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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> GTG in Bay Area (California) anyone?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 95, (reverse)
02/12/2009 09:39:36 PM · #1
Shout out to all west coast (California) DPCers.

Shailesh ( DigiFotoBuddy) and I were discussing a GTG in the bay area somewhere on a Sunday, preferrably one of these dates:

Feb 22, 2009
March 15, 2009
March 22, 2009
March 29, 2009

(feel free to suggest alternatives in March and beyond..)

For the location, I am not too sure yet. I have been birding on the Charleston Slough before.

This link also hints at quite a lot of birding sites.

I am not too particular about what to photograph.. so feel free to suggest different sites for street photography etc.

We could perhaps do some shooting and then a luncheon/supper kind of thingy somewhere.

I want to see how many are interested in such a meetup.

Lets see some hands guys:-)

Message edited by author 2009-02-12 21:40:13.
02/12/2009 10:52:49 PM · #2
I am realtively new to this area. I want to explore the area more and meet some DPCer here. I am fine with any Sunday in March. I joined two GTG in Chicago and it was so much fun. I am in.
02/12/2009 11:05:58 PM · #3
I think those of us who've met up before were considering a GTG at the new California Academy of Sciences ... maybe even for some partying ...
02/12/2009 11:26:46 PM · #4
Originally posted by GeneralE:

I think those of us who've met up before were considering a GTG at the new California Academy of Sciences ... maybe even for some partying ...

Hey Paul,

Thats a neat idea. Any chance we could start during the day and do some outdoor shooting to begin with?
Is this nightlife event also held on Sundays? I could only see the events being held on thursdays.

Any good birding places that you have bene to? I saw few SF GTG threads from the past.. one of them was in the Golden Gate Park. I will look for the participants from back then.

02/12/2009 11:37:08 PM · #5
Here is a recent SF GTG thread.

02/13/2009 12:17:07 AM · #6
Wow, it seems like it was only just a year ago that we got together last time. Scary how time flys these days. last year this time we were enjoying the Japanese Tea Garden. Were there cherry blossoms yet? I don't remember but don't see any pictures of them in our various collections.

I will also think about places to photograph. Fisherman's Wharf comes to mind. It's touristy and all that, but it is an interesting blend of the fishing industry and honky-tonk. Pier 39 might be a good place to start.

There is a slight problem with the new california Academy of Sciences on a Sunday. A major thoroughfare through the park is closed to cars (and parking) on Sundays, and the parking lots fill up early. So it would be necessary - and in any case, advisable - to get to the Academy as soon as it opens at (I think) 9:30am. This is when the viewing is best anyhow, as crowds develop quickly. From my experience, it is good for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours before it becomes a mass of people with not a camera angle in sight.

Of the places mentioned in this thread that I know, the Palo Alto Baylands Preserve is a wonderful place, especially at low tide. Lots of birds, ducks and ground squirrels, a pheasant or two if you're lucky, and barn swallows. used to have egrets but they decamped enmass a year or two ago from their nesting site and haven't been seen since.
02/13/2009 12:41:53 AM · #7
This one was shot at the Palo Alto Baylands:

They were far. Very far. My 70-300 VR helped.

I would actually not mind such a birding hike again. I had loads of fun. I am not very good with crowdy places.. but am open to it if thats what everyone else is up for;-)

Message edited by author 2009-02-13 00:43:11.
02/13/2009 12:43:15 AM · #8
Keeping this thread on my watch list!
02/13/2009 12:47:59 AM · #9
Thanks for the heads up Prash. Sundays aren't my best day schedule wise, but i'd like to meet some of my neighbors. ;) I'll keep an eye on this thread.
02/13/2009 01:11:58 AM · #10
There's a bird sanctuary (first in the nation) right in downtown Oakland, at Lake Merritt.

02/13/2009 01:13:46 AM · #11
Thanks Paul!

<< Dates/Site choices moved to a recent post >>

Do saturdays work better? Some people had mentioned Sundays as a first choice. I am open for both days.
For those interested, can you please vote, e.g. my vote:

Date: [5]
Site: [A] or [B] or [C]


Message edited by author 2009-02-13 18:02:49.
02/13/2009 01:18:21 AM · #12
Saturdays are better for me, but I'm probably less than 50% for any GTG until later in the year, so don't count my vote for much. The night thing at the Academy is only on Thursdays, and coud be expensive (I haven't checked prices for that).
02/13/2009 01:34:19 AM · #13
I'm not much of a birder, but I would love to get together with other Bay Area DPCers. The best dates for me are Feb 21-22, and March 21-22. I'll keep an eye on the thread to see how things come together!

02/13/2009 08:57:22 AM · #14
Lake Merritt would be a fabulous place to photograph. Not only birds, but cityscapes and a new glass church are in the area.

good dates for me would be March 14, or March 22.

