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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Are you going to take up the challenge?
Showing posts 51 - 65 of 65, (reverse)
06/03/2007 08:21:23 PM · #51
I think that quantity isn't the issue here, quality is. The fact that someone voted on all the images in the challenge is imressive if they actually spent time looking at the image and the comment is helpful (and more than 3 words). I would rather receive one in depth honest critique of my image then 10 comments of "good shot" or "nice composition".

just my 2 cents
06/03/2007 10:27:41 PM · #52
Originally posted by exclamationjay:

Originally posted by Judi:

Originally posted by exclamationjay:

ide love some "Honest" comments =D

Ahem....I did!

i dont remember getting a comment from you?! :S

You have rated 612 of 615 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 614 images (100%) in this challenge.

I think you did....if you actually had an entry in the FS!
06/04/2007 01:27:43 AM · #53
Has anyone completed the JUDI task yet???????
06/04/2007 02:23:06 AM · #54

Stats: You have rated 371 of 615 images (60%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 377 images (61%) in this challenge.
06/04/2007 02:41:58 AM · #55
Way to go Joe. I look forward to someone....anyone...please....owning up to completing the challenge.
06/04/2007 04:27:15 AM · #56
I used to be more critical on images and voiced my opinion, and then I got to thinking, who in the heck am I too vote on someone else's photo when my images are average? I'm afraid to hurt someone's feelings, but after all, critique has helped me to become a better photographer. This is a learning class of sorts. I'll become vocal again and please forgive me ahead of time if I hurt someone's feelings. Most of us are still learning and it's daunting to be up against pros!

Judi, your candor has always been great and useful, but then again, you're a great photographer. I didn't have time to enter the free study. I plan on voting and will be candid in my comments...so all beware!!

06/04/2007 11:45:53 PM · #57
Ok folks. I have only been voting for like 5 hours straight..I have also voted a couple of times over the past couple of days. I am finally done!

You have rated 609 of 614 images (99%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 613 of 614 images (100%) in this challenge.
06/05/2007 12:00:15 AM · #58
Ok. I have been inspired. While I dont have time to comment on all the pix, I will comment on all the pix I vote on. :) Am off to a good start! Wish me luck!
06/05/2007 12:36:39 AM · #59
Originally posted by JeffDay:

I think that quantity isn't the issue here, quality is. The fact that someone voted on all the images in the challenge is imressive if they actually spent time looking at the image and the comment is helpful (and more than 3 words). I would rather receive one in depth honest critique of my image then 10 comments of "good shot" or "nice composition".

just my 2 cents

Longer comments are nicer but of course people have limited time, and can't make as many comments if they're longer. I would want an in-depth critique over a two or three word comment, but I would rather receive a comment of "good shot" or "nice composition" than nothing at all.

Judi chose to make a lot of people moderately happy rather than making a few people very happy. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
06/05/2007 02:19:20 PM · #60
OMG I DID IT........

I better get a duck or a ribbon or something for this, hahahaha

Stats: You have rated 607 of 614 images (99%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 613 images (100%) in this challenge.
608-612 is my team, 613 is the wifey and I Am 614 WHOOO HOOO

So my numbers are really 100%
06/05/2007 02:21:25 PM · #61
Originally posted by klstover:

Originally posted by JeffDay:

I think that quantity isn't the issue here, quality is. The fact that someone voted on all the images in the challenge is imressive if they actually spent time looking at the image and the comment is helpful (and more than 3 words). I would rather receive one in depth honest critique of my image then 10 comments of "good shot" or "nice composition".

just my 2 cents

Longer comments are nicer but of course people have limited time, and can't make as many comments if they're longer. I would want an in-depth critique over a two or three word comment, but I would rather receive a comment of "good shot" or "nice composition" than nothing at all.

Judi chose to make a lot of people moderately happy rather than making a few people very happy. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

I think I would be happy with the fact that someone actually said "nice" would be 100 times better than nothing at all.

I think we all ask a little too much and take too much for granted. I am happy of I get anything at all
06/05/2007 02:23:19 PM · #62
Originally posted by abranton:

Ok folks. I have only been voting for like 5 hours straight..I have also voted a couple of times over the past couple of days. I am finally done!

You have rated 609 of 614 images (99%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 613 of 614 images (100%) in this challenge.

That's my baby... :) Good job hun
06/05/2007 02:27:05 PM · #63
You know how I feel...keep it up Red...and give it to'em straight!!
06/05/2007 02:31:40 PM · #64
Originally posted by Judi:

Way to go Joe. I look forward to someone....anyone...please....owning up to completing the challenge.

I did vote but not on all the challenge entries and see no need to do so. Sure, I'd prefer to vote on all the images in all the challenges I vote on, but that is not practical.

When it becomes the general view of DPCers that everyone should vote and comment on all images in challenges they vote then I will probably stop voting and commenting all together. My votes and comments don't mean that much anyway. It will be no great loss.
06/05/2007 02:37:55 PM · #65
You aren't really glad that I was done before you though, right? haha

Originally posted by Lowcivicman99:

Originally posted by abranton:

Ok folks. I have only been voting for like 5 hours straight..I have also voted a couple of times over the past couple of days. I am finally done!

You have rated 609 of 614 images (99%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 613 of 614 images (100%) in this challenge.

That's my baby... :) Good job hun

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