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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Sony 828 - is it worth it?
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09/17/2004 12:32:08 AM · #1
Wondering how satisfied those 828 owners are out there. I love the swivel design of the Sony's but am wondering for the money, would it be better to go with a DSLR? I also like the video mode but I think id be willing to sacrifice it if the DSLR is 'that' much better.

Anyone who owns or owned or has extensively used an SLR and a Sony 828 that could give some incite? Thanks in advance.
09/17/2004 12:35:15 AM · #2
If you go with 828, all your gonna buy is the 828, possibly a few acessories. With a dSLR, you are buying a system, and will cost more than the original purchase price of the body. BTW, my f717, with lots of accesories are for sale. Check my signature.
09/17/2004 12:41:56 AM · #3
Originally posted by hsteg:

If you go with 828, all your gonna buy is the 828, possibly a few acessories. With a dSLR, you are buying a system, and will cost more than the original purchase price of the body. BTW, my f717, with lots of accesories are for sale. Check my signature.

...hehehehe... I'm gonna start calling you Tenacious H... ;o)

(you HAVE to give the boy his props for persistence!)
09/17/2004 12:43:02 AM · #4
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Originally posted by hsteg:

If you go with 828, all your gonna buy is the 828, possibly a few acessories. With a dSLR, you are buying a system, and will cost more than the original purchase price of the body. BTW, my f717, with lots of accesories are for sale. Check my signature.

...hehehehe... I'm gonna start calling you Tenacious H... ;o)

(you HAVE to give the boy his props for persistence!)

*SECOND EDIT* Ok, nevermind. Nobody read this. It's all a dream. I'm going to go hang myself.

Way to try and sell your camera hsteg!

Message edited by author 2004-09-17 00:57:17.
09/17/2004 01:26:57 AM · #5
Sorry hsteg, from what I know the 717 isnt all that different than the 707 :)

Can anyone tell me on average what the memory per minute is on the 828's video at 640/480? I wonder how much video one could take with a 2gig stick. Those are cheap on ebay too.
09/17/2004 01:35:40 AM · #6
If it was a lot cheaper then dSLR I would've bought one myself already but the close price of dSLR makes them a better choice.

If you can hold out I wouldn't be surprise if the prices go down. If they possibly came out with an 838 model with some of the problems like purple fringing fixed I might be interested again.

Message edited by author 2004-09-17 01:45:21.
09/17/2004 02:11:50 AM · #7
From what i hear on the grapevine (father-in-law knows sony japan president) Sony are soon to release a body that supports CARL ZEISS GLASS offers 4 colour system and 12MP so I think the price of an 828 will drop a bit also, when they do bring it out I may be selling this D70 with a rack of good glass... I used to own an F828 and I loved the lens (even though it is actually a second rate Zeiss) it was very sharp and easy to use but the benefits of DSLR are too great so I sold it and got the Nikon, when they release the sony body that supports Zeiss glass I will be back to Sony again ... the technology changes so fast these days that waiting is always a good option too.

hope it helped.
09/17/2004 02:14:45 AM · #8
Originally posted by alionic:

From what i hear on the grapevine (father-in-law knows sony japan president) Sony are soon to release a body that supports CARL ZEISS GLASS offers 4 colour system and 12MP so I think the price of an 828 will drop a bit also, when they do bring it out I may be selling this D70 with a rack of good glass... I used to own an F828 and I loved the lens (even though it is actually a second rate Zeiss) it was very sharp and easy to use but the benefits of DSLR are too great so I sold it and got the Nikon, when they release the sony body that supports Zeiss glass I will be back to Sony again ... the technology changes so fast these days that waiting is always a good option too.

hope it helped.

