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Registered UserNelzie

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Comments Made by Nelzie
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Showing 21 - 30 of ~198
Image Comment
06/21/2006 09:16:07 AM
by groggyfroggy

Nice example of Bokeh. It would be nicer if the subject was slightly sharper then he is.
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Lake Michigan
06/03/2006 09:35:04 AM
Lake Michigan
by xuan768

Where on Lake Michigan did you take this?

This is a great capture BTW. The color of the water is excellent. The only issue is the slightly blown out areas on the boat. Perhaps a slightly faster shutterspeed or fiddling with the exposure compensation would have rectified that.
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Youthful Art To Replace Graffiti
05/05/2006 03:11:07 PM
Youthful Art To Replace Graffiti
by BrianR

I would have cropped this just a bit tighter to eliminate the post on the left-hand side of the image. It is mildly distracting to the overall image, which would still be just as striking without the left edge, as it is now.
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closing time
04/21/2006 11:26:26 AM
closing time
by Skip

As with the other image of yours that I commented on. The black border in this shot bleeds into the image where the image is darkest.
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04/21/2006 11:25:03 AM
by Skip

Fabulous shot.

The only change I would make is to remove/replace the black border entirely. With this shot, the black border causes the image to bleed into the border area, which doesn't do the shot so much justice.

A white border or no border would be best for this image.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Ain't She Sweet
02/03/2006 08:24:56 AM
Ain't She Sweet
by tfarrell23

Great idea, the only issue is the lighting. The shadow from the plate distracts from the image. The best ways to over come this is to either bounce the light with a white surface or an additional light off to the right to diffuse the shadow more.
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Bald Eagle with Berries
02/03/2006 08:22:53 AM
Bald Eagle with Berries
by Rissa

Well composed shot, but a little flat with the coloring. Perhaps a bit of bumping up the saturation in the yellow, a tad of red and a bit of the green channel could kick this up a notch.
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Two Boats
01/30/2006 08:56:12 AM
Two Boats
by KarenNfld

Great capture. The muted colors really work for this image.
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Reflecting Past Glory Days
01/30/2006 08:54:58 AM
Reflecting Past Glory Days
by nidici

It's a nice capture, but I am unable to see the hood ornament as being off center, as it dominates the entire frame of the image.
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Facing the Sith
01/30/2006 07:05:21 AM
Facing the Sith
by Nelzie

Thank you for all your comments and votes.

I should have put a little more into this shot then I did. After posting the image, a rush of things that I could have done came to me and I plan on reshooting this and posting the results once it is done.
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Showing 21 - 30 of ~198

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