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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> DPC Mentorship - Digital Color
Showing posts 126 - 150 of 160, (reverse)
08/17/2005 07:53:33 PM · #126
sweet! the topic has come up a few times & I've been interested in it!
08/17/2005 09:55:57 PM · #127
Hey guys, Joey Lawrence here. I’ve been requested by Nico to teach you cats on how you can make that grungy style you see in a lot of my pictures.
Here are some of my examples (feel free to add as favourites! ;-) )

Aren’t you excited! Writing this is cutting heavy into my reading of the Da Vinci code, be thankful! HehehehehehehohOHOHOhohoh yeah yeah yeah shut up Joey.

Okay, so I guess the best way to explain this is just to start with a ‘normal’ picture and slowly twist it into something moody using the following key tools in photoshop:

-A grunge action (yeh, I’m lazy and these work like a charm… I like to use one called ‘the draganizer.’ Keep in mind, this simple action will not save you, you got to use my other tricks too) I want you to download it and load it into your photoshop actions
You can get it here:
Once you’ve d-loaded it, drag the file inside to:
C:\ Program Files Adobe Abobe-whatever-the-shit Presets Photoshop Actions

- Curves, if you don’t know how to properly do ‘em, I suggest this most-excellent post by no one other than the man, the legend- graphicfunk!

- Lots of dodging and burning (If you don’t know how to do this, I really recommend the sexy tutorial by Pedro here:

-Unsharp mask

-Brightness/Contrast is a simple trick that lots of folk ignore

-Hue/Sat, get rid of happy colors! ;-)

Of course you can’t start with a bad image, you’ve got to find or take a picture that will actually look good dark and dirty. Lots of shadows, lack of sunlight light, and make-up tend to work well!

So here’s what I’ll start with tonight… Something I don’t share often… An original!! Ahhh!!!!!! Okay, so we’ve got the precious Emilie here looking rather glum. You can almost tell this will look good in grunge because of the look on her face and that textured concrete slab she’s got beside her. Remember, editing won’t always save you… Taking a ‘grungy’ style picture is 50% of the process.

Okay so I’m going to turn it into this image:

Okay so the first thing I’m gunna do with the original is the basics, a little bit of the ol crop, curves, and brightness/contrast. These are my very favorite tools. You have to work Joey-backwards in curves, making the picture actually pretty light at first. (Or at least light to my taste.) This is because all those hefty actions make your image quite dark. Don’t worry about too much contrast yet, just enough to keep you sane for now. Okay, so your image is hopefully lookin something like this:

Okay, now for a little something that will make you feel like a superstar… Load up that grunge Draganizer action and apply! It’s my very favorite tool. It does a pretty good job at guiding you through what to do. But I’ll give you a little bit of secret tips…

*It will present you with a huge unsharp mask, I’m sure it’s nice but probably way to sharp. Customize it to fit your picture.

*When it asks you to paint out the highlights with the black brush at 13%, try to go over areas many times until they are almost fully exposed from the black. It just comes out better. When I did this, I focused on key areas like her closed eyes, mouth, and of course that concrete slab behind her. Be patient!! Put on some fitting music, I suggest some Doors, Post-Paul-Is-Dead Beatles, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein or maybe that Toxic song from Britney Spears.

* When it asks for the brightness/contrast, I usually like to keep the contrast up and take the brightness down. Makes it dark, obviously.

*When it asks you to paint around the edges, only do it a little bit. You don’t wanna make mistakes here that you can easily fix later, or your gunna have to do the whole action again.

*Special note: Using the paint brush ain’t allowed in any set of rules on DPC, so I tend just to either avoid this action in challenges, or totally skip this step and try to recover it later with dodge/burn, making sure to first make the picture very bright with curves.

Yadda yadda, go through the rest of the steps and your image should look something like this…

Amazing! It made her face look gritty and dirty… Nice. People like me dig chicks with dirt on their face.

