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Comments Made by PurpleFire
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Showing 61 - 70 of ~139
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Reflections of Dinner
11/14/2006 07:37:01 AM
Reflections of Dinner
by Nobody

This shot is great.

What lets it down for me is the vingetting and the slight noise in the white space.

Still give it a 6.

Good luck
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Enchanted Forest
11/14/2006 07:32:58 AM
Enchanted Forest
by AlexSaberi

WOW. You nailed this.

If I was going to be critical, and of course I will (it is DPC afterall) I would like to see better exposure in the front. However my cruddy work monitor is probably the reason for the poor dynamic range, so I'll still give it an 8.

Good luck.
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11/14/2006 07:27:44 AM
by hotpasta

I love this shot. I like pet shots like this, put the character of the animal in a comfortable setting which addes to depth to the story.

I would only change two things.....

One: I'd like to see the cropped out shadow. In fact, I would like to see the shadow as part of the comp, not just an incidental.

Two: I think a touch more shapening would do this image wounders.

Overall, great shot. six from me.
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Lake Logan
11/02/2006 12:26:40 PM
Lake Logan
by karmat

Now I've seen this before.....


This is a great capture, great comp, nice colours. I like my colours more contrasty, but that me and could be my crappy LCD monitor.

8 from me
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Bye Schumacher
11/01/2006 03:50:14 AM
Bye Schumacher
by pradobj

Originally posted by prietenu:

I think that this picture just shows a complete lack of respect, and shouldn't even be entered in the challenge. Its funny how people like you are ready to cuss and badmouth one of the greatest drivers of all time for absolutely no reason? Has the guy done something to you personally, probably not... mostly likely because he can drive and you cannot.

Actually the F1 world is divided on Michael Schumacher. No one denies he's the great F1 driver ever, but personally I don't like him. He's arrogant and has a reputation for winning at ANY cost. He has broken the rules several times and brought the sport and spirit of F1 into disruppet many times.

The bird is a manifestation of the how several fans (including myself) have felt about his antics influencing the outcome of races that he just didn't deserve to win.
Summer Breeze
10/30/2006 07:57:27 AM
Summer Breeze
by elsapo

It's shots like this that are so well executed in these challenges, and it will be a like this that will blue ribbon.

Everything is perfect. If I have to be hyper-critical, then the highlights on her hair are a little much, but this give me a feeling of late afteroon outside, which is great.

9 - Good luck
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Coastal Storm
10/30/2006 07:44:17 AM
Coastal Storm
by Artan

brighton, bournemouth, is it even in the UK?

This is a great shot, with really good comp. I personally feel it's let down by poor colour, which may well have been beyond your control.

Good luck.
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10/30/2006 07:42:01 AM
by LalliSig

This certainly is striking. You've nailed the lighting, the colurs and the comp.

It's shots like this that made me get into this in the first place.

My first 10 in 46 images.

Good luck.
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Give Way To The Wind
10/30/2006 07:38:24 AM
Give Way To The Wind
by xXxscarletxXx

Sorry, this is WAY to over processed for my personal taste. I'm sure you were going for this look...just not my taste.

Having said that, I love the comp and the elements of the imaage. Good luck.
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Set Free
10/30/2006 07:36:36 AM
Set Free
by sherpet

sorry to say, a little too over processed for my personal liking which is a shame because the comp is pleasing to my eye and the focus on the subject is very good to....I just get caught up on that processing. Good luck though.
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