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At the waters edge
At the waters edge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Sony Mavica CD250
Location: vinton,Ia rogers park
Date: Jul 27, 2005
Date Uploaded: Jan 15, 2006


Place: 337 out of 833
Avg (all users): 5.8288
Avg (commenters): 7.3000
Avg (participants): 5.7171
Avg (non-participants): 6.3210
Views since voting: 1146
Views during voting: 585
Votes: 438
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/12/2006 10:54:26 PM
I thought this was one of the top 10 shots in this challenge..
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02/03/2006 10:49:36 PM
You did a great job editing this jeff! Looks awesome Bubba!
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02/02/2006 11:28:18 PM
i really like the reflections in this one. you also did a good job editing it. well done
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02/01/2006 02:25:50 AM
Sweet image Jeff. By far the best in your portfolio ;) Love the greens and the tranquil feel of this.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/29/2006 04:27:51 PM
wow... great shot. really different and interesting, i like it a lot
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01/28/2006 12:19:09 PM
very interesting processing. I like it as almost a cross between a subject study and an abstract. 7
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01/26/2006 07:35:14 PM
Lots of compression artifacts in the boats up top. I like the colour cast.
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01/26/2006 07:59:42 AM
This is so appealing, I like the way the boats are all lined up, and I love the cloud reflection.....
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01/24/2006 05:59:29 PM
Pretty colours! Compostion does not agree with me, not quite sure why atm.
All this just imo, obviously. Good luck!
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01/24/2006 03:11:50 PM
Nice colours, I can see artifacts in the water, too much sharpening maybe?
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01/22/2006 03:49:02 PM
Some strong processing, but it seems to work for this shot.
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01/22/2006 03:24:40 PM
Nice! The reflection in the water really makes the shot.
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01/22/2006 06:39:55 AM
I like the green toning, however there appear to be a lot of jpeg atrifacts. You should save at 150k not 40k.
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01/21/2006 02:03:44 PM
very nice... i like the cloud reflection
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01/21/2006 10:27:31 AM
Oh this is nice! I love the reflection of the clouds on the water surface and the muted tones. I think the end boat (the red interior) should have been cropped out to keep with the tranquility of the peaches, teals and greens, but that is just my opinion. Nice shot! This would look really nice framed.
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01/20/2006 09:28:10 AM
Great reflections in the water. Very emotive shot. I love it.
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01/20/2006 06:04:32 AM
oh wow... now this is just superb.. love love love... 10.....very well composed and captured... congrats...
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01/19/2006 08:31:25 PM
Love your shot and the colours. Great job.
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01/19/2006 05:46:57 PM
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01/19/2006 05:01:16 PM
very good. too bad you have that plot of grass at the end, but i like the row of row boats and the reflection of the clouds in the water. I think that perhaps the boat at the bottom of the shot should have been "complete' as in the second corner should have been visible. This might have grounded it more, but very good pic nevertheless. 8
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01/19/2006 09:26:51 AM
intersting angle, but hard to decipher at first glance.
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01/18/2006 10:13:23 PM
10 from me....nice perspective!
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01/18/2006 10:10:46 PM
love how this shot makes me hesitate..my eyes are captured by the boats and then slowly drift over to the reflected clouds..
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01/18/2006 07:34:58 PM
this is weird, I can't decide what the stuff on the shore is. I like the shot though
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01/17/2006 09:09:09 PM
Great shot with beautiful light and colours - Well done and good luck with the challenge. 10
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01/16/2006 01:53:45 AM
Somehow i get vertigo looking at this photo. I like it a lot.
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