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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Travel: Should I carry that lens?
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07/16/2014 07:03:46 AM · #1
I will go on a 3 weeks trip in Europe. My lenses are not many at all.

The question is simple: Should I carry the 100-400 just in case I need it?

Rest of my gear: Canon 6D, 24-105 and 40/2.8 STM, my mobile phone and that's it. I'll carry the 600EX flash.

Thank you!

07/16/2014 07:11:53 AM · #2
IMO you don't need a 100-400 (it's really big), but of course I don't know if you planned to shoot some specific areas.

Are you going to visit Italy?
07/16/2014 08:22:48 AM · #3
If you bring it, you won't use it. If you leave it at home, you'll wish you had it. :-/. Depends on your wide/tele preferences when shooting. 100 is not a lot of reach, I tend to shoot wide a lot more than log, but still like having 135 or 200 when I travel. If you had a teleconverter that could help, it's nice and small but the IQ trade off is tough with a lot of them.

Questions like this are what led me to ditch my zooms and go with smaller primes for travel. :-)
07/16/2014 10:56:58 AM · #4
I agree with others, I am in Arizona/California trip and have my telephoto lens and have not taken it out even once. I would say that leave it at home unless in your itinerary you are going to a place and you need to zoom in to take some shots.
07/16/2014 11:27:38 AM · #5
07/16/2014 11:39:08 AM · #6
It is far better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it.
07/16/2014 11:57:59 AM · #7
leave it home.. you dont need a picture of everything..
07/16/2014 11:58:14 AM · #8
I love my 100-400 for landscapes, flower shots, birds, people, all kinds of stuff.

Some folks assume long lenses are only for wildlife, but they'd be very wrong. Take the lens, if you can.
07/16/2014 12:13:16 PM · #9
Most things in Europe are built very close together, removing most of the need for a zoom lens.
-(have a great time whatever you bring)

Message edited by author 2014-07-16 12:14:30.
07/16/2014 12:24:18 PM · #10
I prefer wide or prime.
But that might be because I can't justify buying a good big zoom. My vote is to plan on more personal, detail, or wide shots in Europe. No need for big zooms IMHO.
07/16/2014 02:46:32 PM · #11
I almost always bring my 50-500 with me on my travels. For those times when I can just concentrate on shooting it gets a lot of work. There is nothing like it to reach across a big square to get a candid at a cafe table waaay over there, or isolate a detail in cathedral. I also like the length to shoot from the hip, using the long barrel to aim without using the viewfinder to not disturb an interaction that pointing a camera at someone can destroy.
If you are taking a carry on bag, you have room to bring it. If you luggage fits under the seat in front of you, and you expect to grab shots on the move with no dedicated photo time, then I would leave it at home.

I don't know why you would bring the flash, I've never packed one of them.

Message edited by author 2014-07-16 14:47:28.
07/16/2014 08:09:42 PM · #12
Originally posted by BrennanOB:

I don't know why you would bring the flash, I've never packed one of them.

I'm also visiting family for a week. Haven't been "home" in three years.

I will probably take it with me. I like it for street. I like to shoot with the wi-fi connected to my phone from the hip, as well as Brennan mention candids without being noticed.

My concern is the weight and size. And to a certain extent the paranoia of being a target for thieves...

Here is what I like about it

07/17/2014 02:24:40 AM · #13
Originally posted by Alexkc:

Are you going to visit Italy?

07/17/2014 04:30:46 AM · #14
Originally posted by mrchhas:

Originally posted by Alexkc:

Are you going to visit Italy?


Unfortunately no. I would have let you know guys, for sure!
07/17/2014 04:45:41 AM · #15
If UK is on your list let me know
07/17/2014 05:20:01 AM · #16
For what it is worth, I toured Europe for two weeks a year+ ago and left my 300mm home. I didn't miss it at all. I had a 100mm, 50mm, and 14mm with me. I suppose it depends what you want to do, though.

07/17/2014 09:32:06 AM · #17
Yes, If:
- you have the bag to carry everything easily
- you will spend time in cars/busses/trains
- you do not have to worry about 3 small kids
- you will visit places as specific photo-shoot opportunities

No, If:
- you will be in a 3*4m2 room every day
- you can borrow it from a mate where you're going, for the trip to the zoo
- you want to buy a 200-400 there in any case......
07/17/2014 10:05:06 AM · #18
Originally posted by herfotoman:

Yes, If:
- you have the bag to carry everything easily
i have
- you will spend time in cars/busses/trains
i will
- you do not have to worry about 3 small kids
my daughter is 14
- you will visit places as specific photo-shoot opportunities
Bucharest, Budapest, Prague, Vienna, and Germany - Mannheim (south of Frankfurt)

No, If:
- you will be in a 3*4m2 room every day
- you can borrow it from a mate where you're going, for the trip to the zoo
no such mates
- you want to buy a 200-400 there in any case......

i want but...
07/17/2014 10:06:18 AM · #19
Originally posted by MAK:

If UK is on your list let me know

No it's not...
07/17/2014 01:00:54 PM · #20
When I went to Germany I went all around France, Germany, and Switzerland. I had my camera backpack which helped a lot, if anything to carry stuff I bought.

When I went camping, I brought my 100-400 but I was near a lot of wildlife and and I wanted a lot of close shots of the kids when they were far away. Worth it there.

But, if I were going back to Europe, I would not bring the 100-400. Its just too cumbersome to change the lens for the occasional shot. I had borrowed the Tamron 18-270 IS lens which was a fantastic vacation lens. I would buy or borrow that again. It was more than enough on my 20D (crop sensor).
07/19/2014 06:52:21 AM · #21
I packed it.

I call a cab...
07/23/2014 03:11:18 AM · #22
I got some use of it.

These are in Romania, city of Brasov

07/23/2014 07:45:38 AM · #23
Some wonderful passages you captured there. I left comments with the images.
07/23/2014 12:15:52 PM · #24
glad you did. a wonderful introduction to the place and to the use of a long lens.
07/23/2014 01:10:45 PM · #25
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