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Registered Userkvockler

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Comments Received by kvockler
Showing 1 - 10 of ~41
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Transparent Personality
07/07/2002 12:23:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by ClubJuggle:
I'm not sure I get what you were trying to convery here. I'll be back to read your comments after the challenge ends.
Transparent Personality
07/06/2002 10:10:00 PM
Transparent Personality
07/04/2002 04:05:00 PM
Transparent Personality
07/04/2002 01:53:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by tnwarriorpoet:
If Barbie is go great, why do you have to *buy* her friends? ;) Nice pic!
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 05:46:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by myqyl:
This might actually be a great, deep, thought provoking shot... But if so, it's over my head.
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 03:19:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by mpmcgeehan:
It's probably my somewhat warped mind, but i enjoyed this photo. Don't know if it's the best technically, but it sure made me laugh! "Get BARBIE! GET HER!"
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 03:04:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by heritcon:
I liked the real girl version of this much better.
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 02:19:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by Swashbuckler:
You found a personality? Let's talk to some doctors, special coat (arms in the back), you know..... Cute take on the cello girl thing. Well executed photo, but maybe a little over the top with the cellophane. Photo 9 Transparency 8 total 8 swash
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 01:09:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by sheyingshi88:
Headline: "Barbie kidanped!!" A very original interpertation! Challange: 9, photographic quality: 4, artistic quality: 3 = 4.
Transparent Personality
07/03/2002 01:01:00 PM
Transparent Personality
by kvockler

Comment by BAMartin:
I can see where this photo meets the challenge, but other than that has no redeeming qualities to me. Sorry
Showing 1 - 10 of ~41

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