Anywho, next up what we want to do is... Pure insaneness! Well, maybe not. It’s popular in Iceland. It’s my very favorite tool. Just get that Hue/Sat menu up and desaturate about 30% of the color. This makes her face nice and pale and everything seem very ‘cold.’ But you also may notice her shirt is way too cyan and happy. So under ‘edit’ in the Hue/Sat menu I chose ‘Cyans’ and desaturated that about 60%. (English accent*) Here are the stunning results!

Okay, we're looking good. Now for a little trick I learned in NAM… It’s my very favorite tool. Get open that color balance window (IMAGE>ADJUSTMENTS>COLOR BALANCE) and you are presented with a neat little scale. You’ll notice you can change the midtones, shadows, and highlights at the bottom. This is crucial for the coloring to look right. I tend to jump back and forth between these, not really knowing exactly what I’m doing until I get something that looks right. In this case, I have adjusted the midtones, shadows, and highlights all toward a bit more yellow and a tad bit of red. You don’t need to do anything huge here, just increase and decrease by a few points in each column.
Okay, here’s what it looks like now:

Pretty good, but just like a priest in 2001, it wants some ‘touching up’. First get out my very favorite tool… The dodge tool! Set it to dodge the highlights at around 5%. But I don’t need to explain this; you’ve read Pedro’s dodge and burn tutorial… Haven’t you? ;-)
So what I did was dodged a bit around the face and jewelry. I then dodged the concrete slab, bring out it’s hidden highlights.
Now for my very favorite tool, the burn tool! (If you havn’t noticed, all the tools I’ve listed are my ‘very favourite’ …Har har har har har har!!)
Set this puppy on to burn shadows at 5%. I focused on burning places that needed more grungy depth, such as the edges of the concrete slag, her shirt and a tad on her facial structure. I also burnt around the edges to get that neat effect I stole off JPR.

Now for my very favorite feature… Burning midtones! Oh why oh why is this overlooked. I don’t know. Use the burn brush set on midtones at 5% to blend in your burning at the corners. Burning midtones sort of evens out the harsh colors you brought out with just burning the shadows. You can do the same with the dodge tool, but I’m too cool for that and it’s not necessary in this photo.

Okay, here’s the end result! (After cropping a bit off the top and adding a border )

I hope you were able to follow along and didn't get offended during this writing, if I forgot anything or your stuck, just let me know and I’ll illegally reply in your thread!

And if you completely rip me off, I’ll be sad but eventually I will get over it.

08/17/2005 10:45:35 PM · #128
oh sure.. this will be absolutely no problem... ahem!
showoff! ;0) j/k
08/17/2005 11:51:57 PM · #129
Sorry I have been away. I have to send my main camera (pentax *ist DS) to be cleaned. So I am using my Pentax Optio WP (water proof) for right now. This is my free study digital color.

Slective Color:

Gradient Layer:
Black - White
Layer Blend mode - Color Burn
30% Opacity
50% Fill

S curve
80% Opacity
100% Fill

Dodge and Burned clouds lightly (I think it worked)

Unsharpen Mask

Digital Noise Reduction.

I could have fixed the slit tilt but just went ahead and left it.

Sorry I have been abscent from the group. Just haven't been feeling all that well about photography as of late. Will get on to commenting on everyones images.
08/19/2005 12:52:39 AM · #130
Here is my shot for lesson 8. I basically followed the steps joey outlined.

