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Comments Made by brumos
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Showing 31 - 40 of ~105
Image Comment
US News & World Report
06/11/2003 01:32:37 AM
US News & World Report
by pnicholls

i"m sorry but this just is not very original. Have a look at the last few winners and you'll see this exact concept.
06/11/2003 01:25:47 AM
by jenarom

humana, humana...... sorry, give me a sec to catch my breathe! Yes, finally a picture of a real model. perfect title too. skintones are immaculate and the focus displays perfectly on my monitor. have to give this a 10. Who is this fine looking woman?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Cigar Aficionado
06/11/2003 01:16:07 AM
Cigar Aficionado
by crabappl3

Very nice, very nice. I can't find anything to fault here. This is the one. This will take gold this week. 10.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Retired Living
06/11/2003 01:12:44 AM
Retired Living
by jdw91479

Is this MJ's mansion?
Fashion Biking
06/11/2003 01:11:12 AM
Fashion Biking
by birkir

Wow, i just want to know where you found this bike? It's immaculate!
02/03/2003 11:58:18 PM
by ebranties

This looks too real! I love it! Great originality and creativity!
Manhattan Beach January
02/03/2003 02:42:55 AM
Manhattan Beach January
by spiderman

Beautiful colours.
My Whole World in a Corner
09/27/2002 02:08:00 PM
My Whole World in a Corner
by lmhr

Fantastic colour in this image. I really like the simplicity of it also. 9
O'er The Hill To Grandma's House
09/27/2002 02:06:00 PM
O'er The Hill To Grandma's House
by autool

Nice photo! This looks like a really fun road to ride a motorbike on.
Presidential Mansion
09/27/2002 02:07:00 PM
Presidential Mansion3rd Place
by arnit

Wow...looks like a postcard!
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Showing 31 - 40 of ~105

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