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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Daytime photo in the Night shot II
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 36, (reverse)
10/25/2004 04:04:47 AM · #1
Well, my photo was clearly a daytime photo in the Night Shot II challenge, but most people did not seem to mind or notice. I had struggled with what to enter here and finally decided to do a "throw away" entry just for fun to see if anyone would notice. Here is my submission:

Here is my unedited submission:

I appreciate the few comments I recieved and I also appreciate that no one told it did not meet the challenge;)

Some of my legitimate outtakes are posted in my portfolio, for those who are interested.

10/25/2004 07:45:37 AM · #2
I thought it was the sun, as the moon wasn't full for that week of the challenge.
You naughty boy!!!
10/25/2004 07:53:34 AM · #3
What a great idea lets all do that for every challenge!
Why even have a challenge! It makes no difference that other people actually put an effort into meeting the challenge no matter what they have scored. Why would 1 photo matter, why not 2 or 3....

Shakes head and walks away..
10/25/2004 08:01:47 AM · #4
I'm amazed that you admitted it. You are probably thinking "lighten up, its only a daft challenge where there's not even any prizes" but, a lot of people put in a lot of effort. This is even worst BECAUSE there are no prizes.

Not a good example to set, imagine how all those placed below you must now feel...

Very saddened....
10/25/2004 08:09:49 AM · #5
I'm confused...many photos have been edited to fool the viewer into thinking it meets the challenge. Will we make this one the scapegoat because aguapreta admitted to it?
10/25/2004 08:54:35 AM · #6
Aguapreta image meets the challenge rules. My submission also was taken at daylight, and I only darkened the sky. I think its part of the creativity.
More examples:
Submission to "Smoke",

Hey this is vapour not smoke, is the photographer triying to fool me?

Submission to "Neon",

Where are the neon lights here?

Submission to "fire"

These are sparks, not fire.

Submission to "Night shot II"

Was this one made at night or when the sun was falling down?

These images seem to be indoor, at what time were they taken?

For me these are all valid subs. Creativity (and widening of the challenge theme) plays an important role . Finally its up to the voter (to all of the voters in fact) to place the image in question in the 1st 2nd, or 130th rank position.

If you think aguapreta image tries to fool the voter, make a proposal to ban some of the edits: hue change, rotate 180º the image....
Also count the photographs which titles do not match exactly the item photographed.

10/25/2004 09:04:01 AM · #7
I have to agree with Eojedaa. I don't think anything was done wrong. I see alot of photos like the ones listed above, that use their technique to meet a challenge.
10/25/2004 09:36:19 AM · #8
Originally posted by eojedaa:

Aguapreta image meets the challenge rules. My submission also was taken at daylight, and I only darkened the sky. I think its part of the creativity.
More examples:
Submission to "Smoke",

Hey this is vapour not smoke, is the photographer triying to fool me?

Submission to "Neon",

Where are the neon lights here?

Submission to "fire"

These are sparks, not fire.

Submission to "Night shot II"

Was this one made at night or when the sun was falling down?

These images seem to be indoor, at what time were they taken?

For me these are all valid subs. Creativity (and widening of the challenge theme) plays an important role . Finally its up to the voter (to all of the voters in fact) to place the image in question in the 1st 2nd, or 130th rank position.

If you think aguapreta image tries to fool the voter, make a proposal to ban some of the edits: hue change, rotate 180º the image....
Also count the photographs which titles do not match exactly the item photographed.

I think you miss the point or I'm missing it.

I think its great to use tricks to make a photo look like whatever, but thats photoshopping. I have no problem with that. But here I believe we should be striving to get the best photo given the challenge guidelines/difficulties so we can better learn.

I don't think its fair on the vast majority that do the right thing as they do not get voted on against photography with the same difficulties as themselves. Does that make sense or am I just kidding myself here.
10/25/2004 09:37:22 AM · #9
Originally posted by vince31874:

I have to agree with Eojedaa. I don't think anything was done wrong. I see alot of photos like the ones listed above, that use their technique to meet a challenge.

I don't. The first one does fit the smoke theme because vapor is also referred to a smoke

The second one, is valid because the Sails of the boat are a NEON COLOR, which it states in the rules using color.

Third one is valid because what do you think sparks are made out of other then fire?

The submission for Night Shot II you posted however does not fit because Night Shot implies after dark. When the sun goes down. In this shot, the sun is not down.

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about in the last two shots, as the first one is a staircase leading down the outside of a building that is lit up by the sun setting.

The second one is of a snail in the dirt, obviously out doors.

