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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Duelling (to Artyste)
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 46, (reverse)
10/21/2004 03:06:50 AM · #1

*to the sound of a fine leather glove being slapped around the face*

I challenge you to a duel!

Ok, I really like your work and I've noticed that both our average vote recieved figures are roughly the same, my challenge is this; whoever has the highest average vote recieved on the 1st January 2005 wins, and gets to choose one pic from the loser's collection that the loser will send free of charge to the winner.

Do you accept? - or have you no honour? ;)

10/21/2004 03:12:35 AM · #2
Originally posted by colda:


*to the sound of a fine leather glove being slapped around the face*

I challenge you to a duel!

Ok, I really like your work and I've noticed that both our average vote recieved figures are roughly the same, my challenge is this; whoever has the highest average vote recieved on the 1st January 2005 wins, and gets to choose one pic from the loser's collection that the loser will send free of charge to the winner.

Do you accept? - or have you no honour? ;)


*GASP*.. a public calling out?! You're in sooo much trouble for not sending me a private message! nyah nyah! (just kidding).

Interesting.. veeerrryy interesting... What size of print? I'd have to print out locally, and send through the mail, as I don't have a credit card to use with DPCPrints.. (in order to buy the print for you).
Other problem is.. some of the photos I have in my portfolio aren't exactly of.. print quality.. so it'd be a crap-shoot :)

So.. um.. let me know after all those conditions apply. lol

*EDIT* OH.. one final condition.. you have to join me in submitting one humorous/crazy/zany/off-the-wall photo for each month, November and December.. in any challenge you choose for that month.

Message edited by author 2004-10-21 03:19:19.
10/21/2004 03:18:48 AM · #3
ohh how exciting......
10/21/2004 03:27:03 AM · #4
Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:


*to the sound of a fine leather glove being slapped around the face*

I challenge you to a duel!

Ok, I really like your work and I've noticed that both our average vote recieved figures are roughly the same, my challenge is this; whoever has the highest average vote recieved on the 1st January 2005 wins, and gets to choose one pic from the loser's collection that the loser will send free of charge to the winner.

Do you accept? - or have you no honour? ;)


*GASP*.. a public calling out?! You're in sooo much trouble for not sending me a private message! nyah nyah! (just kidding).

Interesting.. veeerrryy interesting... What size of print? I'd have to print out locally, and send through the mail, as I don't have a credit card to use with DPCPrints.. (in order to buy the print for you).
Other problem is.. some of the photos I have in my portfolio aren't exactly of.. print quality.. so it'd be a crap-shoot :)

So.. um.. let me know after all those conditions apply. lol

Well, it's all in fun, I can assure you that I'm not not going to hold you to a 24" x 36" framed pic, I'd be happy with a small print (5" x 4") mounted on a 10" x 8" sheet of card with a title and signature :)

That way if you become famous I can put it up for auction and retire on the proceeds ;)

10/21/2004 03:43:22 AM · #5
Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:


*to the sound of a fine leather glove being slapped around the face*

I challenge you to a duel!

Ok, I really like your work and I've noticed that both our average vote recieved figures are roughly the same, my challenge is this; whoever has the highest average vote recieved on the 1st January 2005 wins, and gets to choose one pic from the loser's collection that the loser will send free of charge to the winner.

Do you accept? - or have you no honour? ;)


*GASP*.. a public calling out?! You're in sooo much trouble for not sending me a private message! nyah nyah! (just kidding).

Interesting.. veeerrryy interesting... What size of print? I'd have to print out locally, and send through the mail, as I don't have a credit card to use with DPCPrints.. (in order to buy the print for you).
Other problem is.. some of the photos I have in my portfolio aren't exactly of.. print quality.. so it'd be a crap-shoot :)

So.. um.. let me know after all those conditions apply. lol

Well, it's all in fun, I can assure you that I'm not not going to hold you to a 24" x 36" framed pic, I'd be happy with a small print (5" x 4") mounted on a 10" x 8" sheet of card with a title and signature :)

That way if you become famous I can put it up for auction and retire on the proceeds ;)


Agreed, on the condition you comply with my final condition, as stated in the edit of my original post..
10/21/2004 03:53:58 AM · #6
Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:


*to the sound of a fine leather glove being slapped around the face*

I challenge you to a duel!