When this happens I may join you until then a dSLR is best choice.
09/17/2004 02:26:31 AM · #9
hey i love my camera, had it for about a month, also have the
old dscS85, love that one too. [use it for record purposes]
dont look at my photos though, i suck, BUT there is room for
improvement, lots of room.
i always take a camera with me wherever i go, one day i'll get

09/17/2004 02:41:27 AM · #10
I have had the 828 for a couple of months and absolutley love it.
I am far from a proffessional photographer but it is a little harder to tell with such a fine piece of equiptment. I mostly shoot close up shots of nature with their macro lens. It is far and few between when the camera doesnt capture a nothing short of stunning photo. Anyway i am very pleased with mine and think it would be worth your time to look into one.
09/17/2004 02:58:45 AM · #11
Originally posted by alionic:

From what i hear on the grapevine (father-in-law knows sony japan president) Sony are soon to release a body that supports CARL ZEISS GLASS offers 4 colour system and 12MP so I think the price of an 828 will drop a bit also, when they do bring it out I may be selling this D70 with a rack of good glass... I used to own an F828 and I loved the lens (even though it is actually a second rate Zeiss) it was very sharp and easy to use but the benefits of DSLR are too great so I sold it and got the Nikon, when they release the sony body that supports Zeiss glass I will be back to Sony again ... the technology changes so fast these days that waiting is always a good option too.

hope it helped.

Thx alionic,

That's a great news for me... I think I'll wait for this new model, otherwise, Nikon D70 will be my next honey as you!
09/17/2004 04:19:18 AM · #12
get the D70. all prosumer digicams are for n00bs.
09/17/2004 04:30:01 AM · #13
Firstly Goodman, you should update your signature.
I am happy with my F717, but long for some of the features of a good DSLR. On the other hand I will miss some of the Sony features.
I take a lot of low perspective or above head photos where the swivel body is a dream.
However, I look foreward to getting a USM lens where the focus is almost instant. The Sony is fast, but for action or moving objects not fast enough.
I suggest making an Excel list with all the pros & cons of each camera, & then try to decide what is important to you!
09/17/2004 04:30:52 AM · #14
Originally posted by a1leyez0nm3:

get the D70. all prosumer digicams are for n00bs.

Bit of a difference in cost. :-)
09/17/2004 04:34:07 AM · #15
exactly what sorts of advantages do DSLR's have over prosumer cameras? besides the lower noise levels?
09/17/2004 04:46:32 AM · #16
Originally posted by eswik:

exactly what sorts of advantages do DSLR's have over prosumer cameras? besides the lower noise levels?

Looks cool
Impresses the girls...

I think the main advantage would have to be the ability to buy lenses that match your photography needs, for example I find the 5 X zoom on my F717 too small.
Then as I mentioned, you have the possibility to buy a lens which focuses almost instantly. I was reading an article of a nature photographer who was able to photograph a Chetah running ar 60 or 80 km/hour at 5 fps, and the camera/lens was able to keep up and every photo was in focus.
Yes, lower noise. Normally more options, like Bulb and not limited to 30 second exposures.
The view through the view finder is clearer than an EVF.
Manual foscus is easier.
09/17/2004 05:02:10 AM · #17
What aKiwi said. For me a lot of it comes down to responsiveness. Fast focus, fast shutters, fast lenses (wide open apertures), fast framerate.. All that, with sharp, low noise, well exposed shots.

In terms of responsiveness, try taking an image like this with a P&S:

09/17/2004 05:06:47 AM · #18
I have a sony DSC-S85, upgraded to nikon D70 2 month ago, and a friend of mine have the 828, and he tried first the D70 (head to head) and chose sony... what I think is that, D70 is more pro, less noise and so, quick as a blast, but sony make great cams that almost always give a good shoot, while dSLR need more knowledge to master.

He choose sony because he didn't want to shoot at low light conditions (he is a surfer and shoot under good light), alse the zoom in the 828 is ok for him, similar lens is expensive on D70... but i love changing all options and forcing the cam to its limits, so D70 is more "playable" for me.

I can't tell you to chose that or that other, but I would say that 828 is worth for the price (compared to D70), but you can't change lenses or buy a good flash (really good), so it stop you from steping forward (spending more money).
09/17/2004 05:13:36 AM · #19
Originally posted by PaulMdx:

What aKiwi said. For me a lot of it comes down to responsiveness. Fast focus, fast shutters, fast lenses (wide open apertures), fast framerate.. All that, with sharp, low noise, well exposed shots.

