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Targeting the point
Targeting the point

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Vanishing Point II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-R1
Location: Rio-Antirrio bridge
Date: May 12, 2007
Aperture: f 2.77
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: May 12, 2007


Place: 11 out of 195
Avg (all users): 6.5330
Avg (commenters): 7.3846
Avg (participants): 6.3514
Avg (non-participants): 6.6209
Views since voting: 1640
Views during voting: 340
Votes: 227
Comments: 16
Favorites: 2 (view)

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05/23/2007 01:07:53 AM
katholou asxhma (-:
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05/23/2007 12:43:08 AM
This is so beautiful, I think it should have won a ribbon. And it vanishes in two directions. I love the lines, the sky, the light, the color, and everything about it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/20/2007 07:40:59 PM
excellent shot
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05/20/2007 08:35:29 AM
Great composition, very thorough placement of the other pillars. The clouds are just visible enough not to crowd the picture. Love it.
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05/20/2007 12:17:15 AM
Great photo, I wish it were a little brighter though.
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05/19/2007 10:12:46 AM
Wow, that's neat.
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05/19/2007 10:08:53 AM
Great symmetry.
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05/18/2007 01:25:40 PM
Crossed a bridge very much like that in Normandy, France last week. Mine only had two towers and I was on a bus which refused to stop for me to take a photo. I like your shot very much.
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05/18/2007 06:13:02 AM
A little dark but otherwise a nice take on the challenge. 7 for now...
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05/17/2007 09:08:35 AM
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05/17/2007 08:58:50 AM
Love the vanishing point in this photo - it's not obvious at first, but then again, very powerful. This is a good submission for this particular challenge.
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05/17/2007 07:25:22 AM
oooo awesome
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05/16/2007 11:07:43 PM
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05/16/2007 07:10:10 PM
Very cool photo. I really like the multiple vanishing points (cables and road). 8
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05/16/2007 09:06:03 AM
Nice. Looks cool scrolling up and down, like it moves. 9
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05/16/2007 03:17:57 AM
Very nice...is the Greece?
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