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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I just quit my job!!!...
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 92, (reverse)
04/30/2006 10:07:24 AM · #51
Yeah Lárus, just do like I did, finish this school and then head out of the country. Your more then welcome to join us here in New Zealand if your interested.

Well anyhow, you are deffinetly on the right track !
04/30/2006 11:59:07 AM · #52
Congratulations on making the leap. I've always been impressed by your work and I've have been looking forward to doing the same when the time comes that I feel that my photo skills approach yours.

You are fortunate to have a family that supports you and helps you make the transition. I don't have the same support, but one of my businesses can pretty much run on it's own without my constant presence. This, I hope, will be my financial support when I finally make my leap from my primary profession to that of photographer.

I will eagerly be watching your work and the forums for news of your progress, and I hope that you will keep us posted. The decision to do this is a very hard and important one to make and fills me with anxiety when I consider it.

You took the plunge, now give it all you've got. Your are already an inspiration to me and I know you'll do well in this endeavor. I look forward to seeing where this takes you.

Good Luck.
04/30/2006 12:13:54 PM · #53
Congratulations, mate! You just took the step that so many of us wish we could - I know I do. Best of luck to you, have a blast with it!
04/30/2006 12:22:26 PM · #54
You can do it, and you will do it. This is so awesome, it's really nice to people persuing what they love.
It's going to be really hard but just don't give up, it's good to see you got your family backing you.
Good luck!
04/30/2006 12:43:13 PM · #55
You shouldn't have a problem, Larus. At least not as far as the skills go. Of course, success in the photography biz depends on much more than photographic skills: You have to be a "self-starter", and I think you've answered that by taking this step. You need "people skills"; you need to be bale to schmooze the clients and art directors and make them feel pretty good about you-the-person. I suspect that won't be a problem for you. You need good time and money management skills; this we don't know about either way.

But what you're doing is exactly what I did at close to your age, a long time ago; chucked one career in the bin and went to work as an apprentice to an established photographer. It worked for me, and you have better skills than I ever did, so good luck to you!

07/17/2006 08:18:48 AM · #56
Well this is it, tomorrow is my last day of work, then summer vacation and then shool in the fall.

This means that I won´t have as much time to vote and comment here, sorry guys :( I normally vote at work when there is little else to do, at home I am normally spending time with my family or spending the evenings either taking photos or post processing them and will have little time to vote or comment. I´ll do my best but I don´t think that will be much...
07/17/2006 08:24:00 AM · #57
Good luck, Larus. I'm sure you'll be great!
07/17/2006 08:31:45 AM · #58
Congratulations Larus...you will be amazing! I love my job too much to quit, but I envy you. All the best...you are one of the most outstanding photographers and contributors to this site.
07/17/2006 09:01:24 AM · #59
Congratulations for having the courage to follow your heart and also on having a wife/ family that are willing to support you in this despite the fact that it will mean a lean couple of years whilst you study, apprentice and then work to establish yourself as a fagmanna!

Wishing you the very best of luck! I'm sure you'll do very well!
07/17/2006 09:24:01 AM · #60
Originally posted by Kavey:

Congratulations for having the courage to follow your heart and also on having a wife/ family that are willing to support you in this despite the fact that it will mean a lean couple of years whilst you study, apprentice and then work to establish yourself as a fagmanna!

Wishing you the very best of luck! I'm sure you'll do very well!

Yes, what Kavey said! Get ready to kick some butt!
10/17/2007 11:12:04 AM · #61
Thought I´d update this thread in case anyone was interested. Since July 2006 I went to school to study photography in August and finished that this last May 2007. I really have not been doing anything else but photograpy since then and it´s going very well, after I finished school last May I did some freelancing for a couple of months and then got offered a summer job at an advertisement company that shoots mostly tabletop stuff but also lot´s of other stuff.

I was only supposed to be working there till mid August as a summer temp but I guess I did something right and I am still working there and it´s great, I am having the time of my life! I am still not technically hired as a full time future employee but I am very optimistic so I do a lot of freelance work during evenings and weekends as I don´t want to say no to work in case I don´t get a permanent position at this company. That means I am pretty much working 10-14 hours every day, even weekends, got the first weekend off since August the last weekend and guess what, I spent both days shooting stuff for myself. Guess I am permanently hooked on this photography, hehehe.

In short hings are at least looking pretty good for me and I finally feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing, working as a full time photographer.

Message edited by author 2007-10-17 11:13:30.
10/17/2007 11:21:54 AM · #62
It's great to take risk in you career to accomplish your dreams.
Even better when it actually works out!

good luck
10/17/2007 11:23:33 AM · #63
Ah man that's great. It's nice to hear about other people living their dreams.

Hopefully I'll be following in your footsteps soon- I've applied for a photographers position at a local university and am now also the official photographer for an emerging professional wrestling company (GPW)... but this isn't about me.