Unedited - > Edited

edit - spelling

Message edited by author 2005-08-19 00:53:36.
08/19/2005 01:02:39 PM · #131
looks like I'm gonna have to upgrade my PS. this plug-in does not work with 5.5 :0( Give me some time, I think I have a friend who has a friend who knows this guy...:0)
But I did have a question- Joey said:
*Special note: Using the paint brush ain’t allowed in any set of rules on DPC, so I tend just to either avoid this action in challenges, or totally skip this step and try to recover it later with dodge/burn, making sure to first make the picture very bright with curves.
I looked through the rules (advanced) & it didn't say anything. Maybe this question doesn't belong here tho, any ideas guys?
08/19/2005 01:05:11 PM · #132
Originally posted by oOWonderBreadOo:

But I did have a question- Joey said:
*Special note: Using the paint brush ain’t allowed in any set of rules on DPC, so I tend just to either avoid this action in challenges, or totally skip this step and try to recover it later with dodge/burn, making sure to first make the picture very bright with curves.
I looked through the rules (advanced) & it didn't say anything. Maybe this question doesn't belong here tho, any ideas guys?

thats a really good question to ask site council! :-)
08/20/2005 09:39:37 PM · #133
Cool - It seems if Joey spent alot of time sharing his technique with us. I am trying to work this technique on some of my photos but it doesn't seem that I have the right type of pic. Hope to be able to get that soon. But, for now I just wanted to say thanks to Joey. "Thanks, Joey"
08/22/2005 08:19:23 PM · #134
Back again, playing catch up. Im so far behind that some of the images have disappeared before I could comment.

Ready with Lesson #5 Simple Duotone.

This is what I learned:
1. There are infinate combinations. How does one EVER decide?
2. I have never tried this, I could get to like it.
3. I think it is going to provide a solution for another picture, Going to try another.

Message edited by author 2005-08-23 09:23:20.
08/25/2005 02:37:03 AM · #135
Ok- here we go! Not sure about this- I mean I like it, just not sure if it's "grunge" exactly. For some reason I can't get that gritty thing that Joey has going on. And I didn't have the same things pop up as he did like:
-unsharp mask
-asks you to paint out the highlights with the black brush at 13%
-it asks for the brightness/contrast
-it asks you to paint around the edges

I wonder if the action has changed since you first downloaded it? hmmm... anyway here are my attempts.

this is what I started with (after I reduced the contrast some) & result...

here is what I got when I started thinking... I way oversaturated the hair & lips to see what I'd get. I really like it but like I said, it's just not really coming out how I thought.

So- whaddya think guys? Any advice for this image?
08/26/2005 02:52:54 PM · #136
Hey guys,
I am on vacation and things have slowed down a bit. I have been in contact with some dpcers to guest mentor some lessons, so keep an eye out for a new lesson in the near future.
08/28/2005 12:21:51 AM · #137
Still playing catch up - here is the channel mixer. Again I found it difficult to the point of impossible. But thats what I felt about selective color when I first tried it and now I use it regularly. So maybe I will make friends with the channel mixer also.

Top is the original, middle is the grayscale conversion in photoshop, bottom is grayscale by channel mixer. I have seen that fruit basket lady tutorial before and I found it just as difficult this time as I have in the past. Trial and error in a complex system is frustrating. Also to add a little of this, you need to subtract a little of that.

This is what I learned:
1. The results are better than just letting photoshop convert to black and white for you.
2. It takes an awful lot of fiddling around. Its not a matter of getting it "right" its deciding when to give up and say it is good enough. Many combinations look good, just different.
3. Red channel does interesting stuff to skys.

08/28/2005 02:17:37 AM · #138
Okay, I'm a bit behind because I just got my internet back up and working yesterday. Here's my Free Study post (editing details are on final version). I might've gone with something more extreme for a digital color assignment, but I liked the contrast between the white and blue here.

I've commented on all the shots prior to Joey's assignment and will get to that assignment and the rest tomorrow night. For now, it's off to a bar with some friends :)

I'm sure you can figure out which is the original and final :P
08/28/2005 09:01:44 PM · #139
sounds like you deserve a night out!!! hope the move went well :0)
08/29/2005 03:53:05 PM · #140
Originally posted by oOWonderBreadOo:

Ok- here we go! Not sure about this- I mean I like it, just not sure if it's "grunge" exactly. For some reason I can't get that gritty thing that Joey has going on. And I didn't have the same things pop up as he did like:
-unsharp mask
-asks you to paint out the highlights with the black brush at 13%
-it asks for the brightness/contrast
-it asks you to paint around the edges

I wonder if the action has changed since you first downloaded it? hmmm... anyway here are my attempts.

