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DPChallenge Forums >> Web Site Suggestions >> Anonymous Comments
Showing posts 51 - 57 of 57, (reverse)
02/04/2004 07:35:55 PM · #51
Originally posted by EddyG:

How about just making the comments anonymous during voting, and then once the results were calculated, the identities would be revealed? This would allow the person to "chew on it", would still make the comment attributable to a user when the challenge voting is over, and would prevent people from replying to comments trying to beg for a higher vote...

This is the way it was in the Days of Yore. Personally I thought it worked fine. I know for a fact I left a lot more blunt comments. I also had very little idea what I was talking about with no worries about what I was saying or who I was saying it to. Admittedly its probably not the perfect system, but I think it was much more effective. Maybe we could try it for a couple challenges and take another vote Mr. Site Council Person.

Still Lobbying - Bob
02/04/2004 07:36:23 PM · #52
In "real" life we don't have the option of anonymity, most of the time and I think the same should apply here. We need to learn to develop thick skins in regard to our photos and our egos. If we get better in our art/photography and we have it hanging in galleries or other web sites where people will comment then people will either like it or not and we have to learn to accept these differences of opinion. Without an identity behind it, these comments become less valuable, in my opinion.

Maybe we need to have a seperate rant section just for rude comments so that the whole DPC community can inspect and dissect these comments in relation to the photo in question and see if they are truly objectionable. How about a category for number of rude comments made that would be listed in the commenters personal statistics? (not so serious about this last one :)
02/04/2004 07:46:38 PM · #53

Message edited by author 2004-02-09 12:54:44.
02/04/2004 08:15:14 PM · #54
I like the fact that I can identify who has made a given comment. I can ask for clarification on a comment and if there I disagree have the chance to openly discuss the point. I can have my mistakes pointed out to me (and believe me, they are). I have learned more about photography on this site than I could in years at school.

My problem is that many of the comments made seem intended to be hurtful. I also object to someone that has never entered a challenge or posted in the forums commenting on photos. They dont have enough experience with the spirit of this site to give constructive criticism on pictures.

Rather than permit anonymous comments, why not require going thru the tutorial on how to comment on photographs before being allowed to vote or comment. Perhaps require that someone participate in at least one challenge in order to make commentary. Having your own work exposed to this community really would change some attitudes.
02/04/2004 08:44:58 PM · #55
Originally posted by Glen King:

I like the fact that I can identify who has made a given comment. I can ask for clarification on a comment and if there I disagree have the chance to openly discuss the point. I can have my mistakes pointed out to me (and believe me, they are). I have learned more about photography on this site than I could in years at school.

After the challenge is done, you would know who left the comment. It would just be anonymous during voting. Would discussing a point, that the commenter made after the challenge voting was done, be less fruitful than if it was discussed during the voting?

I don't think this is about totally anonymous comments, just anonymous during the voting process. At least that's the vibe I'm getting about this.

02/24/2004 05:11:29 PM · #56
Originally posted by Grundle:

I personally am against anonymous comments. Basicly because I've been on sites where there are discussions between anonymous people taking place. And I think I can say that out of maybe 100 people there were maybe 2-4 persons that managed to keep the conversation in a well mannerd way.
i agrie
02/25/2004 12:23:25 AM · #57
Well if were going to say that comments should be in the open, why not votes. I'm tired of getting the every now and then troll that votes a 1 on my image 2 minutes after the challenge opens. I know only 1-3 troll votes doesn't matter, but they really piss me off and I wanna know who they are.

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