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1st PlaceSpoon

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Simplicity (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5400
Location: Home
Date: Dec 9, 2003
Aperture: f/7.6
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/2 sec
Galleries: Still Life, Studio
Date Uploaded: Dec 9, 2003

Too dark. Don't like the aspect ratio. Neatimage can deal with that noise. Boring. Maybe a bit more light at the bottom of frame. I'd like to see all of the plate.

Actually it's entered because I really like the complexity you can find in simple things: compare the blandness of the set-up, of the subject - the absolutely every-day nature of this stuff (other than that it was the least scratched spoon I could find without buying a new one) - and the progression of light and reflections in the steel and china.

Lighting, as ever, is the trick. In this case it's a piece of paper wrapped around the subject 180 degrees, which is backlit with a single halogen desk-lamp. If I were to take it again, I'd use more than one light source to even out the light on the background.

Cropped, lightened and then curves to restore the black point, a little USM, re-sized.

Place: 1 out of 262
Avg (all users): 6.9184
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.6290
Avg (non-participants): 7.2149
Views since voting: 6670
Votes: 245
Comments: 36
Favorites: 25 (view)

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03/07/2006 04:51:53 AM
Too dark. Don't like the aspect ratio. Neatimage can deal with that noise. Boring. Maybe a bit more light at the bottom of frame. I'd like to see all of the plate.
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01/03/2004 02:48:29 AM
a beautifully simple photograph, the lighting is perfect far greater than I would ever expect from myself, the shadows of the spoon work well with its surroundings, I love the light/white top, and the dark/black bottom, it gives a yin/yang feeling even within the spooon..good job on your great work.
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12/23/2003 10:58:20 AM
It's so delicious, it's almost sinful. The curves, the shadows, the lighting, the shine on the spoon and plate and the hint of the dark make a very sensual picture.

Message edited by author 2003-12-23 11:05:44.
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12/22/2003 06:46:59 PM
Congrats! Great job!
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12/19/2003 11:08:55 PM
really excellent. the way you've worked the dark tones all in together so creamily without losing a thing is just sublime :).
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12/17/2003 12:49:21 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club

Crikey! How to comment.

This was one of my 10 votes during the challenge. So needless to say I love it.
The tones, shadows and textures are perfect in my estimation.

Highlighting the top edge of the plate was a stroke of genius. That little extra bit of definition really pulled the shot off. Without it I think too much fade would have lessened the definition and drama.

A wonderful shot.

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12/17/2003 10:24:31 AM
Go Team Brit!
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12/17/2003 10:13:09 AM
great job. loved your initial comments about what people might said. they're right on (the comments not the people).

very elegant job. I do love the composition and the fact that yoyu CAN'T se all the plate. and that it's a bit DARK, etc...

simple and beautiful.

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12/17/2003 09:56:11 AM
Congratulations on the red ribbon, very fine image.
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12/17/2003 06:00:05 AM
Congrats Ed! Love this one!! :-)
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12/17/2003 05:58:54 AM
Congrats Ed, good on ya.
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12/17/2003 05:52:33 AM
Damn - wanted third, to complete the set of ribbons :-)

Thanks for all comments - nothing about noise? - and all votes. I'm surprised by the contrast comment - though I know what is meant.

JJ - indeed nice to meet on the homepage, though as ever you're at least one step ahead ...

I was surprised (and delighted) by this placing; I've switched off my scores on the front page, and so had no idea where this was scoring, and it didn't seem to have enough comments to be rating this highly, and i really thought it was too subtle (or just plain dark) to do so well here.
12/17/2003 02:58:20 AM
you won't be surprised I do like the aspet ratio...Good composition and great spoon shadows. Congratulations our first meeting on the front page.

Message edited by author 2010-11-26 02:47:22.
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12/17/2003 01:03:11 AM
When I first looked at this I didnt think much of it but a closer look and it really is beautiful I like it very much Well done the poor saucer or plate didnt get a mention they both look great together.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/16/2003 09:27:14 PM
nice lines, colors
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12/16/2003 09:01:46 PM
Very nice shot. However, I do find that the difference in light at the top and bottom of the photo a bit distracting. Very impressed how you got the spoon to look so smooth and I love the reflection in it. The reflection in the plate is also sweet. Good work.
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12/16/2003 04:25:14 PM
Not enough contrast to score very highly. Good effort tho.
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12/16/2003 07:27:58 AM
Love the simplicity of the curves, but a bit dark. Vote: 8
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12/14/2003 09:57:58 AM
Great shadow and reflecitons although I would have liked to see the whole plate
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12/14/2003 05:19:47 AM
Wow! one of my favourite!!! simply clean and U guessed it SIMPLE!!!! The image spoke to me. I heard. =)
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12/13/2003 03:43:19 PM
Very interesting image. You masterfully captured just the dark grey scale. It gives this image a unique appeal.
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12/13/2003 11:00:41 AM
very nice, I love the shadows esp. 10
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12/13/2003 03:40:19 AM
Neatly done.
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12/13/2003 01:54:17 AM
Wonderful photo! Terrific composition, I like the tight cropping, and the lighting and color are great! 10
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12/12/2003 08:42:12 AM
Great tonality and softness to this. Shadows work extremely well. Excellent.
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12/11/2003 07:28:39 AM
Great shot
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12/11/2003 04:13:39 AM
I like the lighting here, and the pic is nice and crisp.
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12/10/2003 08:58:53 PM
very nice! Love the lighting & the mood it creates.
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12/10/2003 07:32:44 PM
There is no spoon!!! A 9 for you fine sir(ette).
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12/10/2003 06:01:18 PM
Lovely. Very subtle, but perhaps a bit noisy because of the low light.
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12/10/2003 01:57:42 PM
Interesting lighting and composition. Not sure if a bit more contrast would help. Good photo.
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12/10/2003 11:30:28 AM

Technical: Most all images submitted fit the challenge. This one does beautifully. Exposure composition focus lighting all perfect.

Personal: I couldn't suggest a thing.

My vote: 10
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12/10/2003 10:13:54 AM
Very low key. Nice and soothing, but I'd like to see more white to balance the black and all those mid-tones. Very nicely composed.
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12/10/2003 08:56:52 AM
I really enjoy the feel of this photo- very soft and a very focused, well-done photo.
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12/10/2003 05:48:43 AM
This would have been a wonderful submission to the shapes challenge as well. Excellent use of negative space and lines in your composition. 10.
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12/10/2003 01:54:08 AM
Nice shot
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