Larus, you've done good. I also have to say I like the Icelandic approach to photographers- it seems in UK/US it's anyone with a camera but over there you're a card-carrying, bona-fide photographer.

I wish you the best of luck in the future and more power to you for sticking it to the man.

10/17/2007 11:43:36 AM · #64
Realizing, and living your dream is as good as it gets in this life. I've done it oncew, for about twelve years, and I can tell you all te work is worth it.

I don't have the talent and ability to make photography a career, but I have been fortunate to have acquired some minor fame, and grab a couple bucks here and there for what is fundamentally a hobby/passion.

I'm glad to hear that it's working for you......as someone who was able to grab the brass ring for a while, I know how it feels and I wish you all the best for a good run!
10/17/2007 11:55:48 AM · #65
Larus this is great to hear. I’m happy that you are now able to make money doing something you love (photography). Not many people get the opportunity to do what you have done. Mostly because they can’t or won’t take the risk you had to take. I bet it feels good to say career rather than job. I believe you will have a long successful career as a licensed photograph. I also believe your work will be seen globally, this based on the photographs I have seen you produce on this site.

Congratulations on a dream come true.
Scott W.
10/17/2007 12:01:03 PM · #66
Larus, many congratulations! I know you will be incredibly successful. And I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with your statement "I finally feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing, working as a full time photographer". You are truly meant to be a photographer. You have an incredible talent, whether it's for landscapes or portraits. You can do it all. Best wishes!
10/17/2007 12:06:41 PM · #67
Hey congratulations and good luck, I just assumed you were already a pro! Make sure to keep us posted on your progress and show us what you are shooting.
10/17/2007 12:53:55 PM · #68
Congrats to you. Looking through your profile there is no way you wont be successful!
01/25/2009 12:14:52 PM · #69
Well a small update might be in order, in case anybody is interested.

I started working at that advertisement company in July 2007, mostly shooting tabletop images but also all sorts of other things, basically producing images for the typical "junk mail" most of us get through the mailbox everyday. Originally I was only to be there that summer to temp for the two photographers that were there already and had decided to take a summer vacation at the same time but apparently I did something right and they wanted to keep me on. In feb 2008 I got offered a permanent job there (well not really, just read on) and technically on the paperwork I was there as an apprentice so I could take "sveinspróf" (I think it´s called Journeyman in english) to get rights to work as a photographer here in Iceland.

That went all sweet and dandy and I took a final exam in early October last year, a week long assignment where I had 10 different type of shots I needed to produce, from technical assignments of still life a black object on a black backround, white on white to producing a fashion spread and an environmental portrait and others. I passed that but about three weeks later the economic crisis here in Iceland forced my employer to let me go, I still had to work out a 3 month period, wich ends now at the turn of the months so now I am going to work as a freelance photographer here in Iceland, and abroad as well if someone should request that. I am extremely excited and optimistic for the future, hey what´s the worst that could happen :)

This basically means I will probably have some free time to practice so I might just get very active on DPC challenges again, too bad the basic edting and advanced editing rules have so very little in common with the real world of photography in the advertisment buisness, I can´t really say that the rulesets adequately would prepare someone for that and would want to see more expert editing challenges in the future.

Happy shooting everyone!

01/25/2009 12:20:23 PM · #70
Congrats on the mixed blessings. You might want to consider upgrading from that Fisher price camera at this point.
01/25/2009 12:22:34 PM · #71
Hey CONGRATS... To bad about the no more "permanent" job (like that means anything now days) but at least you got the bit of paper to say you can take a picture, so are past that hurdle :-) I am sure you'll be fine once clients see ya images but it's a big step (and lotsa pains) running a freelance business, so good luck!
01/25/2009 12:32:15 PM · #72
Way to go, Larus.... but I have to say, your new user name is teh gheyness. ;-P
01/25/2009 12:41:21 PM · #73
You definitely don't suck. What sucks is that a guy with your talent and abilities is required to go to school and do an internship rather than getting started right away. You're 100% qualified right now. People shouldn't have to wait to be able to pay you to take pictures for them....

However, I think you owe it to your wife to think about sex a bit more....
01/25/2009 01:01:47 PM · #74
Congrats Larus...life is too short not to take some chances! And personally, knowing your work...it's not that big a chance!

Ok...doubling back, didn't see the update. The best part about photography is that it is always needed. It's what sells products and makes people famous! With your eye and skills...something is bound to fall in your lap!

Message edited by author 2009-01-25 15:08:23.
01/25/2009 01:38:22 PM · #75
Originally posted by LalliSig:

This means that my future livelyhood will depend on how good I am with the camera!

In that case, I have no worries about your future. I just hope you remember us when you're a millionaire ;-)
Good luck, Larus and congrats on your decision!
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