Taking an image and desaturating it to make the viewer beileve it's one thing and not the other, making a day shot a night shot in photoshop, goes against the rules of the challenge, and is a slap in the face to people like me, who went down to the pier at 12:30am to take a shot of a bridge, and do the challenge properly.
10/25/2004 09:42:08 AM · #10
Well, I almost feel guilty, but my altering the photo was about me, not about anyone else.

If someone stopped to think about it, they would have realized that there was no full moon the week of the challenge. I fully expected to have about 20 "does not meet the challenge" comments, but I guess no one one (OK, one person), realized it. I extend my deepest and most heartfelt apologies to any that were offended. If you check my outtakes in my portfolio, you will see that there are some legitimate night shots, but I just decided not to enter any of those.

I promise to work harder in my next challenge.
10/25/2004 09:42:33 AM · #11
I think this is one more example of why voters should not vote 1s for photos simply because they feel they do not meet the challenge. My entry did fairly well considering it fell victim to the sunset or no sunset dilema; however, I am certain I received some 1s for not meeting the challenge when these shots, which admittedly do not meet the challenge, received a voted based on photographic merit.

If a you think a photo does not meet the challenge, by all means, mark it down. But please consider the photo first, score it fairly, and then apply a reduction for not meeting the challenge.

I think it has been proven here that you will miss some that truely do not meet the challenge.
10/25/2004 09:48:27 AM · #12
Originally posted by aguapreta:

Shenanigans! I declare shenanigans on YOU!. cheeky monkey!

BTW, nice sunset shot!

editted to say even more impressive sunrise shot.

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 09:54:20.
10/25/2004 09:55:49 AM · #13
hehehe :) On the flip side, I took mine well after the sun had set and was hammered by the didn't meet the challenge crew :)

After reading the challenge description, I was fairly certain I was meeting it... But the voters have spoken! Two or three of my 1's might have come from folks that just don't like children, but from the comments I'm guessing most were from folks that decided I didn't meet the challenge for reasons of their own.

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 10:04:02.
10/25/2004 09:56:30 AM · #14
Originally posted by atsxus:

Originally posted by vince31874:

I have to agree with Eojedaa. I don't think anything was done wrong. I see alot of photos like the ones listed above, that use their technique to meet a challenge.

I don't. The first one does fit the smoke theme because vapor is also referred to a smoke

The second one, is valid because the Sails of the boat are a NEON COLOR, which it states in the rules using color.

Third one is valid because what do you think sparks are made out of other then fire?

The submission for Night Shot II you posted however does not fit because Night Shot implies after dark. When the sun goes down. In this shot, the sun is not down.

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about in the last two shots, as the first one is a staircase leading down the outside of a building that is lit up by the sun setting.

The second one is of a snail in the dirt, obviously out doors.

Taking an image and desaturating it to make the viewer beileve it's one thing and not the other, making a day shot a night shot in photoshop, goes against the rules of the challenge, and is a slap in the face to people like me, who went down to the pier at 12:30am to take a shot of a bridge, and do the challenge properly.

Then again... there are a few photos in the Night challenge that looked like they were taken indoors. How would we know those were taken at night or outside?

My point is.... whats the big deal? You chose to go outside to that pier at 12:30am. Nobody forced you. It shouldnt be a slap in the face to you. If anything, the photographer should feel guilty for it. But you shouldn't feel like you were slapped.

10/25/2004 10:02:29 AM · #15
The 'trick' if you can call it that is to read the brief for the challenge. As atsxus has pointed out:
Vapour / Smoke yeah whatever, I don't think anybody believed the bottle was on fire, did they?
Details: Neon is the 10th element in the periodic table. It is colorless but glows in an electric discharge. Neon is also used to describe an extremely bright color. Use this challenge to creatively photograph "neon"... but please, no "Open" signs!

Details: Do your best to photograph fire in some form. Here's the catch: the flames cannot come from a candle. (And please, let's not become arsonists, either!)

Photographer's Comments Taken on a warm Sydney evening about 40 minutes after sunset.

To quote atsxus "I have NO IDEA what you are talking about in the last two shots, as the first one is a staircase leading down the outside of a building that is lit up by the sun setting.

The second one is of a snail in the dirt, obviously out doors."

The brief of the Night Shot challenge said:

"Details: Calling all night owls! Take your best photograph after the sun goes down."

I don't think for one moment that aguapreta set out to 'cheat' he doesn't need to, he has plenty of talent to win on his one merits. Rather I think he showed a slight lapse in judgement and perhaps didn't consider the effect that it would have.

Editing a shot to make it fit the challenge is one thing, blatantly flaunting the rules to which others are abiding by is something completely different.