This can be modified by clicking that little box to the left of the actions stuff. If you click the little drop down arrow to expand the list of what takes place.. then the box to the left of the dropdown arrow can be turned on in order to enable options for particular steps. If that doesn't make any sense, let me know and I'll try to take a screenshot.
08/29/2005 04:48:30 PM · #141
Originally posted by oOWonderBreadOo:

sounds like you deserve a night out!!! hope the move went well :0)

It did, and I did (I suppose?). Had fun, but not having much fun so far trying to make the grunge look work with my pictures of animals and flowers. Maybe I need to get out to downtown sometime and take some shots. I'll keep trying, but it may be a bit before I get a submission for the grunge project.
08/31/2005 08:27:57 PM · #142
I know I'm crashing this thread but couldn't help since I love this effect so much. Here is my take at one. Shot with the 85mm 1.2 @ 1.2
Grunge Horse
09/01/2005 03:18:31 AM · #143
MeTHoS - cool shot, I like it - definitely more of a subtle grunge application.

Hey gang, here's my grunge project update. Thanks again to Joey for helping out with this one - it definitely forced me to shoot something different for a change (well, only barely) and definitely forced me to process things differently.
final - picture comments contain editing info.

i wish someone had poked their head into the window while i was taking pictures :P

Message edited by author 2005-09-01 03:22:51.
09/01/2005 03:27:38 PM · #144
I am in having a terrible time with this assignment. I can't even get anything that looks half way good. At first I thought it was my subject but now I realize that Joey does not discriminate. In other words it seems anything he shoots can be processed in this way. Has anyone found the secret? I followed the step-by-step. Help, please.
09/01/2005 04:14:38 PM · #145
Originally posted by Jeileen:

I am in having a terrible time with this assignment. I can't even get anything that looks half way good. At first I thought it was my subject but now I realize that Joey does not discriminate. In other words it seems anything he shoots can be processed in this way. Has anyone found the secret? I followed the step-by-step. Help, please.

I've been playing with this action a lot. The subject definitely seems to key. Some shots just don't look as good with it as others. My mutton bustin photos have the action used on them.
09/02/2005 03:21:13 PM · #146
It's not necessarily that Joey discriminates in how he processes, but what he takes pictures of. ie: I'm relatively sure that the only picture he has of a butterfly is his picture of a dead one on the side of the road. You won't find daisies and tulips in his portfolio, grunge or not.

I had trouble getting anything that I liked out of the steps too - I image it takes a lot of experimenting and time-consuming work.

If you photograph something of a more gritty nature I think it'll really shine through - especially considering the threshold 'grunge black detail' layer it adds at the end.
09/02/2005 09:22:52 PM · #147
OK here it is. Back to the old reliable barn. The before - and the after -
I am ready to move on from this... I think it will be a matter of continuing to practice this technique.
09/03/2005 12:28:21 AM · #148
Originally posted by brianlh:

You won't find daisies and tulips in his portfolio, grunge or not.

Not true - that boy can grunge anything

09/07/2005 06:42:44 PM · #149
I seem to be having a lot of problems with this effect. I guess I don't have the right type of photos to practice on. I haven't given up hope yet, but I'm pretty darn close. lol

My internet has been acting up lately so I haven't been able to comment on any of the photos for this assignment yet. I'll try to get to that soon.
- Laura
09/07/2005 08:51:11 PM · #150

Free Study - wooo, now I can move on to grundge.

This is the oddest house. It was a big New Englan mansion that was converted completely to a Bauhaus style in the early 50s when Gropius and some other german architects moved to our town. Now it is deserted and overgrown as the new owners and the town officials fight over whether it has historical value. Eventually it will be torn down I guess.
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