to have the same life experience as anyone having been to war....we're not worthy!
And quite the turn of events after Viet Nam, I hope we ALL have such an exciting life [minus the war of course]
01/06/2004 12:21:36 AM · #41
oh all you youngsters are just mad because us "old folk" or the "average age" folks are the first and founding members of "Generation X". We set the standard and you guys just cant believe someone is "cooler" than you !!!!


dont get mad...im just joking around.....but I am old :) or wait im just average
01/07/2004 03:53:55 PM · #42
At the ripe young age of 39, I'm old enough to be a grandma but young enough to be a cool grandma. haha I may have aching bones when it rains on rare occasion but I can still play with the best of them. To be 20ish again....NO WAY! I'm young enough to still enjoy life and old enough to be smart about it. haha
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