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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Point of View (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 EX Aspherical DG DF for Canon
Location: Grand Falls, NB
Date: Jan 10, 2004
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/90 sec.
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2004

Converted to Gray Scale in Photoshop 7. Cropped out distracting elemens to the left. Played with Levels to boost contrast. Resized, and one "Sharpen".

I took this with my new Sigma 15-30mm EX ultra wide angle lens. One of the characteristics of these lenses is perspective distortion. I exagerated this effect by taking a picture at approximately 12 inches from her face. I love the DOF, perfect (IMO of course).

Another thing: This was shot at ISO 1600 ... no Neat Image used. Gotta love it.

The cat's name is Lili. I've posted 2 pics of her at DPC for challenges and they both scored pretty bad (mid 4s and low 5s). I'll probably get hammered for blown out highlights on the bottom, and also by cat haters, but that's ok. It's hangning on my wall :) I hope I get a +6.

Place: 17 out of 286
Avg (all users): 6.3992
Avg (commenters): 7.8529
Avg (participants): 6.2759
Avg (non-participants): 6.5076
Views since voting: 3080
Votes: 248
Comments: 48
Favorites: 27 (view)

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05/15/2004 10:49:59 PM
Did the cat get killed (curiosity killed the cat)? Also, is this the same cat as your brown ribbon?
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02/18/2004 10:20:41 AM
hehe, excellent. whoever the 19 people were who gave you 1s and 2s.. there is no excuse for that.. :-p even if you hate pet shots, that's just wrong.

(edit: accidentally typed "9s and 10s" instead of "1s and 2s")

Message edited by author 2004-02-18 10:21:39.
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02/12/2004 06:25:56 AM
Wow! Beutiful! One of the best cat pictures I have seen ever! He´s so cute :D hehe, Congratulations on this awesome pictures!
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01/22/2004 01:07:52 AM
Fantastic photo. Did not have a chance to vote for all, I missed yours. If I did vote, it would have got a 10. Nice job.
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01/21/2004 10:24:03 AM
yup, I love this, great point of view for sure...like the way the cat's body is distorted.
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01/21/2004 10:06:10 AM
wow! 14 9s and 25 20s. Sweet.

Thanks for all the kind words. :)
01/21/2004 08:26:45 AM
I thought this was a great shot - placed lower than it should in my opinion. The head-pop makes it.
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01/21/2004 08:17:23 AM
My vote was a 10. Great shot!
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01/21/2004 07:46:14 AM
Great shot Jacko!! I didn't have time to vote/comment for the whole challenge and I didn't even see this one. It would have made my top list.
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01/21/2004 02:12:09 AM
This was my winner - cracking capture. [10]

