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Newton's apple
Newton's apple

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Science II (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Pentax *ist D
Lens: Pentax SMC P-DA 12-24mm F4.0 ED/AL (IF)
Location: Park
Date: May 28, 2007
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 125
Galleries: Science and Technology, History
Date Uploaded: May 29, 2007


Place: 4 out of 222
Avg (all users): 6.9159
Avg (commenters): 7.3846
Avg (participants): 6.7101
Avg (non-participants): 7.0064
Views since voting: 17899
Views during voting: 398
Votes: 226
Comments: 37
Favorites: 9 (view)

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11/13/2007 09:34:07 PM
Really neat shot, love the lighting, a great idea as well and very well executed, favorited
06/06/2007 07:47:48 PM
DDD= Holy crap! What happened??

I owe you a bazillion dollars.

I SERIOUSLY thought this would get first place. Jesus.

Well, you are first place in MY book.
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06/06/2007 05:55:30 PM
Well done, Fernando! You should have had a ribbon with this, but an HM is a wonderful showing, and this shot definitely is highly deserving!
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06/06/2007 12:40:45 PM
I am sorry but this too deserves a ribbon, What a wonderful addition to the DPC archives. This is so well done that I keep looking for its ribbon. I mean, look at the expression on the face and the slackness of the body posture and how nicely it fits with the background and then the fallen and falling apples. A stroke of genius. Congratulations on your 4th place.
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06/06/2007 09:09:45 AM
Fascinating lighting in this photo...congratulations on the HM!
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06/06/2007 04:28:50 AM
Very creative, wonderful composition and tones. Congrats on 4th place.
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06/06/2007 12:27:21 AM
Voted a 10, loved this the most, great placement !
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06/06/2007 12:12:36 AM
Way to go, Fernando! Brilliant idea, excellent execution!
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06/06/2007 12:06:23 AM
Congrats, Fernando! We knew it was a great shot. :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/05/2007 10:16:56 PM
Great idea! I love it, and it's a great shot. I could be wrong, but I think you can see the string holding the apple up.
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06/05/2007 09:36:12 PM
Excellent concept, not bad lighting, could be improved a bit with invisible string and an apple that wasn't perfectly upright.
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06/05/2007 08:07:00 PM
u can see the string and i had the same ida so 5
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06/05/2007 04:03:41 PM
This is a very good idea. and over all it looks really good.. but i just wish the apple was more real looking. but other then that i gave you an -8-.
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06/05/2007 10:19:49 AM
Need to clone out the string attached to the apple :)
a good execution 7
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06/04/2007 11:31:47 AM
I love this shot, very creative, and very well exicuted, The muted tones used work very well.
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06/04/2007 02:59:14 AM
I suppose I would be quibbling to notice that this is not an apple tree. ...or that the falling apple looks to be the size of a plum. On the other hand, the photo is well made and it does mark one of science's celebrated historical events. So, since this is a photo contest and not a science project.... 7
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06/03/2007 10:47:52 PM
Great photograph. I love the composition and lighting. It is perfect. My only complaint, the apple in the air is too perfect. It should be in some awkward position, and probably not as red. It looks redder and smaller than the other apples.
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06/02/2007 03:10:46 PM
Great lighting, nice composition.

If I was going to nitpick I would say that ti doesn't look like an apple tree : ) but hey - what's wrong with a bit of artistic license to get a setting like this.
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06/02/2007 02:08:21 PM
Love the PP - Just so let down by seeing the line from the tree to the apple.Very nice though.
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06/01/2007 11:50:47 AM
Nice work! Love the colors in this and your bg is quite interesting.
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06/01/2007 05:37:40 AM
Niecly done and subtle colors.....8
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05/31/2007 09:23:19 PM
I'll bet you a bazillion dollars that this will ribbon. I think it will get atleast second place, too..

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05/31/2007 02:26:59 PM
very nice shot, i like the spotlight effect on newton and his apples. the unfortunate thing about it, is that i can see the string that's holding the apple. if i may suggest, hanging the apple at an angle may have been better, as it looks set up here. great idea and processing though :) 8
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05/31/2007 12:09:43 PM
Beautiful idea, creative and summarises science in a single frame. Outstanding from conception to delivery
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05/31/2007 05:31:49 AM
My favorite in tthe challenge! 10
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05/30/2007 11:55:43 PM
Seems like a mash-up of multiple photos. Or else, your trigger finger is FANTASTIC to catch the apple on the way down. I am distracted by the placement of his right hand ...
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05/30/2007 10:55:52 PM
lol - love it!
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05/30/2007 09:37:44 PM
nice processing, i like the tones a lot.
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05/30/2007 04:47:40 PM
Excellent work. Amusing, well executed and original. Added up that equals a high score!
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05/30/2007 04:39:00 PM

Having seen another Newton's apple I started contemplating an almost identical shot to this should there be another Science challenge, but you got there first!

Very surreal.
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05/30/2007 04:26:20 PM
Really nice set up and concept - your editing to remove the line from the apple could be a little better but it is still a nice job.
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05/30/2007 04:01:04 PM
hehe i thought of this idea too... you can see the string a bit, and the apple doesn't at all look like it's falling, but i like your editing.
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05/30/2007 02:32:38 PM
great idea well executed!
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05/30/2007 12:06:48 PM
Cute! A little bit more cloning, I can see the string on the apple.
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05/30/2007 10:40:38 AM
Nice set-up and execution *7*
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05/30/2007 08:00:13 AM
Lets hope that william tell is not arround
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05/30/2007 04:50:04 AM
This was my first thought when I saw the challenge, very nicely executed.
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