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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Suggestions >> Mentor challenge part 2?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 28, (reverse)
12/26/2021 06:59:19 PM · #1
What do you think? I found it fascinating! We didn’t get as many entries as I hoped, but it still seemed to generate interest.

If you want to continue, what would you like to see?

I’d like lighting help from LevT
Bug help from Roz (although there’s no bugs here because it’s winter)
Landscape help from any of the landscape people - particularly can you make an an uninteresting landscape interesting? if so, how?
Who are our photoshop geniuses? Editing help/suggestions would be cool

I’m happy to offer my own knowledge for a mentor challenge, if anyone would find it helpful.
12/26/2021 08:00:19 PM · #2
I can make an uninteresting landscape pop, do it all the time :-)
12/26/2021 08:04:23 PM · #3
Margaret for Landscapes! Awesome lighting and photoshop skills for getting that "pop". Seriously.

Although Robert is all right too. :-)
12/26/2021 10:12:47 PM · #4
More than one mentor would be fine :-) Margaret and I are very, very different (wink).
12/27/2021 01:23:06 AM · #5
I don't use Photoshop, only Lightroom and sometimes Luminar AI. My main advice on landscape is location, location, location! But PP is very important too. And the light, real or unreal ;)

Many people asked me about the painterly look using the Dynamic Auto Painter software so maybe there would be some interest in that.

So what about Bear leads on landscape and I will try to explain how I do the painterly look?
12/27/2021 06:02:10 AM · #6
Might not be the best challenge to mentor in midwinter, though... Just sayin'... Seems like most of our people are North of the equator...
12/27/2021 09:58:23 AM · #7
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Might not be the best challenge to mentor in midwinter, though... Just sayin'... Seems like most of our people are North of the equator...

Maybe that's the challenge -- turning a sow's ear into a silk purse! Although you people up north would kill with snow photos!
12/27/2021 10:17:14 AM · #8
I'd like to participate and learn from the tutorials of any of these awesome photographers - count me in!
12/28/2021 02:05:37 AM · #9
Not much interest in painterly look and I am going away for most of January so I wouldn't be available in any case.
12/29/2021 10:43:18 AM · #10
We could have Art give us a collection of Godzilla and he could mentor a 'zilla challenge!
12/29/2021 01:19:54 PM · #11
Originally posted by MargaretNet:

Not much interest in painterly look and I am going away for most of January so I wouldn't be available in any case.

I'd be interested in getting tips on that when you get back.
12/29/2021 02:31:25 PM · #12
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by MargaretNet:

Not much interest in painterly look and I am going away for most of January so I wouldn't be available in any case.

I'd be interested in getting tips on that when you get back.

As would I, actually. I'm trying to muddle my way into it and not on the whole doing very well, except my "Feast" entry seemed to work...
12/29/2021 02:31:58 PM · #13
Originally posted by vawendy:

We could have Art give us a collection of Godzilla and he could mentor a 'zilla challenge!

That's actually an EXCELLENT idea. Art, you listening?
01/05/2022 12:31:05 AM · #14
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Originally posted by vawendy:

We could have Art give us a collection of Godzilla and he could mentor a 'zilla challenge!

That's actually an EXCELLENT idea. Art, you listening?

This thread is sooo last year. Sorry it slipped by me.

My resource collection is always freely available. I'm not sure what "mentoring" involves, but willing to do what I can.
01/05/2022 02:54:47 AM · #15
Originally posted by MargaretNet:

I don't use Photoshop, only Lightroom and sometimes Luminar AI. My main advice on landscape is location, location, location! But PP is very important too. And the light, real or unreal ;)

Many people asked me about the painterly look using the Dynamic Auto Painter software so maybe there would be some interest in that.

So what about Bear leads on landscape and I will try to explain how I do the painterly look?

Ohhhh I see I am way late here and have read Margaret' post that she won't be here, but thought it would be cool to get a picture from Bear with an edit from Margaret, if that makes sense?
01/05/2022 02:55:59 AM · #16
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Originally posted by vawendy:

We could have Art give us a collection of Godzilla and he could mentor a 'zilla challenge!

That's actually an EXCELLENT idea. Art, you listening?

This thread is sooo last year. Sorry it slipped by me.

My resource collection is always freely available. I'm not sure what "mentoring" involves, but willing to do what I can.

Did you photograph those or create them with some type of software?
01/06/2022 03:36:57 AM · #17
Originally posted by kasaba:

Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Originally posted by vawendy:

We could have Art give us a collection of Godzilla and he could mentor a 'zilla challenge!

That's actually an EXCELLENT idea. Art, you listening?

This thread is sooo last year. Sorry it slipped by me.

My resource collection is always freely available. I'm not sure what "mentoring" involves, but willing to do what I can.

Did you photograph those or create them with some type of software?

Some I did, some I uh... well, if it's a sticky point, I can provide a legit fresh set.
01/06/2022 10:39:27 AM · #18
Mentoring would be actually pretty cool. I suck at doing compositions, and never had the patience to figure out why I suck so bad at it. I could try it and Art could figure out why I'm so bad at it! Awesome!!
01/08/2024 07:12:42 PM · #19
A while ago we did a mentor challenge and grahamgator was really kind and helpful and I thought it was wonderful. But but a second one never came to fruition.

Could we please do another mentor challenge?

What subject should we pick? Who should be the mentor(s)?
01/22/2024 08:19:19 AM · #20
Well a few years ago when I still had the time to write critiques, some members whom I critiqued have gone on to ribbon and win, like clickodak, soooo......

Message edited by author 2024-01-22 11:22:16.
01/22/2024 12:52:04 PM · #21
I add that the precious advice of coach Susan is still very useful to me today.
01/22/2024 01:29:22 PM · #22
Originally posted by clickodak:

I add that the precious advice of coach Susan is still very useful to me today.

*beaming with pride* Thank you Marcel!
01/22/2024 01:35:53 PM · #23
Originally posted by snaffles:

Well a few years ago when I still had the time to write critiques, some members whom I critiqued have gone on to ribbon and win, like clickodak, soooo......

It's not quite the same thing, but similar. If you feel up to it, then I'd suggest reading the prior threads on it and confirm.

The biggest part of the mentoring aspect of this is having an aspect / subject matter expertise / known proficiency of some area of photography that you can "mentor" others on.

Mary Ann ( grahamgator) was a perfect choice with her prolific skills at setting up and capturing still lifes.

After having given this some thought, what would your subject choice be for mentoring?

Prior threads #1 and #2.
01/22/2024 02:40:17 PM · #24
Thanks for the info glad2badad!

TBH I think I could easily mentor others in how using the *wrong* lens...like wide-angle action shots. Or using my then-biggest lens, the 300mm with a whatsit thingy, for a portrait.
01/22/2024 10:15:18 PM · #25
Originally posted by snaffles:

TBH I think I could easily mentor others in how using the *wrong* lens...like wide-angle action shots.

That's actually a nice idea. You just need to be able to get fairly close to the action.

Message edited by author 2024-01-22 22:15:28.
Current Server Time: 06/16/2024 08:19:22 PM

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