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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> 30 Second Score
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 184, (reverse)
06/21/2006 12:53:18 PM · #51
Originally posted by larryslights:

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Updated: 06/21/06 10:22 am
Status: We need proof that your submission is valid. Please waste no time in submitting proof.

WOOHOO!!!! I got a validation request!!!! My first ever. I feel like de-flowered virgin.

Congrats Larry, the first time is the only time it really hurts, lol. You've been here long enough to know the rules so I'm sure you're legal.
06/21/2006 12:59:27 PM · #52

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Updated: 06/21/06 12:58 pm
06/21/2006 01:02:20 PM · #53
woohoo! i'm excited about this challenge. I think I have a good chance for my first ribbon!
06/21/2006 01:11:04 PM · #54
This is my first entry, I could not use the photo I entended, becaus it turned out my sensor had some large debis on it so I went with plan B. I felt it was an ok shot. 4.9 at this point does not seems so bad.

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Updated: 06/21/06 12:10 pm

Message edited by author 2006-06-21 13:12:11.
06/21/2006 02:03:08 PM · #55
06/21/2006 02:04:33 PM · #56
Originally posted by Nikonian Ninja:

woohoo! i'm excited about this challenge. I think I have a good chance for my first ribbon!

6.5 is a bit low for a ribbon, but it has happened. Hope you do ribbon :)
06/21/2006 02:09:25 PM · #57
true, but it's only the first day, so, hopes are high :)
06/21/2006 02:12:20 PM · #58
Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?
06/21/2006 02:18:43 PM · #59
Votes: 78
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Avg Vote: 4.6538
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I'm getting slaughtered. Just a friendly reminder to vote as if a photo was done legally, please.
06/21/2006 02:20:15 PM · #60
Originally posted by Ivar:

Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?

What exactly does a 30 second exposure look like? I feel that kind of thinking is KILLING my shot. Nothing in the description said anything had to be blurred.
06/21/2006 02:28:13 PM · #61
Originally posted by Ivar:

Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?

It's 30 or more, so that could explain some of them. And looks can be deceiving.
06/21/2006 02:28:15 PM · #62
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by Ivar:

Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?

What exactly does a 30 second exposure look like? I feel that kind of thinking is KILLING my shot. Nothing in the description said anything had to be blurred.

Well, it can look like many things.
But there are pictures in that challenge taken in broad daylight and understandebly people have a hard time beliving that those are 30 second exposures.

Sure it´s possible to hold something in front of the lens for 29 seconds and then actually exposing the picture for 1 second, but it is likely that it could hurt the score if it doesn´t look like a 30sec. exposure.

I´m sure it´s quite hard to actually tell what is and what is not a 30sec exposure, but some kind of movement or blur certainly helps :)
On the other hand a still life picture taken in a dimly lit room with a 30sec exposure, sure there won´t be any movement there but there are certain things about a picture that I just can´t put into words that give you hints and clues about if it was a long exposure or not.

Edit: I´ve never understood why people submit pictures into challenges that obviously do not meet the requierments...

Message edited by author 2006-06-21 14:30:55.
06/21/2006 02:30:10 PM · #63
leroy - no sense in trying to make some folks think. I've tried that before and it never works.
06/21/2006 02:35:08 PM · #64
Originally posted by Ivar:

Edit: I´ve never understood why people submit pictures into challenges that obviously do not meet the requierments...

Well, since the special rule applies to this challenge, you can be assured that if the photo does not meet the challenge that it will be DQ'd. No sense in trying to ponder what a 30 second photo looks like.

Meeting the challenge meaans having enough control of your camera settings to have the shutter open for 30 seconds, daylight or no.
06/21/2006 02:41:05 PM · #65
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by Ivar:

Edit: I´ve never understood why people submit pictures into challenges that obviously do not meet the requierments...

Well, since the special rule applies to this challenge, you can be assured that if the photo does not meet the challenge that it will be DQ'd. No sense in trying to ponder what a 30 second photo looks like.

Meeting the challenge meaans having enough control of your camera settings to have the shutter open for 30 seconds, daylight or no.

Yeah, I just had to vent a bit :)
06/21/2006 02:44:12 PM · #66
Originally posted by Ivar:

Yeah, I just had to vent a bit :)

me too. :-)
06/21/2006 02:50:10 PM · #67
With mine the original is very dark. When I adjusted the contrast and levels the photo started to come out of the darkness. perhaps that is what is making alot of these shots seem like they were taken with less than 30 sec or in broad daylight as someone mentioned above.