So that would be:

Oakland's new glass church

Here's a skyline shot from Lake Merritt (you can do better):

02/13/2009 12:51:37 PM · #15
Originally posted by sfalice:

Lake Merritt would be a fabulous place to photograph. Not only birds, but cityscapes and a new glass church are in the area.

good dates for me would be March 14, or March 22.

So that would be:

Oakland's new glass church

Here's a skyline shot from Lake Merritt (you can do better):

Thanks, Alice!

<< votes moved to a recent post >>

Alice, is March 21 going to be really difficult for you?
Shaliesh, is March 21 tough for you too? Also, are you ok with Lake Merritt?

I hope Paul, Philip, macpapas, and mpeters can make it too.

Guys, please let me know if you need to change any of this info.

Message edited by author 2009-02-13 18:00:48.
02/13/2009 01:52:20 PM · #16
March 21st(Saturday) would work best for me. The 14th is out b/c of my little guys b-day. Anyplace will be fun!
02/13/2009 01:57:33 PM · #17
Sheesh, where were all you guys when *I* was out there? In October?

02/13/2009 02:00:46 PM · #18
Originally posted by Prash:

Alice, is March 21 going to be really difficult for you?

I could drop by on the 21st but I have to be in San Francisco from 2:30 on that day, so would have to leave the group around 1:00 or so.

But if that's the best day for the group, go for it. Not a problem.

02/13/2009 02:12:11 PM · #19
watching thread ... will join in if I can depending on date. Second the vote for lake merritt ... many other east bay sites near there to explore as well. The Mountain View Cemetery would be a fabulous place to shoot. The Emeryville shoreline, and some of the east bay regional parks in the Oakland/Berkeley Hills would be possible as well (Sibley and Tilden are both within easy striking distance of the lake).
02/13/2009 03:06:13 PM · #20
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Sheesh, where were all you guys when *I* was out there? In October?


Dunno about others, but I was learning what 'aperture' is:-)
02/13/2009 03:07:30 PM · #21
Originally posted by EstimatedEyes:

watching thread ... will join in if I can depending on date. Second the vote for lake merritt ... many other east bay sites near there to explore as well. The Mountain View Cemetery would be a fabulous place to shoot. The Emeryville shoreline, and some of the east bay regional parks in the Oakland/Berkeley Hills would be possible as well (Sibley and Tilden are both within easy striking distance of the lake).

Thanks, Dennis! I have added your name to the list. Is March 21, Saturday, ok for you?
02/13/2009 03:14:17 PM · #22
Date: [1],[2],[4] (the 21st is the one day I cannot attend)
Site: [F]

02/13/2009 04:25:56 PM · #23
Dates don't matter to me as I would be a late to confirm anyway. Lake Merritt is where I live so that is easy for me! The church that Alice mentioned is nice to shoot except no tripods inside, I have been inside during the week but you would probably need to see what time they have services if you were to plan this on a Sunday. Sibley is really nice too with great views of the diablo valley and some redwoods. I haven't wandered around Tilden yet but I am sure it would be nice too.

I always like the Marin Headlands also or Mt. Tam. If the weather was nice we could have a couple sets of cars and hike from Mt. Tam down to Stinson Beach and have cars at both ends to shuttle us back to the top. Might be more of a hike then a photo excursion though. Of course last time we followed my suggestions we ended up in a fogged in cold corner of Point Reyes. :P

Point Reyes GTG
02/13/2009 04:50:37 PM · #24
Partway around Lake Merritt from the bird sanctuary are Oakland's Chinatown and numerous public buildings (Post Office, Library, Courthouse ...) ... in the other direction is Children's Fairyland.

Here's the city's list of stuff to see ...
02/13/2009 05:52:53 PM · #25
Originally posted by jdannels:

Dates don't matter to me as I would be a late to confirm anyway. Lake Merritt is where I live so that is easy for me! The church that Alice mentioned is nice to shoot except no tripods inside, I have been inside during the week but you would probably need to see what time they have services if you were to plan this on a Sunday. Sibley is really nice too with great views of the diablo valley and some redwoods. I haven't wandered around Tilden yet but I am sure it would be nice too.

I always like the Marin Headlands also or Mt. Tam. If the weather was nice we could have a couple sets of cars and hike from Mt. Tam down to Stinson Beach and have cars at both ends to shuttle us back to the top. Might be more of a hike then a photo excursion though. Of course last time we followed my suggestions we ended up in a fogged in cold corner of Point Reyes. :P

Point Reyes GTG

Thanks Joe. For now I will add your name to the list, just let us know when you can confirm.
I had done this hike before.. but didnt finish it all. It was getting too late since we started very late. For now Lake Merritt look ok to most, but lets keep the hike in the list. I will add it too.
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