PS> I consider aguapreta forgiven, he seems suitably contrite :-)

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 10:06:32.
10/25/2004 10:03:10 AM · #16
I think its great to use tricks to make a photo look like whatever, but thats photoshopping. I have no problem with that. But here I believe we should be striving to get the best photo given the challenge guidelines/difficulties so we can better learn.
Welcome to digital photography. The advanced rules allow these tricks. Another example for smoke:

Here the photgrapher didnt use colored smoke candles, (like these) although its titled "RGB smoke"
If you are looking for purity use a film camera.

I don't think its fair on the vast majority that do the right thing as they do not get voted on against photography with the same difficulties as themselves.
Its well known from DPC that not all high difficulty photographies rate high. A recent example:
10/25/2004 10:05:54 AM · #17
Originally posted by vince31874:

My point is.... whats the big deal? You chose to go outside to that pier at 12:30am. Nobody forced you. It shouldnt be a slap in the face to you. If anything, the photographer should feel guilty for it. But you shouldn't feel like you were slapped.

My point is, I met the challenge, and he didn't. And we got nearly identical scores. I find that wrong. In fact - He placed higher then me.

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 10:06:25.
10/25/2004 10:12:40 AM · #18
Originally posted by atsxus:

Originally posted by vince31874:

I have to agree with Eojedaa. I don't think anything was done wrong. I see alot of photos like the ones listed above, that use their technique to meet a challenge.

I don't.

PLEASE read my whole message. I say at the end "For me these are all valid subs. "

I'm describing those images in an ironical way to mean that not all entries match exactly the challenges and to imply that aguapreta image is perfect for me.

10/25/2004 10:32:53 AM · #19
Originally posted by myqyl:

hehehe :) On the flip side, I took mine well after the sun had set and was hammered by the didn't meet the challenge crew :)

After reading the challenge description, I was fairly certain I was meeting it... But the voters have spoken! Two or three of my 1's might have come from folks that just don't like children, but from the comments I'm guessing most were from folks that decided I didn't meet the challenge for reasons of their own.

I wrote in the other thread that I thought you were robbed. Nothing but narrowmindedness could not rate your photo as a night photo. I think it was wonderful. I rated it a 9, for technical quality as well as originality. Great photo.

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 11:23:35.
10/25/2004 10:39:59 AM · #20
Originally posted by aguapreta:

I wrote in the other thread that I thought you were robbed. Nothing but narrowmindedness could not rate your poto as a night photo. I think it was wonderful. I rated it a 9, for technical quality as well as originality. Great photo.

And as many said in that thread, how do you know it's night, and not morning as they're waking up?
10/25/2004 02:42:24 PM · #21
Originally posted by atsxus:

Originally posted by aguapreta:

I wrote in the other thread that I thought you were robbed. Nothing but narrowmindedness could not rate your poto as a night photo. I think it was wonderful. I rated it a 9, for technical quality as well as originality. Great photo.

And as many said in that thread, how do you know it's night, and not morning as they're waking up?

I don't want to hijack the thread, but the photo that had the sun in the shot (which I thought was quite good) scored quite a bit higher then 2 kids in PJs tucked in for the night... I've learned my lesson... Some people won't look at a picture past the first 2 second impression to actually "see" it... If you want to meet the challenge, you need to club some folks over the head with it :) Live and learn :)

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 14:46:01.
10/25/2004 04:18:46 PM · #22
Originally posted by eojedaa:

The advanced rules allow these tricks. Another example for smoke:

Here the photgrapher didnt use colored smoke candles, (like these) although its titled "RGB smoke"
If you are looking for purity use a film camera.

There is a big difference here, EddyG's shot did meet the challenge. "Take a photograph where smoke plays a major role in your composition."

However your shot did not meet the challenge "Take your best photograph after the sun goes down." You did not do this no matter how much editing you do, your shot was still taken during the day.

You can not compare the two in this respect.
10/25/2004 04:25:47 PM · #23
I've got a great idea for challenges.

Just submit what you like and we'll make it fit somehow or other!

I took a night shot, albeit a pretty shite photo, but it was taken at night and scored low!

Next time I'll cheat and take a day shot and still get a low score.

If you can live with your own conscience, go for it.
10/25/2004 04:28:02 PM · #24
Originally posted by eojedaa:

Welcome to digital photography. ... If you are looking for purity use a film camera.

You're completely missing the point. Regardless of editing, the shot didn't meet the challenge. Editing has nothing to do with it.

Edit: Thought it was your picture. Edited ownership. :)

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 16:30:40.
10/25/2004 05:03:56 PM · #25
Originally posted by Formerlee:

I've got a great idea for challenges.

Just submit what you like and we'll make it fit somehow or other!

That's called the Free Study
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