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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> making a bubble
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08/18/2004 04:44:40 AM · #1
Does anyone know if it is possible to make a bubble in psp or photoshop, one with shine and dimension to it..


08/18/2004 05:04:12 AM · #2
PSP used to have a bubble tube, just do a search in google maybe?
08/18/2004 07:39:37 AM · #3
PSP ver 8 has bubbles in it and you can customise them as much as you like.
Hope it helps
08/19/2004 03:09:00 AM · #4
I am yet to find a real genuine bubble...even in psp.

08/19/2004 03:20:19 AM · #5
What type of bubble? Closest I've gotten:

Edit: Tutorial at //www.extremephotoshop.com/tutorial_view.aspx?control=usercontrols/tutorials/tutorial_bubbles.ascx&tutorialID=55

Message edited by author 2004-08-19 03:37:52.
08/19/2004 04:07:04 AM · #6
In psp 8 there are loads of bubble effects, just look under the effects menu.you can alter all sorts of parameters,lighting,ambience,colours etc.
08/19/2004 08:39:19 PM · #7

I just cant seeem to find a transparent one that i can reflect an image onto,,I want to have my dog looking at the bubble and his reflection in them...its for a camera club project and there is a trophy prize...
08/19/2004 08:45:03 PM · #8
Hi Paul

this is a link to the picture where i got the idea..



you might have to register to see it, but its for free, and its the greatest club online...
08/19/2004 09:17:01 PM · #9
PSP8, balls and bubbles filter... pick "water drops" and adjust the sizes and all, then pick a color to reflect off them, but choose a pattern instead (you have to have your dog's pic loaded first) and then there you go. Something like this:
08/20/2004 02:59:35 AM · #10

Instructions on the picture. It was a real quicky made with no intention of trying to get it to look real, just as an instructional demo. Your results will depend on the amount of time you want to take. PS to instructions: You will want to use an opposing dark sunburst to balance out the light ones you make.
Hope it helps.
08/20/2004 06:31:16 AM · #11
Its the closest thing to what I would like and what I have seen so far, thanks for your time, not being as proficient as you it will take me longer than a minute or 2..but I appreciate your help

08/20/2004 07:19:20 AM · #12

Ok Guys,
This is the image Pat wants to emulate,
I'm thinkin about it Pat,
08/20/2004 08:56:10 AM · #13
Those are being blown by the girl. They are real, only the reflections were added. Will the dog stay still while bubbles are floating around him? If he will, it's just a matter getting a picture of him with some bubbles and of copying the part with the dog into the bubbles. Create a rough selection around the dog. Copy. Paste as new layer, mirror, resize it to fit the bubble, use the eraser tool at 5 % opacity to merge the edges of the cutout and bring out the highlights of the bubble. Paste the copy of the dog into each bubble. Notice how the photographer made sure to keep the girl isolated from the bubbles. I think you should strive for that. He also used a dark background which made it really easy to work with the bubbles and isolate the girl.

Message edited by author 2004-08-20 08:58:30.
08/20/2004 09:21:24 AM · #14
I agree with Pat (Pcody) they look real, but only one instance, they look like one original and the rest resized and cloned.
Hope this helps you get there Pat,
08/20/2004 08:14:09 PM · #15
thanks for the input by everyone and I think your right about the bubbles being the real thing..I will have to go out and get some bubble blowing stuff...and hypnotise the dog, thats the hard part..



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