In terms of responsiveness, try taking an image like this with a P&S:

I tried to PM you but my PC seems to be behaving badly. I wanted to say that the name Maddox is very familiar to me. I am originally from the UK around the Hertfordshire area and I think I can remember a Danny Maddox from school.. nothing to do with you I presume?? If it is then say hi to him from me or better still PM me and send a mail.
09/17/2004 05:17:52 AM · #20
Originally posted by alionic:

I am originally from the UK around the Hertfordshire area and I think I can remember a Danny Maddox from school..

No relation of mine, I'm afraid. :-) If I see him I'll say hello though. ;-)
09/17/2004 07:08:22 AM · #21
Originally posted by jubei:

Wondering how satisfied those 828 owners are out there. I love the swivel design of the Sony's but am wondering for the money, would it be better to go with a DSLR? I also like the video mode but I think id be willing to sacrifice it if the DSLR is 'that' much better.

Anyone who owns or owned or has extensively used an SLR and a Sony 828 that could give some incite? Thanks in advance.

Well, I don't have much experience with dSLR (used to have an SLR though), but the Sony 828 definately has much more noise than the Canon 300D. Have a look at this page at dpreview.com for a comparison. Also, most tests I have seen rate the Sony F717 higher than the F828, and I must say I'm still very happy with my F717!
09/17/2004 07:21:00 AM · #22
for the most part i'm extremely pleased with my 828. the sony four color pick up combined with the ziess t* lense is a winner for vivid fairly accurate color--i haven't seen any competitively priced SLR that compares. if your looking to a rebel, you should be aware that it has finicky focusing system for closeups. the 828 isn't perfect (there are a few glaring problems like purple fringing on highlights, the inability to shoot in BW, etc) that wiegh it down. one thing to consider also: while not being able to change lenses can be a limitation, haveing less gear frees you up too. the range on the one lense in the 828 is unrivaled as far as i know. also, you should be aware that the 828 still has a fair deal of grain so you the 8 megapixels really doesn't give you more useable information than a 6.3 mp SLR. hope some of these ramblings help!

Message edited by author 2004-09-17 07:21:55.
09/17/2004 08:26:26 AM · #23
I have the F828 and I don't think I'd ever want to give it up because it is so easy to carry around and it does take some beautiful photos (my challenge photos are not good examples of its or my capabilities). However, I am looking forward to the day when I can buy another camera that will allow me to change lenses. I'm already pouting because I can't get as close up as Jacko for a micro and want a bigger, better zoom to get great pictures of birds and wildlife. I'm also looking into some of those Raynox conversion lens for the Sony, but don't know if it's worth the expense. Anybody have any opinions on them? This was my first serious camera (actually, it was my husbands, but I've taken it away) and I'm not sorry that I had it to learn on. I think I would have been completely overwhelmed with all there was/is to learn if I'd had a bunch of lenses to swap out.
09/17/2004 08:41:15 AM · #24
I've had my 828 for several months, and I'm over 2,100 photos shot. To say that "I love the camera" would be an understatement. If my 828 were mangled in a horrible accident, I would buy another one in a heartbeat.

If you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to try and answer them for you.
09/17/2004 09:30:29 AM · #25
i've used the 828 before, as well as several other prosumers. while these high end prosumer cams today are phenomenal in their performance, knowing what i know now, I would pick an SLR over one without question (assuming you can afford it). when you go dSLR, you're getting an image sensore that's more than double the size of a typical prosumer cam. you're also buying into a system, that you can continuously expand and customize. the prosumer cam you're stuck with the lense you have... you're basically stuck with the feature set on that camera, and not only does the price drop so fast it hurts to watch, but when you outgrow it, or have a need it doesn't fill, you gotta go to a whole new camera. in the SLR world, the worst case is upgrading your body, and keeping your accessories, like lenses flash etc etc.

personally, i feel that if you can afford it, the performance of a dSLR will blow you away in comparison... now this doesn't mean you'll take better pictures right out of the box hahahah ... there is a learning curve :)
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