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Registered Useroldbimmercoupe

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Comments Received by oldbimmercoupe
Pages:   ... ... [172]
Showing 61 - 70 of ~1716
Image Comment
star struck
12/30/2022 05:49:49 PM
star struck
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by MaryO:
Great bokeh.
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underrated: climate activism
12/18/2022 11:07:08 AM
underrated: climate activism
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by Rankles:
This is a very cool and photogenic building, and whilst I think the link to climate activism and thus your meeting the challenge requirements is a little tenuous due to its small size I'm going to stick with my original high score as there's something about the composition I love.
Photographer found comment helpful.
day's end
12/16/2022 11:36:14 AM
day's end
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by oldbimmercoupe:
This vintage lens missed infinity so a bit soft in weird places. Not a moving grab shot with that composition.
day's end
12/15/2022 12:35:01 PM
day's end
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by Rankles:
It's a little soft for me unfortunately but I think you have a good choice of subject, the juxtaposition of the colours between the equipment and the environment could make for a great shot. If you get a chance to return, definitely revisit this idea!
Photographer found comment helpful.
day's end
12/15/2022 10:06:19 AM
day's end
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by glad2badad:
Definitely a rural / farm scene. Very rich green grass. Looks like this was taken from a moving vehicle maybe? Some blur to it and not quite sharp. Slight lean to the left also (the buildings aren't quite level). That solo tree sticking up would be a good candidate for "removing a distracting object" in the challenge rules. :-)
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bright lights big city
12/06/2022 11:42:36 PM
bright lights big city
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by posthumous:
I don't usually like the canvas texture used so obviously, but combined with the high contrast oversaturation and blur, this works well for me.
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bright lights big city
12/01/2022 02:12:36 PM
bright lights big city
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by roz:
great treatment .. one of my favourite bits is the sky .. it looks like a wrinkled canvas .. also loving the lights .. some like fire ..
its a very modern scene with the appearance that some old master has painted it .. time warp for sure ..
perfect for the challenge .. :)
Photographer found comment helpful.
bright lights big city
12/01/2022 03:47:25 AM
bright lights big city
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by kasaba:
Nice ... a bit much black (no definition) on the right, I think I may have prefered it in a square crop taking that black out.
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fall's last hurrah
11/22/2022 07:00:36 PM
fall's last hurrah3rd Place
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by Neat:
Originally posted by oldbimmercoupe:

Originally posted by Neat:

Originally posted by kasaba:

Congratulations! I definitely see a future "Impressionistic Photography" entry :-)

Yes absolutely! Care to share how you created this?

Sure. Wanted to test a vintage lens for bokeh and liked what I saw and came up with idea to simply blend 2 layers. All bokeh layer on top of regular shot that was mostly bare trees. Both shot a few minutes apart. Used a blending mode of multiply and then it was just some burn and dodge work.

Thanks so much, what a fantastic result you have achieved!
Photographer found comment helpful.
fall's last hurrah
11/22/2022 01:37:40 PM
fall's last hurrah3rd Place
by oldbimmercoupe

Comment by oldbimmercoupe:
Originally posted by Neat:

Originally posted by kasaba:

Congratulations! I definitely see a future "Impressionistic Photography" entry :-)

Yes absolutely! Care to share how you created this?

Sure. Wanted to test a vintage lens for bokeh and liked what I saw and came up with idea to simply blend 2 layers. All bokeh layer on top of regular shot that was mostly bare trees. Both shot a few minutes apart. Used a blending mode of multiply and then it was just some burn and dodge work.
Pages:   ... ... [172]
Showing 61 - 70 of ~1716

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