(Ran out of time to comment in challenge)
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01/21/2004 12:45:05 AM
27 fours?!?! Good grief, there must have been a bunch of trolls this challenge!
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01/21/2004 12:06:32 AM
I think this should have placed higher! It was one of my favourites of the challenge! ;)
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01/21/2004 12:02:36 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/20/2004 11:09:15 PM
This looks almost like a cartoon cat. The fact that she's standing up really enhances the almost caricature look of the close/wide angle. Black and white was a good choice too. Only negative would be what looks like a chair/table frame coming out of her head, but I bet it was quite difficult getting her to cooperate for the shot. One of my favs!
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01/20/2004 07:19:14 PM
cute cat photo....I am a sucker for animal photos! A different perspective too!
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01/20/2004 05:38:26 PM
Love it, Love it, Love it! But I'm a sucker for good cat shots. :) Great capture, great perspective and you did an excellent job with the tones here. Nice contrasts. I'd buy it, Nice Job!
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01/20/2004 04:36:25 PM
standing on two paws! heehee. great job with the focus. good choice of b/w. nice lighting.
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01/20/2004 03:27:47 PM
Nearly excellent. Only comment is the fuzzy bars growing out of the cats head ( a chair??)
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01/20/2004 01:53:55 AM
This has got to be in the top 10... Awesome POV and DOF!
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01/20/2004 12:14:32 AM
This is the best animal picture I've seen yet. Nice DOF black and white works well too.
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01/19/2004 09:15:15 PM
This is most assuredly a unique point of view. Nice. 8
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01/19/2004 12:23:14 PM
LOL,very funny, 10 from me!
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01/18/2004 11:47:03 PM
Funny persepctive. Your cat looks like it has mini paws!
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01/18/2004 08:20:58 PM
I usually don't like these pet shots, but you really did a good job here, nice dof and angle, fits the challenge very nicely!
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01/18/2004 08:41:37 AM
This has got to be the most whimsical photo of a cat I've seen in ages. The background is overexposed, but overall a unique perspective. I'd like to see it in color.
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01/18/2004 04:14:44 AM
I love the way the head just pops out at you.
01/17/2004 12:48:35 AM
Funny cat picture the way you've enlarged it's head and distorted it's body. Don't like the blown out floor boards.
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01/16/2004 10:37:05 PM
Don't usually like cat shots...this one works POV great, DOF great,B&W great
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01/15/2004 10:51:53 PM
Very good, great you used b&w, I love this one. 10
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01/15/2004 05:17:31 PM
Terrific cat capture, and nicechallenge interpretation. (My cat always does this when I try to shoot her; I appreciate how you've turned a problem into an opportunity!)
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01/15/2004 12:03:54 PM
god dam! yet another good pet pciture!! This si the 3rd now!! Can't help but pass you on a 10. Good luck - great image and ncie to see some b&w.
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01/14/2004 10:54:05 PM
Damn that is nice... The white to black is perfect and very strong. And the focus on the face and eyes is absolutely perfect. I can see almost every individual hair in the focal area. And it fits the challenge well also = 8.
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01/14/2004 10:39:12 PM
cute shot, I like the DOF that you u sed. 7
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01/14/2004 08:41:11 PM
That is the COOLEST perspective bro. The only thing I can wrong with this shot is that the floor to the right-front of the image is a bit blown out. Awesome crisp focus of the cat's face with everything else just out of focus. A winner in my book.
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01/14/2004 07:35:56 PM
I'm not normally a huge fan of cat photos -- but this is far above and beyond the typical shot. The use of a shallow depth of field on this one is just awesome. Way to go!
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01/14/2004 05:15:20 PM
super shot
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01/14/2004 03:47:37 PM
One of the few cat shots I've seen here that really had character- great fit for the challenge and I like the choice of black and white. 10!
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01/14/2004 02:51:00 PM
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01/14/2004 01:17:51 PM
We know what comes next...
Nicely shot!
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01/14/2004 11:14:55 AM
Wow, how curious is this cute kit! Such a face! Look to this eyes... trying to undestand what this lens does. Good shot!
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01/14/2004 09:14:05 AM
Got a laugh from me. Nicely done, good dof that eliminates some distracting elements. The hot spot lower right distracts my eye a bit.
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01/14/2004 06:06:36 AM
Hehe, that cat's awesome. Great photo, love how he's so close and sharp, great stuff
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01/14/2004 04:55:58 AM
Hmmm, different kind of cat shot here. Nice and clear, good details in the cats eyes.

I quite like this one, his (her) head looks bigger than I feel it should be, but this adds to the shot. Is he standing on two legs? 8
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01/14/2004 02:04:32 AM
I like this one, the perspective is wonderful and meets the challenge theme head on. The B&W comes over very well and the shallow DOF emphasises the head specifically, even makes it seem larger than it should. Top photo (10)
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01/14/2004 01:28:58 AM
LOL! This is one of the funniest shots in this challenge. Great use of DOF and the perspective/point-of-view is also excellent. And to top it off, it looks like the cat is standing on its own! 10
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01/14/2004 01:14:10 AM
what big eyes you have
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01/14/2004 01:03:10 AM
Love the angle on this one, very nice shallow dof, framing is good and works well in b/w. The highlight at the bottom right is a bit too much though. 7
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01/14/2004 12:09:11 AM
ROFL!!! what a hoot! the arms look so little. perfect DOF and lighting...great job!
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