Ok, I really like your work and I've noticed that both our average vote recieved figures are roughly the same, my challenge is this; whoever has the highest average vote recieved on the 1st January 2005 wins, and gets to choose one pic from the loser's collection that the loser will send free of charge to the winner.

Do you accept? - or have you no honour? ;)


*GASP*.. a public calling out?! You're in sooo much trouble for not sending me a private message! nyah nyah! (just kidding).

Interesting.. veeerrryy interesting... What size of print? I'd have to print out locally, and send through the mail, as I don't have a credit card to use with DPCPrints.. (in order to buy the print for you).
Other problem is.. some of the photos I have in my portfolio aren't exactly of.. print quality.. so it'd be a crap-shoot :)

So.. um.. let me know after all those conditions apply. lol

Well, it's all in fun, I can assure you that I'm not not going to hold you to a 24" x 36" framed pic, I'd be happy with a small print (5" x 4") mounted on a 10" x 8" sheet of card with a title and signature :)

That way if you become famous I can put it up for auction and retire on the proceeds ;)


Agreed, on the condition you comply with my final condition, as stated in the edit of my original post..

Okies, at least one of my entries in both November and December will qualify for the 'Humorous' category. My 'School Days' could also qualify ;)
10/21/2004 03:58:29 AM · #7
Then it is agreed.

Let the DPC Record show that Colda and Artyste have entered a fun, one-on-one challenge. A battle for the best Avg. Score as of January 1, 2005. Each contestant will enter as many challenges as they can. (let's go for at least one of the challenges per week?). As well, each contestant shall submit one entry in November, and one in December, of an unusual, non-typical subject that is humorous/crazy/zany/off-the-wall. After January 1st, 2005, the person with the lower Avg. Score for challenges will owe the person with the higher score, a print from their portfolio. Let the games begin.

May the best man wow the sheep!

Message edited by author 2004-10-21 04:07:27.
10/21/2004 04:03:58 AM · #8
Originally posted by Artyste:

After January 1st, 2005, the person with the highest Avg. Score for challenges will owe the person with the lower score, a print of their choosing from the higher score getter's portfolio.

Shouldn't that be the other way around?
10/21/2004 04:06:32 AM · #9
Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

After January 1st, 2005, the person with the highest Avg. Score for challenges will owe the person with the lower score, a print of their choosing from the higher score getter's portfolio.

Shouldn't that be the other way around?

OOPS. fixed.

Message edited by author 2004-10-21 04:07:37.
10/21/2004 04:09:53 AM · #10
Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

After January 1st, 2005, the person with the highest Avg. Score for challenges will owe the person with the lower score, a print of their choosing from the higher score getter's portfolio.

Shouldn't that be the other way around?

OOPS. fixed.

May the best voter-pleaser win, I have a cunning plan that involves sunsets, pets and flower macro shots ;)
10/21/2004 04:14:59 AM · #11
Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by Artyste:

After January 1st, 2005, the person with the highest Avg. Score for challenges will owe the person with the lower score, a print of their choosing from the higher score getter's portfolio.

Shouldn't that be the other way around?

OOPS. fixed.

May the best voter-pleaser win, I have a cunning plan that involves sunsets, pets and flower macro shots ;)

HAHAHA.. darn. That was MY plan!!!
I guess I'm just going to have to resort to tiddies.
10/21/2004 04:43:41 AM · #12
pssst... my votes are for sale..


P.S. This is probably the best thread and or idea that has been set in motion that I've seen in a long, long while. May the best little blue icon win!
10/21/2004 04:48:11 AM · #13
Originally posted by jadin:

This is probably the best thread and or idea that has been set in motion that I've seen in a long, long while. May the best little blue icon win!

It's easy to do, look at your preferred photographers and if their average score if about the same as yours - challenge them :)

Let's start a new craze ;)

Who wants to create the 'dpc duellists' section/site?

Message edited by author 2004-10-21 04:48:26.
10/21/2004 04:54:04 AM · #14
Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by jadin:

This is probably the best thread and or idea that has been set in motion that I've seen in a long, long while. May the best little blue icon win!

It's easy to do, look at your preferred photographers and if their average score if about the same as yours - challenge them :)

Let's start a new craze ;)

Who wants to create the 'dpc duellists' section/site?


