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Registered UserFranziskaLang

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Comments Received by FranziskaLang
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Showing 31 - 40 of ~1224
Image Comment
11/05/2006 10:56:32 AM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by admart01:
like the movement and the hint of the scene beyond the curtain -- one of my favorites this challenge
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11/04/2006 07:25:10 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by posthumous:
wind when the window is closed? I like this wind with no source, that lifts the curtain just the slightest bit, to give you a hint of the world outside, but a hint that is actually more enigmatic than the shadows you can already see on the curtain. 7
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/02/2006 10:54:19 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by m2iw:
subtle details set this photo apart from others. I like the feel and the lighting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/02/2006 10:46:49 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by Melethia:
A lovely, well done image. The colors are rich, warm, and I love the hint of light in the visible panes of glass. The light and shadow behind the curtain is perfect. The only nit is the window should be visibly open to complete the idea of a fall breeze.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/02/2006 06:55:22 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by Ken:
The natural lighting looks great on the curtain. The fall colors on other side of window and slight movement suggest a warm South breeze.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/02/2006 02:59:37 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by pixelpig:
nice idea
10/31/2006 09:50:32 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by roz:
i absolutely love this photo, but thought .. 'wots it got to do with the wind' ... then i noticed the curtain puffing out ...... beautiful ....... =8
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/31/2006 04:01:40 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by Xilebo:
Like this lots, the light the tiny view of the outside..nice..
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/31/2006 03:38:40 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by kano:
so lovely, i can almost feel the nice gentle breeze :)
Photographer found comment helpful.
10/30/2006 11:28:09 PM
by FranziskaLang

Comment by rwo82939:
Nice soft picture for a soft breeze. For me it would be improved if the vertical lines of the window were straightened. Very pleasant to look at.
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 31 - 40 of ~1224

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