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Registered UserJovan

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Comments Received by Jovan
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Showing 51 - 60 of ~684
Image Comment
06/15/2009 04:34:07 AM
by Jovan

Comment by nixter:
That expression and those eyes!! : )
I love the light here! : )
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Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 04:33:10 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by MAK:
Congrats, was over there in `feb never got to the Zoo though, oh well, next time.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 03:35:36 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by train:
Lovely work congratulations
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 03:25:29 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by IreneM:
Fantastic score for an excellent image! Huge congrats on your blue ribbon and PB, Jon.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 02:42:39 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by Judi:
Beautiful processing work...excellent image. Congrats.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 02:32:59 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by Art Roflmao:
Wow - what a score! Congrats! Very well put together. Pinch yourself. :)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 02:27:04 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by pinetree3:
Simply awesome and a well deserved ribbon. Thanks for deconstructing the post processing.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 02:17:30 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by Melethia:
OK, you can retire now. :-) I'm betting the zoo would love to have a copy of this - it would make an awesome poster. And I'm still trying to figure out how they keep the cheetah in the zoo... looks like he could just head for the hills any time he wanted to. This says alot for both your photograph and the way the zoo has the exhibit set up. 'Grats all around!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 12:50:40 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by brianlh:
on fire- congrats on another blue ribbon!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Honolulu Zoo
06/15/2009 12:44:17 AM
Honolulu Zoo1st Place
by Jovan

Comment by SJCarter:
Knew this would come out on top... Beautiful job! Congrats!
Photographer found comment helpful.
Pages:   ... ... [69]
Showing 51 - 60 of ~684

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