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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Burst of Color scores
Showing posts 126 - 128 of 128, (reverse)
01/15/2006 08:53:25 AM · #126
Originally posted by goodman:

Votes: 238
Views: 381

Comments: 42
Favorites: 8


I know someone who will be doing the dance of joy tomorrow morning
01/15/2006 02:03:49 PM · #127
Votes: 230
Views: 333
Avg Vote:
Comments: 24
Favorites: 5

I don't remember having 5 favorites before, but it's far from my highest score. Interesting. I guess this is going to be a love it or hate it distribution with a fair amount of 3s and 2s to balance the high scores.
01/15/2006 02:31:20 PM · #128
Votes: 241
Views: 407
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

Everyone looks at mine, but nobody marked it as a favorite. Even still... it's my favorite shot I've done so far, and my highest scoring. Looking forward to midnight just to see where it ends up!
Current Server Time: 09/20/2024 09:28:43 PM

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