10/21/2004 05:55:10 AM · #15
Great idea guys...:)
Our respect and votes are for you...
Shouldnt we start making up support clubs for you? ;).
10/21/2004 05:57:01 AM · #16
Originally posted by nordicgirl:

Great idea guys...:)
Our respect and votes are for you...
Shouldnt we start making up support clubs for you? ;).

Could become a Europe vs North America thing - battle of the continents ;)
10/21/2004 06:00:11 AM · #17
I didnt decided yet which part to choose hehe :)
Can i think bit more...or see first results ;)?
Or we are plainly devided by continets hehe...
10/21/2004 07:25:28 AM · #18
1) I'm for. It's a brilliant idea. The best I've seen recently.

2) I know Colda personally. In fact he's a friend of mine.
Well, if you can't get famous yourself, at least it's nice to have famous friends ;)

God speed to both of you and I really hope DPC could start something like that on a larger scale.
Would any of you guy mind if we, who are interested just never had such a great idea, start challenging eachother ? (i would expect the challenges to be between people with quite simillar avg.scores/number of challenges entered).

As soon as you give me your blessing I give away my credentials and wait for someone who dares to compete.


10/21/2004 08:45:05 AM · #19
I would like to create a FujiFilm S7000 challenge (my camera). Of course, you all can do your own chosing to see what camera you want to use. Any takers?

Another idea is create an S7000 council so we can bounce around some ideas and win some ribbons. I am a little embarrassed that a S7000 has never won a ribbon yet, with 172 users with this camera. We should be able to do a little better.
10/21/2004 08:48:08 AM · #20
Originally posted by aguapreta:

I would like to create a FujiFilm S7000 challenge (my camera). Of course, you all can do your own chosing to see what camera you want to use. Any takers?

Another idea is create an S7000 council so we can bounce around some ideas and win some ribbons. I am a little embarrassed that a S7000 has never won a ribbon yet, with 172 users with this camera. We should be able to do a little better.

You're already winning :)

10/21/2004 09:32:17 AM · #21
Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by aguapreta:

I would like to create a FujiFilm S7000 challenge (my camera). Of course, you all can do your own chosing to see what camera you want to use. Any takers?

Another idea is create an S7000 council so we can bounce around some ideas and win some ribbons. I am a little embarrassed that a S7000 has never won a ribbon yet, with 172 users with this camera. We should be able to do a little better.

You're already winning :)


My point is that there are no ribbons from S7000 owners. Not blues, reds, or yellows. In fact, we have not even broken the 7.000 barrier yet. Every time I think I have another good one, it pulls in a 4.5 or 5.0 so I need another source of imput and ideas.
10/21/2004 01:41:13 PM · #22
Originally posted by aguapreta:

Originally posted by colda:

Originally posted by aguapreta:

I would like to create a FujiFilm S7000 challenge (my camera). Of course, you all can do your own chosing to see what camera you want to use. Any takers?

Another idea is create an S7000 council so we can bounce around some ideas and win some ribbons. I am a little embarrassed that a S7000 has never won a ribbon yet, with 172 users with this camera. We should be able to do a little better.

You're already winning :)


My point is that there are no ribbons from S7000 owners. Not blues, reds, or yellows. In fact, we have not even broken the 7.000 barrier yet. Every time I think I have another good one, it pulls in a 4.5 or 5.0 so I need another source of imput and ideas.

I'm with you on this one a little bit.. but I don't know if having a council or meetings or anything will change the no-ribbons.. especially lately where getting a 7.000 seems to be next to godliness.

We just have to keep plugging away :)
10/25/2004 12:46:52 AM · #23

After 'Night Shot II'

colda: 5.4893
Artyste: 5.4658

(Although my school days pic is gonna hurt - currently 4.6888)
10/25/2004 12:48:15 AM · #24
Originally posted by colda:


After 'Night Shot II'

colda: 5.4893
Artyste: 5.4658

(Although my school days pic is gonna hurt - currently 4.6888)

hehehe.. then I won't tell you what I have on School Days ;)
10/25/2004 01:18:41 AM · #25
i got 10 bucks to waiger with anyone that artyste is going to win (gotta support the canadian, being one myself)... anyone in? =)
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