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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> 1 2 TREE. . .is this thing on?
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02/23/2007 12:03:45 PM · #1
Man, I really love trees as a subject. You always know where to find them, and can almost ALWAYS count on them to be there. they rarely leave or Split on you. (i had to) If the lighting is good and you can compose a good shot they're great. but if you just go point a camera at a tree, I couldn't think of anything more boring. I didn't get to enter this one. But i was really looking forward to looking at everyone's shots and voting. I was so disapointed for a while but then some good one's started popping up and then even more. I'm not disapointed anymore. At first i was bothered by shots that had other objects besides a tree or trees as the subject, but then realized i shouldn't be after reading the criteria again. I think the rules left it a little too open. to "include a tree in your compostion" doesn't mean it has to be the subject, and it could be anything. as long as there's a tree in the distance. I guess i was just hoping for the tree to be the subject. and one last thing. . .is a flower or plant a tree?
02/23/2007 12:35:29 PM · #2
A flower is a product of either a plant or a tree.
Trees are more fiberous than a plant. I'm not a biologist or botonist but there is a fundamental difference in the two.
Imo, A tree is a tree from seed to firewood.

02/23/2007 12:39:04 PM · #3
I dropped scores slightly if it was a plant or flower, and i just wanted to make sure i wasn't being to picky.
I've finished going through all of them and was pleasently surprised at alot of nice shots. the random order generator, randomly saved all the best for last.
02/23/2007 12:40:42 PM · #4
I like trees as a verb. ;l
02/23/2007 12:42:16 PM · #5
there are flowers? I haven't gone thru yet but it could be a flowering tree ... I can't imagine someone shooting a from the ground flower or vased flower in a tree challenge.
02/23/2007 12:45:25 PM · #6
I think that a flowering branch is perfectly within the bounds of the challenge. Dogwoods, magnolias, just about any fruit tree - I'm sure there are others, but they're still all trees. And gorgeous ones at that. No flower penalty from me. I probably voted the well-done flowering trees higher just because I'm pining away for Spring, which comes later here in the high country.
02/23/2007 12:45:42 PM · #7
I have been all the way through, and the only flower I can remember seeing was definitely from a tree!
02/23/2007 01:02:04 PM · #8
Yeah there were only two but I posted after looking at the first 25 or so and they were both at the beginning so i expected more to come when mentioning it. I agree they are compeltely exceptable, and from a tree. like i said, i guess i just love when a simple tree you could walk by a hundred times can be made into a shot you can't walk by without looking at with the implamentation of a photographers eye. and so i felt more drawn to the lines of a tree itself and something dry and almost boring made beautiful and not a biproduct or tip or bud or branch as much. but i still rated good photos with good scores regardless.
02/23/2007 01:03:43 PM · #9
Originally posted by DrewLong:

I dropped scores slightly if it was a plant or flower, and i just wanted to make sure i wasn't being to picky.

Young and/or small trees, and parts of trees, look an awful lot like plants to me, but I'm not a botanist. Why not just look for reasons to raise your vote instead?
02/23/2007 01:13:17 PM · #10
Originally posted by skewsme:

Originally posted by DrewLong:

I dropped scores slightly if it was a plant or flower, and i just wanted to make sure i wasn't being to picky.

Young and/or small trees, and parts of trees, look an awful lot like plants to me, but I'm not a botanist. Why not just look for reasons to raise your vote instead?

dont want to give mine away really but i used a smaller baby tree and i think thats why im getting low votes because of confusion
02/23/2007 03:56:33 PM · #11
fine fine, i used the word "dropped" but, i didn't actually go and give it a lower score, I just didn't give it as high as I would a tree in full meaning via MY interpretation. . .i can't be wrong, it's not a fact it's an opinion. If it was a picture of an acorn, yes it's a future tree but if it displayed the same photographic qualites of an equally nice picture of a tree I would 'probably' give the tree the edge. unless the concept was undeniably brilliant and they had recently broken both their legs trying to save a baby bald eagle from a telephone pole and they couldn't go outside but they had an acorn.
When i originally said "thoughts?" i meant on the whole paragraph not just the last sentence. . . tear* . . I just wanted to start a thread to discuss the challenge from a viewers perspective beyond the usual "here's my score, i'm sad". oh well. good luck everyone, i enjoyed the photos nonetheless.
02/23/2007 04:48:04 PM · #12
Originally posted by noisemaker:

dont want to give mine away really but i used a smaller baby tree and i think thats why im getting low votes because of confusion

Same here 8(
02/23/2007 08:57:50 PM · #13
Quick question, is using sepia in camera grounds for DQ?? The rules state any option offered on your camera is allowable but it is the only thing I can possibly see as being a red flag on my entry...I was just asked for submittion of original for verification.
02/23/2007 08:59:41 PM · #14
Originally posted by jackal9:

Quick question, is using sepia in camera grounds for DQ?? The rules state any option offered on your camera is allowable but it is the only thing I can possibly see as being a red flag on my entry...I was just asked for submittion of original for verification.

Sepia in camera is fine, I guess you were asked for the original so they can make sure it was done in camera and not in photoshop.

Message edited by author 2007-02-23 20:59:49.
02/23/2007 09:06:57 PM · #15
Thats good, I just know somethings going to happen, it's getting the highest scores of any of my entries, lol. Of course we have a lot of voting to go so...
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