DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
Challenges Entered: 53
Votes Cast: 3,466
Avg Vote Cast: 5.5441
Votes Received: 5,736
Avg Vote Received: 6.2570
  • Made: 126
  • Helpful: 104
  • Received: 494
  • Helpful: 460
  • Posts: 15
  • Threads Created: 2
    Profile Views: 3,290
    Total Image Views: 49,558
    Total Images Viewed: 2,339
  • Favorites
    Selected by other users:
  • Photographer: 6 times
  • Photographs: 50 times
    User's favorites: (view all)
  • Photographers: 2
  • Photographs: 2
  • Status
    User is currently offline.
    Free Study 2014-08 :: The-Light-House-DP
    10 Second Exposure :: Tranquility
    Water IV :: Sea Set
    Free Study 2014-10 :: Delamere-Days
    Harsh Environments III :: Diablo's Yard
    Shadows VIII :: Silent Shadows
    Landscape VI :: A moment of calm
    Black and White Landscape II :: A seat in the rain
    On the Beach II :: Hesitant Light
    Honorable Mentions
    Abandoned II :: Forsaken Past
    Vanishing Point III :: non stop
    Skyscape II :: Power
    Hidden Gem IV :: Sunset-at-the-Cop
    160 Pixels :: Wind Power
    User Profile
    Name: Rob Spiers Age: 47
    Username: Robski
    Gender: M
    Type: Registered User
    Cameras: Canon EOS-70D
    Canon EOS-450D Rebel XSi
    Lenses: Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR DI-II VC LD Aspherical (IF) Zoom Lens for Canon
    Registered: Jul. 12th 2008
    Contact: Private Message

    View this photographer's portfolio!
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    Highest Rated Photographs
    1st PlaceThe-Light-House-DP
    Free Study 2014-08
    Average: 7.5133
    Diablo's Yard
    2nd PlaceDiablo's Yard
    Harsh Environments III
    Average: 7.2813
    A moment of calm
    2nd PlaceA moment of calm
    Landscape VI
    Average: 7.2712
    Sea Set
    1st PlaceSea Set
    Water IV
    Average: 7.0787
    1st PlaceTranquility
    10 Second Exposure
    Average: 7.0530
    Challenge Entries
    Last 10 Forum Threads Posted To
    Thread   Section   Date
    Merry xmas Everyone !!   General Discussion  126 months ago
    Revisit -- expert editing   Challenge Suggestions  127 months ago
    In praise of Red   Current Challenge  129 months ago
    Check Out Your New Home Page!   Administrator Announcements  129 months ago
    Decorate Emilie's nursery!   Challenge Suggestions  129 months ago
    Camera Phone Free Study III   Challenge Suggestions  129 months ago
    Member of the Week (Aug 4-10)   Photography Discussion  144 months ago
    OSX Lion - Have you upgraded?   Hardware and Software  159 months ago
    The Spitfire may rise again...   General Discussion  161 months ago
    Make a sentence from 5 letters   General Discussion  161 months ago

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