I believe that my photo is probably being rated lower because of that very reason. But it is only the first day so I will save my crying jag for next Monday.

06/21/2006 02:53:46 PM · #68
Originally posted by Ivar:

But there are pictures in that challenge taken in broad daylight and understandebly people have a hard time beliving that those are 30 second exposures.

In the winter I have taken pictures with moonlight at 1.00 in the morning and the really long exposures looked like a daylight photo. You can also use a very dense neutral density filter that steals a stop or 10. That one can be used to get special effects during daylight. Your 1/60 @ f/18 shot that way suddenly becomes a 30s @ f/18 (if I calculated the stops right). A busy road can look deserted because all the cars go to fast to be recorded.
Sure there might be some who do not play by the spirit of the rules, but don't judge them all to quickly.

Message edited by author 2006-06-21 14:54:00.
06/21/2006 02:56:46 PM · #69

Originally posted by Ivar:

Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by Ivar:

Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?

What exactly does a 30 second exposure look like? I feel that kind of thinking is KILLING my shot. Nothing in the description said anything had to be blurred.

Well, it can look like many things.
But there are pictures in that challenge taken in broad daylight and understandebly people have a hard time beliving that those are 30 second exposures.

Sure it´s possible to hold something in front of the lens for 29 seconds and then actually exposing the picture for 1 second, but it is likely that it could hurt the score if it doesn´t look like a 30sec. exposure.

I´m sure it´s quite hard to actually tell what is and what is not a 30sec exposure, but some kind of movement or blur certainly helps :)
On the other hand a still life picture taken in a dimly lit room with a 30sec exposure, sure there won´t be any movement there but there are certain things about a picture that I just can´t put into words that give you hints and clues about if it was a long exposure or not.

Edit: I´ve never understood why people submit pictures into challenges that obviously do not meet the requierments...

In as much as there are doubts regarding an image having 30 second exposure or more, we should ALL give the photographer the benefit of the doubt that the shot was created using 30 seconds at the minimum knowing fairly well that DNMC are grounds for disqualification. SHooting at broad daylight is actually quite possible when you stack filters. I've stacked filters before and was able to shoot at a fairly long exposure. Think of it this way, if I had this combination imagine how long my exposure setting would be in broad daylight. These are filters I actually have and use.

Screw in filters: CPL + ND 8 + ND4
Cokin Filters: (2) ND8 + Graduated ND4


06/21/2006 03:12:08 PM · #70
Originally posted by Ivar:

Is it just me or aren´t there plenty of pictures in this challenge that obviously do not meet the challenge?

What I mean is that some pictures there do not look like they are a 30 second exposure...

Anyone else think so?

I think some appear that way, but will vote them on as if they are 30 sec. I imagine some people wanted to have there photo to be done in daylight to differentiate itself from the masses and could have used several different techniques from filters to take the photo or blocking light out with a piece of card board after a short exposure. If you don't think it is 30 sec or more just click the rules violation tab. I think most photographers are happy to get them like larryslights especially if they used some trick not obvious to the eye. Just my 2 cents.
Votes: 96
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Edit:grammar. I reread the post twice before posting. then saw a err. WARNING:CAREFUL OF POSTING WHILE WATCHING WORLD CUP

Message edited by author 2006-06-21 15:15:23.
06/21/2006 03:19:24 PM · #71
Originally posted by jdannels:


Hehe :)

Netherlands vs. Argentine is shaping up to be an interesting game :)

I just want to make it clear that it was not my intention to be some sort of a troll with the question I asked here above. I was just going through the images and this just rubbed me the wrong way :)
06/21/2006 04:22:43 PM · #72
Votes: 112
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Updated: 06/21/06 04:19 pm

I've seen it go as high as 6.029 and as low as 5.72, but it's mostly been in the 5.9-6.0 all day. I really want it to be a 6+. That seems like a lot of votes and views for the first 16 hours.

06/21/2006 06:04:49 PM · #73
Votes: 120
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Avg Vote: 6.5917
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Updated: 06/21/06 06:04 pm
06/21/2006 06:18:38 PM · #74
AAHHHHHH!!! This is crazy... And it lasts for a week to finally get the results??? Oh man...
06/21/2006 06:19:22 PM · #75
Votes: 115
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Avg Vote: 5.0783
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Aahhh.... Oh well...
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