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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Shallow DOF II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Isafjordur / Iceland
Date: Dec 16, 2005
Aperture: 2.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Abstract, Nature
Date Uploaded: Dec 19, 2005


Place: 109 out of 346
Avg (all users): 5.5627
Avg (commenters): 6.6667
Avg (participants): 5.4087
Avg (non-participants): 5.6824
Views since voting: 879
Views during voting: 362
Votes: 263
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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04/30/2006 08:06:08 AM
Ég held að þú hefðir átt að finna annað subject en vatn í DOF keppni því vatnið gæti alveg eins bara verið á mikilli hreyfingu en ekki úr focus. Skemmtileg mynd engu síður.
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01/03/2006 06:51:33 PM
From the blue tones to the subject, a very cool image. However the choice of shutter speeds here is unfortunate. IMO, higher or lower would have helped the image, but which one depends on what you were trying to achieve.

A slower shutter speed to smooth out the water, removing the business of the background -- but also increasing the confusion between the motion blue and the shallow DOF. Or a faster shutter speed to stop the motion of the water and provide a solidness in the background and remove the conflict between blur and OOF, but at th expense of adding to what is already busy.

In any event, a much shallower DOF would have helped the image -- but would probably not been possible in the avialable light. As it is, there is little to seperate the in-focus subject from the OOF background, resulting in a competition for my attention. That competition between the two is, IMO, why this image finished squarly in the middle of the pack. It holds my attention, and thus gets the longer view desired, but fails to do anything with that attention once acquired.

Critique Club
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/27/2005 03:39:53 PM
nice image
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12/25/2005 07:45:03 PM
this is photo is a little to busy for shallow depth of field...it almost seems like a blurred motion
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12/23/2005 07:40:32 AM
I see that you picked some of the ice as your focal point. I'm left wondering, why this piece of ice? Why not the water or a different piece of ice? Essentially, I don't know the why of this image. It is called creek but there is not enough of the creek for me to 'grab' on to. You have fulfilled the short depth of field challenge and the image is technically sound but I don't think much was accomplished beyond that. 6 - good luck in the challenge!
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12/21/2005 09:08:18 PM
this is beautifully captured but to me it's more about the motion blur than shallow dof.
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12/21/2005 04:27:58 PM
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12/21/2005 01:53:15 PM
Very fresh scene - great movement and choice of focus. Nature delivers the wonders as usual - you are but a player briefly on-screen. You are though a quality extra in the stop-motion adaptation.
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12/21/2005 11:41:37 AM
nice photo! for me wish the focus was on the splash! IMHO good luck though!
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12/21/2005 08:39:58 AM
The frozen ice images, certainly pack a punch in my book, and this is no exception, and is a super, super, image................
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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